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    • Heart Care
    • Expert Advice

    Foods to Avoid When Taking Heart Medications

    Did you know certain medications can interact with everyday food and drink? We asked VP of Pharmacy Services Adam Porath how to take these important medications safely. One in five Americans between the ages of 40 and 75 are currently taking a statin drug to reduce their cholesterol level or to prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Many others also take anticoagulants (blood thinners) to prevent blood clots from forming, which can increase the risk of stroke. Adam Porath, VP of Pharmacy Services at Renown Health, explains how to safely take these medications. What is a statin? A statin is a drug that can lower cholesterol by helping your body absorb cholesterol or by blocking a substance your body needs to make it. The American Heart Association cites a global study reporting the benefit of statins to help reduce heart attacks and strokes. Common statins include atorvastatin (Lipitor), pravastatin (Pravachol), rosuvastatin (Crestor) and simvastatin (Zocor). Which foods or drinks should be avoided while taking statin drugs? Grapefruit juice is the only food or drink that has a direct interaction with statins. Statins do not directly interact with any food but people taking statins should moderate their intake of saturated fats to help lower their LDL cholesterol and overall risk of cardiovascular disease. What is a blood thinning drug? Blood thinning drugs, such as warfarin, rivaroxaban (Xarelto), apixiban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradaxa) and edoxaban (Savaysa), are used to prevent stroke. Which foods or drugs should be avoided while taking blood thinning drugs? If taking warfarin, alcohol and cranberries (including juice) should be avoided. Patients taking warfarin should be aware of foods that contain Vitamin K (green leafy vegetables) and try to maintain a consistent diet of these foods. Warfarin interacts with many over the counter and prescription medications. Patients should consult a pharmacist when starting, stopping, or changing doses of any medication when taking warfarin. Also, patients taking any blood thinning medication should avoid over-the-counter pain relievers (i.e. aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) How do I know whether to take my medication with food or not? Consulting with a pharmacist is the best resource to determine if a medication should be taken with or without food. In general, all statins and blood thinners can be taken with or without food. The only exception is Xarelto (rivaroxaban), which should be taken with the largest meal of the day If you are a Renown patient you can also review your prescriptions online, request a refill or ask a question via MyChart. With MyChart, you can access all your healthcare information securely 24/7.

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    • Heart Care
    • Clinical Trial
    • Research and Studies

    Managing Your Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure

    Renown Health, the region's leading cardiology care provider, is offering a clinical trial for eligible patients struggling to control their high blood pressure. Nearly half of adults (119.9 million) in the United States have hypertension, or blood pressure that is higher than normal. Hypertension can put you at risk of other life-threatening disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. There are methods that cardiologists use to manage high blood pressure, but only 1 in 4 adults with hypertension (27.0 million) have their blood pressure under control.* Some patients with high blood pressure experience resistant hypertension, which does not respond well to multiple antihypertensive medications given at the same time. This means that there are many important opportunities for healthcare professionals to explore new ways to treat hypertension.  At Renown Health, we lead the region in cardiology care with our technological expertise and patient-centered approach. That is why our cardiology team is partnering with the Renown Research Office to offer the RADIANCE Continued Access Protocol (RADIENCE CAP) clinical trial to eligible patients. RADIANCE CAP is a non-randomized study designed to allow for continued access to ultrasound renal denervation therapy via the Paradise System, and to allow for the on-going collection of safety and effectiveness data in patients with uncontrolled hypertension despite the prescription of antihypertensive medications. The body’s complex communication system between the brain, heart and kidneys can sometimes become overactive, increasing your blood pressure through messages in the nervous system. Renal denervation is a minimally-invasive procedure which reduces activity from the nerves in your kidneys to lower blood pressure.  This is the third in a series of renal denervation clinical trials Renown Health has offered to patients with resistant hypertension over the last several years, with over 40 local participants.  “All the participants that I have had the pleasure to work with on these studies are very excited and grateful to have this option for helping control their blood pressure” states Lisa English, Lead Clinical Research Coordinator for Cardiology studies at Renown Health. “I love getting to know each one of them and helping on their healthcare journey. We have an amazing team of providers and staff at Renown that go out of their way to make patients experiences positive and the studies successful.” Dr. Michael Bloch, Cardiologist and Principal Investigator for the RADIANCE CAP study at Renown Health’s Institute for Heart and Vascular Health adds, “Despite lifestyle modifications like diet and exercise and the widespread availability of effective and well-tolerated medications, approximately 50% of all people with hypertension have inadequate blood pressure control putting them at risk for stroke, heart failure and kidney disease. As a one-time durable procedure, renal denervation with the Paradise endovascular system from ReCor Medical, Inc. may help millions of patients improve their blood pressure control without necessarily needing to increase their medications.” Our teams of expert providers and researchers are here to support you on your healthcare journey. Talk to your provider about the RADIANCE CAP clinical trial at your next appointment to see if participation may be right for you.

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    • Heart Care
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    • Research and Studies

    Getting to the HEART of Research

    In February, we think about hearts not just in honor of Valentine’s Day but because it is American Heart Association Month. This is a great reminder to focus on our personal cardiovascular health. Renown Health helps patients think about their heart health with our world-class providers and cutting-edge treatments through our Cardiovascular Clinical Trials. “Research serves a vital role in the future care of cardiovascular diseases. Being involved in research will help our medical community to further discover new treatment plans in our quest for life preservation and extension,” Dr. Thomas To, Cardiologist and Researcher at Renown Health. For example, let’s talk about atherosclerosis. When our hearts are healthy, they are a strong muscle that pumps our oxygen-rich blood through our coronary arteries. Over time, cholesterol and fats can build up in our arteries. This is a condition known as atherosclerosis. This type of plaque buildup in the arteries can lead to a heart attack or stroke if not properly managed. If you are experiencing chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath or pain in areas of the upper body, these can be the warning signs of a heart attack, and you should call 911. One contributing factor to atherosclerosis is elevated lipoprotein(a) levels and the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, which increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke. Lipoprotein(a) is tested separately from the standard panel that is completed for cholesterol management, and while your total cholesterol levels may be in a healthy range, lipoprotein(a) levels can still be elevated. "Increasingly we are realizing that lipoprotein(a) levels can be used as an important assessment in more carefully delineating an individual's risk of future cardiovascular events and treatment targets" said Dr. Michael Bloch, Lipid Specialist and Researcher at Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health. While it is clear that elevated lipoprotein(a) contributes to atherosclerosis, there are currently no approved medications for reducing cardiovascular disease risk through reducing lipoprotein(a) levels. This is why Renown Health’s Research Office is proud to offer a phase III clinical trial, called the OCEAN(a) study, to our patients with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels as a care option for management of their heart disease risk. Our teams of expert providers and researchers are here to support you on your healthcare journey. “I am thrilled to be able to be part of this study and bring opportunities like this to our patients. The highlight of my day is getting to hear life stories from my patients during our study visits,” Lisa Preciado, Primary Clinical Research Coordinator for the OCEAN(a) study said. Join us in raising awareness around American Heart Month by talking to your provider about lipoprotein(a) at your next appointment. At Renown Health, our goal is to make it easy for patients to access clinical research as a care opportunity where patients can access a variety of standard care treatment options for their health condition or choose to participate in a clinical trial. For more information about clinical trial opportunities available to you or to ask any questions, contact the Renown Research Office at or 775-982-3646.

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    • Heart Care
    • Food and Nutrition
    • Neurology

    The Salty Six: Are High-Sodium Foods Increasing Your Stroke Risk?

    Excess amounts of sodium doesn’t just increase your risk of a heart attack, it can also increase your risk of a stroke. Unfortunately, avoiding that saltshaker may not be enough. Did you know that the average American consumes 3,400 milligrams of sodium each day? That’s a dangerous number considering that the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams (about half the weight of a penny) to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The problem is not necessarily that you’re putting too much salt on your food, it’s that salt is already in the foods you’re regularly eating. To help keep your sodium intake at a healthy level, make sure you’re aware of “The Salty Six,” six sneaky foods that are surprisingly high in sodium. Breads, Rolls and Tortillas: Although breads and tortillas may not initially appear to be high in sodium, we often consume several servings. Make sure to keep track of your total servings to see how they add up. Deli Meat, Cured Meats and Poultry: It may surprise you that six thin slices of deli meat can add up to more than half of your daily limit, so be mindful when building those sandwiches. Also, do your best to avoid cured meats, which often means the meat has been salted. Substitute uncured, skinless meats instead. Cheese: Salt is an important addition in the cheese-making process, as it prevents bacterial growth. Unfortunately, that added salt can increase your health risks. Limit the amount of cheese you add to meals to keep your sodium content down. Pizza: Take a quick look at the first three items above and it should be no surprise as to why pizza made the list. One slice and you’ve met at least half of your daily limit. Go easy on the cheese and try adding more veggies instead of meat. Canned Soup: One cup of canned soup can be as high as nearly 1,000 milligrams of sodium. When shopping for canned soup it’s important to check the label – not just on sodium content but serving size as well. Always select low-sodium options when possible or cook your own soup at home. Sandwiches and Burgers: A sandwich or burger from your favorite restaurant can contain more than 100 percent of your daily sodium limit. When dining out, it is best to select low-sodium options or eat a half portion to limit the amount of salt. If some of your favorite foods are on this Salty Six list, don’t panic. Although these foods can be high in sodium, it isn’t necessary to cut these foods out of your diet completely. It’s just important to eat them in moderation and be mindful of your daily sodium intake. Look for low-sodium options, use herbs and spices instead of table salt and do your best to stay under the recommended daily limit of 1,500 milligrams.”

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    • Heart Care
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    • Food and Nutrition

    The Not-So-Fab-Five: Foods That Increase Stroke and Heart Disease Risk

    Did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable? Learn which foods should be eaten in moderation to reduce your family's risk of stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the nation and a major cause for disability, killing 130,000 people each year. But did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable, according to the American Stroke Association? Several stroke risk factors -- high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical activity level, obesity, high cholesterol and heart and artery disease -- can be controlled, treated and improved, right down to the foods we choose to consume each day. Diets high in sodium can increase blood pressure, putting you at greater risk for stroke. A high-calorie diet can lead to obesity -- another risk factor. And foods high in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol levels causing blood clots, which -- you guessed it -- can lead to a stroke. The “not-so-fab” five foods listed below play a large role in damaging your body and causing vascular disease, stroke and heart disease and should be avoided on a regular basis. However: Moderation is the key to life, in my opinion. Sure, everyone is going to have a soda here and there or a steak off the grill, but keep it off the main menu.  1. Packaged and Fried Food Have you noticed foods like hot dog buns and bottled salad dressings rarely go bad? Ever asked yourself why? This is due to the use of hydrogenated oils, which are trans fats. Hydrogenated oils stay solid at room temperature and do not require refrigeration. Convenient? Yes. Healthy? No. Unfortunately, many frozen foods and meals also fall into this category, except for frozen fruits and veggies. So here’s the lowdown on trans fats: They’re considered by many experts as the worst type of fat you can consume, raising your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lowering your HDL (“good”) cholesterol. While some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of naturally occurring trans fat, most dietary sources are formed through an industrial process adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, causing the oil to solidify at room temperature.  The FDA is in the process of restricting or possibly banning trans-fats from food in the U.S. A study published in JAMA Cardiology compared data from counties with and without trans-fat restrictions and the findings were substantial: There was a 6 percent decline in hospitalizations for heart attack and stroke in counties with trans-fat restrictions.  Bottom line: Ideally no processed food should pass your lips, but realistically, aim for less than 2 grams of trans fat per day. Skip the store-bought treats at the office and fries at lunch. Also avoid crackers, regardless of what you are dipping them in. Choose to eat fruits to satisfy your sweet cravings and veggies and hummus to satisfy the savory.  2. Lunch meat Processed meats, including bacon, smoked meats and hot dogs, are all on the DNE (Do Not Eat) list, unless you want to play with fire. Processed meats are a no-go if you want to keep your arteries clear of plaque buildup. So what is the alternative to your salami sandwich?  Try a healthy alternative like a tuna sandwich with avocado (a great alternative to mayo) or a veggie sandwich. 3. Diet soft drinks First of all, when a drink is sweeter than a candy bar but it contains zero sugar and zero calories, buyer beware. Many consumers think because a soda is labeled “diet” it’s a better choice, but studies have linked diet soft drink consumption with an increased risk of stroke and vascular disease. In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda. What else are you supposed to drink? If you must drink soda, break the everyday habit and drink it on special occasions; otherwise water rules. And if you don’t like water, try flavoring your water with fruit slices. 4. Good-old red meat So is there ANY good meat out there you ask? The answer is yes, but it’s not red. In the journal Stroke, an article showed women who consumed large servings of red meat regularly had a 42 percent higher incidence of stroke. Red meat is high in saturated fat, which clogs arteries with plaque. The alternative to red meat is a heart-healthy protein like poultry or fish, or even non-animal products like beans, nuts and tofu.  5. Canned foods Steer clear of factory processed soups, beans and sauces. Canned items all have incredible amounts of sodium or MSG or baking soda/powder to maintain their freshness and shelf life. One study showed if you consume more than 4,000 mg of salt per day, you more than double the risk of stroke compared to diets with less than 2,000 mg. Another tip: When possible, plan and make meals from scratch. Making the wrong meal or snack choices is one of the biggest contributing risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Most people know what good food choices are, but they don’t realize the serious impact the bad choices have on overall health. Learn what is most beneficial to your body to consume. It will be a life changer – literally.

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