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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Healthy Aging
    • Patient Story

    Fall Recovery Gets Patient Back to Life and Movement

    Standing at the top of the stairs to the basement Sharon Sturtevant was chatting with her grandson in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sharon stumbled and fell down the stairs. “The last thing I remember was my head hitting the floor before everything went black,” she recalls. Her grandson, Oliver, quickly called 911 and paramedics arrived on the scene, taking her by ambulance to Renown Regional Medical Center where she was diagnosed with a broken collarbone and a neck fracture that would require complex surgery involving fusion of her neck. Fall Recovery Begins After her surgery, Sharon was transported to the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital and her recovery process began. Sharon smiles as she describes the rehab hospital team “They are fabulous here, I learned so much about how my body moves, and the proper way to move it. At home I wouldn’t have known what to do,” she confesses. “They set me up for success to return home and not get injured again.” At Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, different therapists coordinated a custom plan to help Sharon recover from her injuries. Ultimately, the goal of her physical therapy was to help restore and improve her strength, reduce pain and increase her mobility for stamina and balance. Physical Therapy Key to Successful Treatment of Falls “My recovery after the operation was an eye-opener,” Sharon declares. “I had no idea how much went into regaining everyday moment.” During her rehabilitation hospital stay, she had to re-learn how to swallow, go up and down stairs, as well as successfully get in and out of a wheelchair, which involved transferring her body weight safely. Due to hormonal changes after menopause women are 50% more at risk for falls than men, according to research. Sharon now has a greater awareness of how to move her body and is significantly stronger than before entering her physical rehabilitation sessions. Not everyone knows that everyday mobility is impacted by four basic skills: stepping, trunk flexibility, upright posture and weight shifting. “I don’t know how I could have gotten this far without the wonderful therapists here,” she shares. “They are so thorough. Proper alignment was encouraged helping me to walk and stand correctly. They were all so nice and patient with me,” she states. “I actually had less pain because I didn’t hurt myself moving the wrong way.” Falls Are Common Among Aging Adults As we age balance becomes more important. Unfortunately falls are common among older adults with negative quality of life effects, even fatalities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four seniors fall each year in the U.S. A comprehensive physical therapy plan for sudden falls or chronic conditions is a safe, effective alternative treatment to medication such as opioids. Today Sharon is back at home with a new banister installed on the basement stairs. As a music lover she is enjoying her musical grandchildren Oliver and Eliana who play instruments. She looks forward to attending their upcoming school concerts. Sharon remembers the staff at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital fondly, “They were unfailingly patient, supportive, informative and understanding.” Her advice to those unexpectedly finding themselves in the rehabilitation hospital is, “Listen to your therapists carefully and follow their instructions.”

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Don’t Put Your Bladder Health on Hold

    Millions suffer from urinary incontinence (urine leakage). Often people feel as if their bladders control their lives. But this doesn't have to be your story. Bladder control issues are treatable and you can take steps to help control your bladder. What is urinary incontinence? Men and women of all ages can have difficulty controlling their bladders. Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles in the bladder that control the flow of urine contract or relax involuntarily. Is there more than one type of urinary incontinence? Yes, there are three main types: Stress incontinence is when the bladder leaks small amounts of urine as a result of physical stress or pressure on the muscles supporting the bladder caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or any sudden physical exercise such as running or jumping. Urge incontinence is the inability to control a strong urge to go without advance warning, limiting the time needed to get to the bathroom. Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty properly. As a result, over time, large quantities of urine are stored, causing the bladder to overflow (this is more common in men and is often the result of an enlarged prostate blocking the bladder opening). Are there any tests that can determine the cause and type of incontinence? Your doctor may have you track your fluid intake and output in a Bladder Diary. A urinalysis can be checked for infection, traces of blood, or other abnormalities. Blood tests can look for chemicals or substances that may relate to contributing causes. Other testing may be an ultrasound, cystogram or post voiding residual measurement. How is urinary incontinence treated? Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles or restrain the bladder to hold on for longer. Medication can relieve and control the troublesome symptoms. If there is an infection an antibiotic is used. Surgery can repair weakened muscles or remove blockage. Special products such as pants, pads, collection devices, and chair and bed protection may be needed if the problem cannot be controlled. How do you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles? To make your pelvic floor muscles stronger, alternate between squeezing and relaxing them. Following the steps below may help: Squeeze your muscles for one second and hold. Relax your muscles for two seconds. Each time you squeeze and relax, it counts as one set. Complete five sets. When you can do the exercises easily, increase to doing them 10 times per day. When that gets easy, try to squeeze and hold the muscles for three seconds and then relax the muscles for three seconds. As your pelvic muscles get stronger, you can progress to longer squeezes for about 10 seconds. Be sure to relax between squeezes so that your muscles can rest before squeezing again. You should do these exercises in three different positions. Do 10 sets lying down, 10 sitting and 10 standing. It is important that you develop the habit of doing the exercises every day. You may want to exercise just after you get up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. What can I do to help control incontinence? Watch your weight, practice pelvic floor muscle exercises, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and fiber to prevent constipation. Most importantly, talk to your doctor regarding incontinence issues, don’t be embarrassed!

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    5 Tips for Healthy Aging

    September is National Healthy Aging Month, which is described by Healthy Aging Magazine as a “month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.”   What does healthy aging mean to you? If you're like most people, you're looking forward to removing the negative from your life – negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don't contribute to your best life.   While we remain focused on ridding ourselves of the negatives, we can forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Dr. Shruti Basho, a family medicine physician at Renown Health’s senior-focused medical group, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction.  Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps  Connect – Humans are naturally social creatures! Build connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. Strong interpersonal connections help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Having a support system to call upon in both times of need and times of celebration is priceless, especially as you age. Forming these bonds helps you stay healthier and happier well into your aging journey. Joining the Sterling Silver Club is a great place to meet more people in the community who want to live a healthy, fulfilled life just like you. Be Active – Regular exercise, particularly as you grow older, is vital to increase and maintain your endurance, strength and balance. But exercise doesn’t have to be a chore! Pick a physical activity that you enjoy – whether it be enjoying a nature walk, taking a power weightlifting class or anything in between. Being active will also help you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy in your neighborhood, Nextdoor is a great resource to find people who live right around the block from you and may be looking for their next exercise partner.   Take Notice – Curiosity and mindfulness can be an impactful motivator in positive cognition and behavior as you age. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you – the weather, the landscape, the mood and the feelings of people. According to Harvard Medical School, changes in the aging brain "enable us to become better at detecting relationships between diverse sources of information, capturing the big picture, and understanding the global implications of specific issues.” By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter.  Keep Learning – Engaging with lifelong learning is one of the best ways to keep your mind active. Keep trying something new! Challenges keep you on your toes and increase your confidence and excitement in your day. Don’t know where to start? EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community) offers a diverse personal enrichment and professional development curriculum at Truckee Meadows Community College ranging from art classes to accelerated training certificate courses.  Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and the community when you have the capacity. Lending yourself to others doesn’t have to be taxing – saying thank you and even just giving someone a smile can change the course of someone’s day. If you’re looking for a hands-on way to give back, Nevada Volunteers is a great place to find volunteer opportunities near you. Renown Health is also always looking for volunteers who are passionate about making an unforgettable difference to the people and communities we serve.   Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.

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    • Expert Advice
    • Obesity
    • Surgery
    • Weight Loss

    Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss

    Managing weight is a complicated and often difficult journey for many individuals, and obesity stands as a common and serious chronic health condition. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the prevalence of obesity in the US is greater than 40% in adults and 20% in children, and those numbers are continuing to climb. In Nevada, according to the 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 28.7% of adults reported being obese. By 2030, almost 80% of American adults may be overweight and half of them will be obese. But obesity isn't just about the numbers on the scale; it's a multifaceted, lifelong, neurobehavioral disease triggered by a combination of factors. These include abnormal eating patterns, reduced physical activity levels, environmental stressors, genetics and various other contributors. Obesity extends far beyond appearance, often leading to the development of numerous medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, elevated blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, liver disease, various cancers and infertility. Join us as we delve into the complexities of obesity and explore strategies for effective weight management available right here in northern Nevada. Why Can Losing Weight be so Difficult? The challenge behind weight loss finds its roots in the Set-Point Theory of Obesity, a concept that says our bodies have a predetermined weight, or fat mass, within a defined set-point range. In other words, when an individual's weight deviates from this set point, the body initiates mechanisms to bring it back to the established range. So, if someone loses weight below their set point, the body may respond by increasing hunger and reducing metabolism, making it challenging to sustain weight loss. There Isn’t One Right Answer, But Renown is Here to Help Various weight management strategies can be utilized by patients struggling with obesity, which may lead to substantial weight loss, resolution of associated medical conditions and improved psychosocial health. In fact, the most successful strategy involves a multidisciplinary approach under the guidance of trained specialists that includes a combination of tactics, including: Behavioral adaptations Dietary modifications Physical exercise  Anti-obesity medications  Weight loss surgery

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    • Surgical Services
    • Weight Loss
    • Obesity
    • Patient Story

    A Transformative Journey: Mary's Bariatric Surgery Story at Renown Health

    Embarking on the path to bariatric surgery is a unique and deeply personal journey. Individuals like Mary Escobar choose this life-changing route for reasons ranging from improved cardiovascular health to managing diabetes or finding relief from various health complications. In Mary's case, her two-decade-long healthcare journey not only underscores the challenges she faced but also highlights the support and expertise that ultimately led to her successful transformation through bariatric surgery. Mary's Resilience: December 2002 through February 2003 More than two decades ago, Mary experienced unforeseen health complications just days after giving birth via c-section. Septic shock, hemolytic uremic syndrome, thrombocytopenia, renal failure and a blood clot in her lung plunged her into a critical state. Intensive care, plasma exchange and a long recovery followed. After being discharged with compromised kidney function, Mary faced complete renal failure two years later, leading to dialysis and a spot on the donor list. Mary's brother, a perfect match, selflessly donated his kidney on Dec. 14, 2007, marking a turning point in Mary's health. However, the post-transplant period brought new challenges, including diabetes, high blood pressure and a significant weight gain, reaching 230 pounds. Determined to regain control, Mary explored various diets without success until she consulted with a bariatric doctor. Journey to Bariatric Surgery: November 2009 - April 2021 In November 2009, Mary opted for a gastric band, shedding 40 pounds within a year. Despite initial success, issues with the gastric band arose, prompting a consultation with Dr. John Ganser at Renown Health in April 2021. Together, they decided to transition to a gastric sleeve, with comprehensive education provided to ensure long-term success.

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