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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Renown Health
    • COVID-19

    Emergency Care During a Pandemic

    Medical emergencies like strokes and heart attacks still happen, even in a pandemic. That’s why Renown Health is always ready to provide emergency care to patients in need, and being admitted at Renown does not put patients at risk of getting COVID-19. When to Get Emergency Care Resources like Renown Virtual Visits have allowed us to stay home while making routine visits with our primary care physician. But, if you are feeling any of the following symptoms, please call 911 or have someone you know take you to the emergency room. Symptoms that may require emergency care: Heart attack Stroke symptoms Difficulty breathing Chest pain Seizure Sudden loss of consciousness Severe abdominal pain Serious allergic reaction Fighting the Good Fight for Our Patients Renown Health provides a clean and safe environment 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. Alongside regular sanitation practices, Renown is dedicated to protecting patients from infectious disease while providing emergency care. Staff, Care Providers and Visitors Wear Masks Every staff member, care provider and visitor is wearing a mask. Additionally, providers are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on wearing protective equipment, such as masks and gloves. Respiratory Illness Screenings for Everyone Care providers and staff members are participating in respiratory illness screenings. Therefore, any care provider or staff member with a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or severe respiratory illness is not on a Renown campus. Visitor Restrictions are in Place Visitor restrictions are in place to prevent the spread of infectious disease by practicing physical distance. Because of these restrictions, Renown is only allowing one visitor per patient for with extenuating circumstances. Staying healthy and safe means caring for yourself in emergency situations, too. Please do not hesitate to call 911 when you or a loved one are in need of emergency medical care. Virtually Visit a Renown Urgent Care Login to MyChart to “get in line” for a virtual urgent care visit between 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Login to MyChart

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    • Men's Health
    • Active Living

    Testosterone, Men and Health: What You Need to Know

    You probably know testosterone (T) plays an important role in how boys physically develop into men. But is that all you know? What happens when a man's T levels are off? Are there symptoms men should look for? And what are the treatment options? Dr. Bobby Kahlon, MD, Renown Medical Group provides answers in a Testosterone Q&A.   What does testosterone do for men?  "Testosterone is known as the 'manly hormone' for a reason," says Dr. Kahlon. "Though women also naturally produce small amounts of it, men produce testosterone at much higher concentration levels. And it affects men in more physical and obvious ways. How much hair a man has on his chest, how deep his voice is, or how muscular he is are all attributable in some way to testosterone. It's also responsible in large part for sex drive and bone strength and affects how men think, learn and experience their surroundings."  Testosterone in men:   Powers virilization (male physical characteristics) and sexual function Builds muscle mass and strength  Supports bone density  Improves cognition  T Trivia: Discover Magazine reveals that “manly” testosterone and other sex hormones evolved long before we did — 500 million years ago — from the ultimate “female” hormone, estrogen. Can you have too much or too little testosterone?  Though high testosterone isn't a concern for most men, low testosterone or low T occurs more frequently and develops for two primary reasons.  Dr. Kuhadiya explains, "Subnormal testosterone concentrations occur either due to pituitary or testicular failure and the causes for each need to be discussed with your physician."  Pituitary failure: Approximately one-third of men with obesity, type 2 diabetes, or metabolic syndrome (which includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels) have low free — or "bioavailable" — testosterone. These health conditions can cause the pituitary gland to "fail" to release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) which are essential for triggering testosterone and sperm production. And that can cause low testosterone (hypogonadism). Testicular failure: Though less common than pituitary failure, testicular failure may also be responsible for low T. It's caused by diseases or illnesses affecting the testicles, injury or trauma to the testicles, or certain medicines and treatments such as chemotherapy or opioid pain medication. Providing your complete medical history to your doctor is always the first step toward a proper diagnosis.  What are the symptoms of low T?  The following indicators could be a sign that you have low T, say the doctors.  Lack of motivation and determination, including mild depression  Loss of physical endurance and muscle strength  Loss of or diminished early morning erections  Reduced libido (sex drive)   Erectile dysfunction (ED — difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection)   Gynecomastia (male breasts)  Small testes  T and Time: T levels in men naturally begin to decline by about 1% a year starting at age 30.  How do you test for low T?  "There are different methods for testing testosterone levels," says Dr. Kuhadiya. "Each approach uses a blood sample to evaluate total testosterone, which includes free and attached testosterone that combines with proteins albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). For the most accurate results, testing is based on samples collected in the morning after fasting, and from tests on two different days."  What treatment options are available?  "Well, your best natural option may be YOU," says Dr. Kahlon. "Men with pituitary failure are often able to treat their low T by losing weight to increase levels of the hormone. And even if you don't lose weight, exercise can help boost your testosterone. Unfortunately, if you have testicular failure, weight loss and exercise may not have the same effect."  So, are there other options? "You may want to consider Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)," says Dr. Kuhadiya. "TRT is only available to men who are hypogonadal — with a clinical diagnosis of low T. Injection, gel, skin patch and nasal spray are available TRT options. The best option is the one that works best for the patient. Convenience, insurance coverage and cost are all factors to consider." Dr. Kahlon's TRT preference? Daily gel treatments, which are applied directly to the skin. On the other hand, Dr. Kuhadiya recommends intramuscular injections, which take place once a week or every two weeks.  But both doctors agree on this: physicians and their patients need to weigh the benefits and risks of TRT before proceeding with treatment — especially if your low T condition may require lifelong treatment. "In my clinical practice, I have seen some very good long-term results with an improved quality of life," says Dr. Kuhadiya. "However, in certain situations, TRT may increase the risk of heart disease and is not recommended for men with a history of prostate cancer." Dr. Kahlon adds, "Patients receiving any type of hormone therapy need to be closely monitored throughout the treatment process for any changes in their health."   How do you feel about steroids and T boosters?  "I don't recommend them, certainly not for hypogonadism," advises Dr. Kahlon. "There is no evidence to support anabolic-androgenic steroids or testosterone boosters as a safe or effective treatment for low T in men."  "In fact, there continues to be emerging evidence they may lead to side effects that could potentially harm the liver and the pituitary and endocrine functions of the body," warns Dr. Kuhadiya. "And that damage may be irreversible."

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Your 9-Step Guide to Prevent Falls

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of four adults aged 65 or older, fall each year. But less than half of those who fall talk to their healthcare provider about it. What’s more, among older adults, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Senior Care Plus, a Medicare Advantage Plan by Hometown Health, and Renown Health Nurse Educator, Nicholas Mannering, worked together to provide a list with simple tips to help you prevent falls.  1. Exercise Exercise strengthens both your muscles and bones and improves balance which is a key factor to preventing falls. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to fall. And, if you do fall, you are less likely to be injured.   2. Vision Check Vision is an import part of fall prevention, have your eyes check by an eye doctor at least once a year. Update your vision prescription and replace your eyeglasses as needed.   3. Install Safety Equipment in Your Bathroom Installing grab bars in your home bathroom provides a way for you to help yourself in and out of challenging situations. It also provides support if you suddenly feel week or unstable. Having a grab bar to lean on or hold onto when you feel yourself falling or slipping can help prevent falls. Rubber mats eliminate slick surfaces that increase your risk of falling.   4. Helpful Items in Your Bedroom A light within reaching distance is an important item to have in your bedroom. One reason adults fall is because they wander through a dark room, often to get to the bathroom at night, and can’t see where they are walking. Having a light within reach that is quick and easy to turn on before walking around a room can make it safer and decrease your risk of falling. Having a bedroom that is organized and furnished in a way that is easy to navigate is also important. If your bedroom is cluttered and hard to walk around without tripping or running into things, it might be worth reorganizing the area to define a clear walking path.   5. Helpful Items in Your Living Room Similar to your bedroom, your living room should have a light that is easily accessible. Sofas with armrests are helpful for support when getting up and sitting down. Avoiding clutter in your walkways, rugs that are not secured down and unstable furniture are important to consider when preventing falls.   6. Actions to Avoid in Your Home There are other ways to fall besides slipping or tripping while walking. Never stand on chairs, boxes or other unstable items in your home. Walkways should be tidy and free of objects that you could trip on. Spills should be cleaned up right away to prevent slipping.   7. Wear Appropriate Footwear Wearing shoes with non-slip soles and closed toes can help prevent you from falling.  Having shoes that fit properly, are made from hard rubber (like tennis shoes) and provide good support help prevent tripping and falling. Shoes with a collar that support the ankle and a well-padded tongue for the top of your foot can also help prevent injury to your feet.   8. Review Your Health & Medications at your Annual Health Check-Up It is important to review your health and medications with your healthcare provider so they can assess if you are at risk for falls. You should discuss your vision, heart health and blood pressure at your annual health check-up. These things can play a role in the risk of falling. Reviewing your current medications is also important. If medications are making you dizzy, talk to your provider about adjusting the dosage so you can feel more stable and balanced. When talking to your doctor about medications be sure to include your vitamins and supplements. Finally, Have your healthcare provider check your feet and discuss proper footwear yearly.   9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Balance is important in preventing falls. Alcohol consumption negatively affects balance and increases your risk for falls and fractures. It also increases your risk for cancer, liver damage, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and strokes. Smoking is connected to frailty in older adults. It prevents the development of muscle tissue and breaks down healthy muscle tissue due to the lack of oxygen in your body.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    A Tale of Life Done Right

    Once upon a time … in Incline  This issue’s featured member began writing the latest chapter of her life story by retiring on Lake Tahoe’s north shore in Incline Village, NV.  “I had several criteria when selecting a place to retire,” says MaryBeth. “And a healthy lifestyle was number one. The people who have settled in Incline are very active with both their minds and their bodies. It’s not a stagnant population, it is unusually robust. I’ve made wonderful friendships here and we really watch out for each other, which means the world to me.” “I also wanted four seasons a year,” she continues. “And most importantly, I wanted a place that my son, Addison, would love to visit and share with me – and world-class skiing just minutes away scored extra points with both of us!” Zürich and Beyond  Skiing was something MaryBeth and Addison took to with a passion while living in Zürich, Switzerland. A business move to the land of the Alps (and Swiss chocolate) provided the perfect opportunity for an international education for her son and a culturally eye-opening experience for the family.  “I was unprepared for what it was going to be like living in a foreign place, and I learned a lot about empathy as a non-native and the kindness of strangers, or not. Our seven years there gave us many easily available travel adventures on the other side of the globe, and the friendships I made with people around the world have been lifelong.” “Divas” of the Garden  “Tall and showy” is how MaryBeth lovingly describes the “Divas” of her garden, aka the delphiniums. Located in the sunny part of her yard, the plants explode in a variety of colors that accentuate her home’s landscaping and are a well-earned reward for her mountain gardening challenges. “The very first thing you must do when creating a new garden is amend the soil,” explains MaryBeth. “It’s not sexy, but it’s necessary! And that’s when you learn that every shovelful of “mountain” dirt is loaded with rocks of every size – it’s fantastic exercise!” And her neighbors appreciate the hard work. “I’ve made so many friends of all ages in the neighborhood while working outside in my garden,” shares MaryBeth. “They stop, chat, inquire about the plants and take photos all the time.” Then with a smile, she adds, “You could call it my art.” Aging-In to Life with Medicare At 64 and on the cusp of Medicare eligibility, MaryBeth recently tasked herself with learning what she could about the plans and options that would soon be available to her and was overwhelmed. “I made the mistake of entering my phone number on a Medicare website for “wanting more information” and had no less than 15 calls a day from health insurance brokers – from all over the country!” she exclaims. “What one person would tell me would then be questioned by the next. I eventually quit answering the phone.” However, finding a Medicare plan that meets all of her needs is still a priority. “First and foremost, since I am a traveler (at least before the pandemic) I want to have a healthcare plan that will cover me in any state,” MaryBeth explains. “I would also like a policy that allows for alternative treatments, such as acupuncture – which I’ve had great success with in the past. I know that getting a good Rx plan now will save me money down the line, and I also want to be able to see a specialist without seeing a provider first for a referral.”

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    • Community Partnerships
    • Food Drive
    • Renown Health
    • Food and Nutrition

    Renown Health Food Pantry Nourishes Patients in Need

    Unfortunately, many in our community go to bed hungry. Thanks to the support of the Food Bank of Northern Nevada and other local partners, Renown’s food pantry is helping meet the food needs of homeless and low-income individuals in our community. Patients who qualify for the “Food is Medicine Prescription” can receive a bag of food for themselves and each member of their immediate family every week through a free assistance program. This project started last year when Renown began giving food support to hospital and emergency room patients who expressed the need. Food is also given out at the Healthcare Center, which provides affordable access to care for anyone in our community. Those who receive care at the Healthcare Center are also eligible for food assistance. Working Alongside the Community After receiving food deliveries from the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, Renown’s community health team collects an assortment of fresh produce, donated from local grocery stores and other community organizations. Then they put together one bag for each family filled with healthy foods, such as: Whole grain cereals Shelf stable milk Kid-friendly snacks (granola bars, popcorn, graham crackers Proteins (low-salt soups, stews, peanut butter) Seasonal produce Food is Medicine Prescriptions Continue Amidst the Pandemic Throughout the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Renown’s community health workers have been working remotely. They continue to reach out to patients who need groceries from the Food is Medicine Prescription program. With this in mind, the food pantry staff is currently coordinating outpatient deliveries to those with a Food is Medicine Prescription. At present, Renown is working to get more refrigeration, shelving and staffing to expand the service to more Renown Medical Group patients in need of food.

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    • Pregnancy and Childbirth
    • Parenting
    • Men's Health

    If You're a Soon-To-Be-Dad, We've Got Tips for You

    “You’re gonna be a dad!” Whether you’ve been waiting years to hear those words or still think you’re too much of a kid to have a kid, the reality of impending fatherhood can be terrifying for any first-time, soon-to-be-dad. But not to worry, Best Medicine has some timely tips to help calm those bundle-of-joy fears and help you rock your new role as a brand-new, baby daddy.   Winter is Where Babies Come From Fact: More babies are born in September than any other month, with spill over (and spit-up) into October. Subtract ten months for the typical 40-week, bun-in-the-oven baking time and early winter stands out as the top baby-making part of the year. Is it the cozy nights before a fire as people avoid the snowman-friendly temperatures outside? Possibly. There could be any number of reasons, both seasonal and otherwise, for what will eventually arrive in the fall and immediately steal your heart — and untold hours of your sleep. Though moms carry most of the baby burden traditionally (and literally for three trimesters), that’s no excuse for the soon-to-be-dad not to step up to the plate and take a swing at being the best partner and father on the planet. Below is a list of tips and resources to help you do just that. So read on, daddy-o.  Tip #1: Don’t Freak Out Ok, you’re probably going to freak out even if we tell you not to. But once you calm down, consider this: human beings have been having babies for millions of years, and many of those soon-to-be-dads had it much tougher than we do today. And guess what? The human race is still going strong. Those first moms and dads did a good job — and you will too, with a little help. Tip #2: Take a Class Knowledge is power. In this case, it's diaper-changing, swaddle-wrapping, 2 a.m.-feeding power. And for you and your partner, taking a parenting class or two should be a no-brainer. You'll both learn what to expect and prepare for as you support each other and bond with your baby even before he or she arrives.   Tip #3: Learn From Other Dads If the thought of sitting in a room full of full-bellied women and their partners makes you uncomfortable, you may opt to stick with bros for your lesson plan. Dad-only classes and soon-to-be-dad support groups — taught and led by seasoned fathers with tales to tell and words of wisdom to share — are available online and in cities and communities around the country. Dad-focused sites also offer advice for new and still-learning proud papas. Here are a few options to check out:  Boot Camp for New Dads City Dads Group  Tip #4: Babies are Required Reading Haven't read a good book lately? Well, if you're expecting a baby, now is the time to flip through a few pages that could make your life a whole lot easier in a few months. There's no such thing as being too-well-read when it comes to your fast-approaching, adorable little poop machine. The least you can do is read a book or two, or seven.  We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook From Dude to Dad: The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy We're Pregnant! The First Time Dad's Pregnancy Handbook  What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expanding Be Prepared: A Practical Handbook for New Dads  The New Dad's Survival Guide: Man-to-Man Advice for First-Time Fathers What to Expect When You're Expecting  Tip #5: Be a Prepared Soon-To-Be-Dad Tips 1 through 4 are meant to help alleviate some of your jittery, new-dad anxiety. And we hope they do just that. But if you really want to hold that "Best Dad Ever" coffee mug starting on day one, there are also some practical things you can do to prepare. Check these items off your list now to make life with baby more baby-, mommy- and daddy-friendly from the get-go.  Buy a baby/child car seat. Three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly. Protect your children by ensuring they are riding in a properly secured and age-appropriate car seat. Renown Children’s Hospital Car Seat Station is staffed by certified technicians who provide child vehicle safety restraint education, inspection and installation. Set up the baby's nursery early, including furniture  Stock up on diapers and baby supplies  Cook and freeze 2 weeks of food for nights when no one wants to cook  Research family healthcare  Agree upon a shared diaper-changing/feeding schedule  Ask about paternity leave from work  Get bills and finances up-to-date or pre-pay to avoid late charges   Give the home a thorough cleaning before the baby arrives

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    • Renown Health
    • COVID-19
    • Virus

    Two Years We Won't Forget: COVID-19 at Renown Health

    On March 19, 2020, Renown Regional admitted the first patient in need of care while sick with COVID-19. Our providers navigated two years of a pandemic and overcame many challenges while providing the best care for our patients and the community. Anicia Beckwith’s series “The Art of Healing” captured Renown Health during this time. Let's take a look back on the last two years. February 2020: Standing Up the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) On February 25, 2020, leaders at Renown Health stood up Renown’s Hospital Incident Command System (HICS), a standardized system used to organize response personnel and resources and manage response operations during emergencies and crises. March 2020: Temporary Deployable Medical Structure Placed Outside Renown Regional Emergency Department On March 12, 2020, Renown set up a deployable medical facility to serve as a respiratory illness screening center for emergency room patients at Renown Regional. A similar tent was also set up outside the emergency room at South Meadows Medical Center. This proactive measure helped our teams care for community members with respiratory illness symptoms while protecting patients and staff in the emergency department and other areas of the hospital. Check out photos of the tent here. Read the Reno Gazette Journal Article about the tent here. April 2020: Alternate Care Site at Mill Street Parking Structure at Renown Regional Renown’s HICS team decided to create an Alternate Care Site (ACS) in the Renown Regional Medical Center Mill Street parking structure. The ACS served additional hospitalized patients and allowed caregivers to remain on campus and still have access to existing hospital infrastructure such as lab, pharmacy, imaging, food services and other critical services. After just 10 days of construction, the ACS was completed on April 3, 2020 with space to hold up to 1,400 patients. Check out photos of the ACS under construction here. On Nov. 12, 2020, Renown opened the ACS to serve additional hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who were clinically stable or improving. Healthcare workers at Renown cared for hundreds of patients at this site. In early Jan. 2021, the remaining patients returned home. Check out the video of Connie, a patient who received care in the ACS. April and July 2020: The LOVE Sculpture Placed at Renown Regional On April 16, 2020, during a time of darkness and uncertainty, Artown loaned Renown the LOVE sculpture, a one-ton aluminum piece of art created by artist Laura Kimpton and fabricated by Jeff Schomberg. The structure, which originally debuted at Burning Man, was lit up Renown Regional's main entrance on Mill St. Watch a video about the LOVE sculpture’s debut at Renown Regional. On July 13, 2020, thanks to the support of former board chair and community supporter Blake Smith and the Keyser Foundation, the LOVE sculpture is now a permanent fixture at Renown Health. Throughout the pandemic, it has served as a source of inspiration, hope and positivity for our community and care providers. Check out a video of the LOVE is Here to Stay celebration. June 2020: Renown Offers In-House COVID Testing In June 2020, the Renown laboratory team sprang into action to help meet the growing demand for COVID-19 testing amongst Washoe County residents and businesses. Renown invested in expanded staffing and in-house testing capabilities that ensured our teams could swab and process up to 1,000 COVID-19 tests for patients each day. All with results returning within hours. November 2020: Renown Introduces “Hospital At Home” Remote Monitoring In November 2020, six patients at Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center diagnosed with COVID-19 were outfitted with a remote Hospital at Home monitoring system. Renown clinicians plan to continue using this system to monitor upwards of 1,000 hospitalized patients and lower acuity patients from their homes. December 2020: Renown Administers COVID-19 Vaccines to Health Care Employees On Dec. 17, 2020, Renown began to vaccinate its healthcare workers. Among those receiving the first vaccines was Luis Martinez, a technician on Renown’s Clinical Decision Unit who cared for patients recovering from COVID-19 in the Alternate Care Site field hospital. Read the Reno Gazette Journal article about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout at Renown. January 2021: Renown Administers COVID-19 Vaccines to Community After several weeks of successful employee and volunteer drive-thru vaccination events, Renown supported the Washoe County Health District and the state in vaccinating Washoe County community members. Click here for a playlist of videos featuring Renown Health employees and patients talking about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine. February 2021: Local Widow Inspires Renown to Change Visitor Supporter Policy Darlene Randolph’s husband Dave spent 17 days hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center before losing his battle with COVID-19 on December 13, 2020. Darlene wrote a passionate letter to Renown Health asking for the visitor policy that allowed patients with COVID-19 to receive visitors. In February 2021, Renown hospitals were among the first in the country to lift visitor restrictions for patients with COVID-19 to encourage families to be at the patient's bedside. Read Darlene’s full story here. May 2021: Renown Celebrates Volunteers, Partners and Community Who Aided in Vaccine Efforts In May 2021, Renown administered the last dose of COVID-19 vaccines to community members in Renown’s drive-thru clinic. Between January and May 2021, over 80,000 doses were administered at the drive-thru. View drone footage of this effort here. Click here to see pictures of vaccine volunteers and employees. November 2021: Renown Offers Vaccine for Children Ages 5+ In November 2021, Renown vaccinated children in the Reno-Sparks community with the 2-dose series in a limited round of weekend clinics. The vaccine clinics featured therapy dogs, local mascots and donuts donated by Doughboy’s Donuts. Click here to see pictures of the children’s vaccine clinics and watch a video about the clinics here.

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    • Renown Health
    • Education
    • Nursing
    • University of Nevada, Reno

    Celebrating Renown Health's Nursing Excellence Conference

    Renown Health recently wrapped up the twentieth annual Nursing Excellence and Excellence in Critical Care Conferences, the conference theme was the Courageous Calling and over 400 nurses from specialty fields across the region attended to learn, reflect, build relationships and obtain continuing education units (CEUs).   Celebrating The Courageous Calling During the first day of the Nursing Excellence Conference, local and national leaders presented topics including redefining resilience, documentation liability, transgender healthcare and caring for the homeless population. Among the list of impressive speakers were Chief Nurse Executive at Renown Health, Melodie Osborn, and Nora McInerny, writer and host of the "Terrible Thanks for Asking" podcast.   On day two,speakers focused on the critical care specialties within nursing, including intensive care, emergency room, pediatric intensive care and neonatal intensive care. Topics covered included post-COVID-19 pulmonology with Dr. Graham, traumatic brain injuries with Dr. Demers, COVID-19 reflections with Anicia Beckwith, a discussion about "Mis C” with Dr. Healy, innovations in imaging with Dr. Rangaswamy and cardiology with Dr. Danaf. Thank you to our sponsors and raffle donors for making this event possible: Erik Olson and Larry Duncan, Jana Elliott, Melodie Osborn, Becky Haase, Lori Tuntland, Dr. Akbar, Dr. Lous, Mel Morris, Grand Sierra Resort, Renown Health Gift Shops, Renown Health Directors of Nursing, Renown Health Marketing & Communications Department, Renown Health Dermatology, Laser, & Skin Care and Renown Health Foundation.   Learn more about finding purpose in the health of our community when working at Renown Health here.

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    • Primary Care
    • Renown Health
    • HealthyNV Project

    What is the Healthy Nevada Project?

    The Healthy Nevada Project (HNP) is one of the most visible genomic studies in the United States, and guess what? Renown Health powers it! The Healthy Nevada Project (HNP) aligns with Renown's goal to do the best for our patients. The genomic study is at no-cost for Nevadans and gives participants insight into different genetic traits, including results on three prevalent and serious health conditions known as CDC Tier 1 conditions. CDC Tier 1 Conditions Include: Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndrome (HBOC) Lynch Syndrome Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) Not only does HNP give participants insights into their genetic background, but it also facilitates Renown's ability to study population health. Research lays the foundation for the future of medicine, and Renown's HNP is on the cutting edge of genetic research. We do this by providing skilled researchers access to studies for the diseases that currently have limited treatment, including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis liver disease or NASH. For example, the observational NASH study helps researchers understand genetic links to the disease. Make an Appointment to Get Screened If you haven't already, join the over 55,000 HNP participants and make an appointment to have yourself screened. You can schedule a screening appointment through MyChart. Click “Schedule an Appointment" and select Research Appointment - Genetic Screening. Prior to your appointment, please complete e-Check-in and complete your consent form.

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    • Health Insurance and Coverage

    Understanding "In-Network" and "Out-of-Network" Providers

    When finding a provider to receive your health services, you've probably heard the terms "in-network" and "out-of-network" when it comes to your health plan. But what do these terms mean for a patient? And why should you be aware if a provider is out-of-network? What does it mean when a provider is "in-network" with a health plan? A provider is a person or facility that provides healthcare. When a provider is in-network it means there is a contractual agreement with that health plan regarding the rates for services. The provider will accept negotiated rates for services from the insurance. This means a patient will typically pay less for medical services received and is less likely to receive surprise bills. What does it mean when a provider is "out-of-network" with a health plan? Providers that are out-of-network are those that do not participate in that health plan's network. The provider is not contracted with the health insurance plan to accepted negotiated rates. This mean that patients will typically pay more or the full amount for the service they receive. Why should patients see in-network providers? Seeing an in-network provider for medical services can significantly reduce your medical expenses. Remember that in-network providers have a contractual agreement for negotiated rates with the health plan, so they cannot charge you more than that negotiated rate for a service. Seeing an in-network provider will always ensure any costs you do incur (copays or co-insurance) are applied to your health plan's deductible and out-of-pocket maximum (out-of-network costs don't apply to these amounts). To find the amounts you will pay for specific services, you can check your health insurance plan's Summary of Benefits. What is the best way to find which providers are in-network with a patient's health plan? Most health insurance companies offer multiple ways to find if a provider is in-network. To find the most accurate benefit information from your health plan, you can: Call their Customer Service department Check their website for their online provider directories If offered, check your online member portal.

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