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    What Is an Echo-Tech?

    When it comes to our heart, keeping this vital source of life in tip-top shape is of utmost importance. Echo technologists or echocardiographers, otherwise known as "echo-techs," are charged with that mission, providing critical information that leads to life-saving interventions to keep our hearts beating strong.  Adrianne Little, echocardiographer at Renown Health, breaks down the echo-tech's role in the health system, the educational path it takes to get there and the unique perks that come with the profession.  What does an echo tech do?  “Echo techs play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients,” said Adrianne. “We are members of the cardiovascular imaging team that perform ‘heart ultrasounds’ or echocardiograms. Although we are most commonly known as echo techs, our official title is either ‘cardiac sonographer’ or ‘echocardiographer.’”  Echo techs use imaging technology and sophisticated ultrasound equipment to produce images of the heart. These images show how well the heart functions, as well as the valves, chambers and blood flow. Echocardiograms are used to diagnosis and treat a variety of heart conditions such as murmurs, arrhythmias and heart failure.   At the end of the day, the main goal of echo techs is to help our cardiovascular team provide the quickest and most accurate diagnoses to help with patient management and help them receive the highest standard of care.  “When it comes to looking at the heart, we are part of the front-line team," said Adrianne. “We provide real time critical information that leads to life saving interventions down the road.”

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    Top 3 Cholesterol Questions Answered

    With more than 29 million adult Americans having high cholesterol, it’s important to know the facts. We asked Jayson Morgan, MD, a cardiologist with Renown Institute for Heart and Vascular Health, explains the numbers, the risk factors and how to maintain healthy levels. What is cholesterol? There are two types: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, also known as the “bad” variety, because it can eventually build up within the walls of your blood vessels and narrow the passageways. High-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” variety, because it helps remove other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. In adults, total cholesterol is considered high if it is more than 200 mg/dL. If the total is more than 200 or if high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels are less than 40, your heart and brain may not be getting as much oxygen-rich blood as they need. This puts you at greater risk of heart attack and stroke. HDL levels greater than 60 mg/dL can actually lower your risk. What are the risk factors for high levels? Diet high in saturated fat Excess body weight Lack of exercise Smoking Family history Age (as people age, they are more prone to high levels) How often should someone get their numbers checked, and what kind of test is done? The American Heart Association recommends all adults age 20 or older have their cholesterol checked every four to six years. Those with cardiovascular disease or who are at higher risk of it may need their levels and other risk factors assessed more often. Your primary care provider can perform the test, along with assessing your other risk factors to help determine a treatment plan if necessary. The test will likely be one you will need to fast for, meaning no food, beverages or medications for around nine to 12 hours. Your healthcare provider will let you know if, and for how long, to fast. A simple blood test is all that’s needed to get your levels. What are some ways to lower “bad” cholesterol and raise “good” cholesterol? To achieve healthier levels, people should: Eat a heart-healthy diet: Choose healthier fats, eliminate trans fats, eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and increase soluble fiber. Increase physical activity: Exercise on most days of the week. Quit smoking: If you smoke, it’s time to stop. Quitting smoking will improve HDL “good” cholesterol levels. Lose weight: Losing as little as five to 10 percent of your weight can improve cholesterol levels. Drink alcohol only in moderation. And finally, if lifestyle changes aren’t enough, your care provider might recommend medication to help lower your numbers. Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health For optimal heart health, the American Heart Association encourages you to “Know Your Numbers” which include: blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol and fasting blood sugar, by scheduling a visit with your doctor. These numbers are critical in assessing your current risk for heart disease and stroke. Find a Cardiologist

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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Heart Care

    Want to Eat for Heart Health? Consider a Plant-Based Diet

    Maintaining a healthy weight has many benefits: among those is improved heart health. If you’re trying to eat right as well as become healthier, nutrition experts say you might want to consider a plant-based diet. Plants provide air to breathe, beauty in our surroundings — and just may be a viable solution to your weight-loss goals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more Americans than ever are overweight: Today, 7 in 10 Americans are classified as “obese” or “overweight,” and childhood obesity rates are growing rapidly. So experts encourage would-be dieters to look to plants as a source of daily inspiration. “When you slowly and consistently expand your daily food choices to include more plant-based options, you will feel fuller, have more energy and lose weight,” says Lynice Anderson, director of Renown’s Healthy Heart Program. But according to a recent study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just 1 in 10 adults eats enough vegetables and only 12 percent get the recommended amount of fruit daily. The same study notes that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables daily can help reduce the risk of many leading causes of illness and death, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and obesity. Plant Foods = Foods with Fiber One of the overwhelming health benefits of plant-based foods: fiber. A study published in a recent issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that something as simple as aiming to eat 30 grams of fiber each day can help you lose weight, lower your blood pressure and improve your body’s response to insulin just as effectively as a more complicated diet. Fiber contains no calories and comes in two forms: soluble, which dissolves in water, and insoluble, which doesn’t dissolve. Both are important for different reasons. The soluble fiber found in oats, fruits and beans forms a gel-like substance and helps to lower blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber found in fruit skins, green beans and cauliflower goes through your intestines relatively intact providing “bulk” and improving bowel-related health problems. “My fiber champion is chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans,” says Renown Chef Chris Wyatt. “They are high in fiber, low in fat, low sodium and have zero cholesterol. Not only do they not contain any cholesterol, chickpeas work to remove cholesterol from your body. It’s a win-win.” Snacks That Are Part of a Plant-Based Diet Looking for the best sources of fiber from the plants and trees in your life? Here are the best options, according to this CDC fact sheet: Fruits Raspberries, 1 cup: 8.0 grams of fiber Pear, with skin, 1 medium: 5.5 grams of fiber Apple, with skin, 1 medium: 4.4 grams of fiber Strawberries (halved), 1 1⁄4 cup: 3.8 grams of fiber Banana, 1 medium: 3.1 grams of fiber Orange, 1 medium: 3.1 grams of fiber Veggies Artichoke, cooked, 1 medium: 10.3 grams of fiber Peas, cooked, 1 cup: 8.8 grams of fiber Broccoli, boiled, 1 cup: 5.1 grams of fiber Turnip greens, boiled, 1 cup: 5.0 grams of fiber Sweet corn, cooked, 1 cup: 4.2 grams of fiber Brussels sprouts, cooked, 1 cup: 4.1 grams of fiber Potato; with skin, baked, 1 medium: 2.9 grams of fiber Carrot, raw, 1 medium: 1.7 grams of fiber Renown Health Improvement Programs | Appointments: 775-982-5073  Renown Health offers a number of educational and support programs to help people overcome the challenges presented through various health conditions and to aid in creating and adopting a healthy lifestyle. To get an assessment of your dietary needs, schedule a consultation with one of Renown’s registered dietitians, who can help with: Diabetes Programs Medical Weight Management Nutrition Programs Make an Appointment

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    The Not-So-Fab-Five: Foods That Increase Stroke and Heart Disease Risk

    Did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable? Learn which foods should be eaten in moderation to reduce your family's risk of stroke. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the nation and a major cause for disability, killing 130,000 people each year. But did you know that 80 percent of all strokes are preventable, according to the American Stroke Association? Several stroke risk factors -- high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical activity level, obesity, high cholesterol and heart and artery disease -- can be controlled, treated and improved, right down to the foods we choose to consume each day. Diets high in sodium can increase blood pressure, putting you at greater risk for stroke. A high-calorie diet can lead to obesity -- another risk factor. And foods high in saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol will raise your blood cholesterol levels causing blood clots, which -- you guessed it -- can lead to a stroke. The “not-so-fab” five foods listed below play a large role in damaging your body and causing vascular disease, stroke and heart disease and should be avoided on a regular basis. However: Moderation is the key to life, in my opinion. Sure, everyone is going to have a soda here and there or a steak off the grill, but keep it off the main menu.  1. Packaged and Fried Food Have you noticed foods like hot dog buns and bottled salad dressings rarely go bad? Ever asked yourself why? This is due to the use of hydrogenated oils, which are trans fats. Hydrogenated oils stay solid at room temperature and do not require refrigeration. Convenient? Yes. Healthy? No. Unfortunately, many frozen foods and meals also fall into this category, except for frozen fruits and veggies. So here’s the lowdown on trans fats: They’re considered by many experts as the worst type of fat you can consume, raising your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and lowering your HDL (“good”) cholesterol. While some meat and dairy products contain small amounts of naturally occurring trans fat, most dietary sources are formed through an industrial process adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, causing the oil to solidify at room temperature.  The FDA is in the process of restricting or possibly banning trans-fats from food in the U.S. A study published in JAMA Cardiology compared data from counties with and without trans-fat restrictions and the findings were substantial: There was a 6 percent decline in hospitalizations for heart attack and stroke in counties with trans-fat restrictions.  Bottom line: Ideally no processed food should pass your lips, but realistically, aim for less than 2 grams of trans fat per day. Skip the store-bought treats at the office and fries at lunch. Also avoid crackers, regardless of what you are dipping them in. Choose to eat fruits to satisfy your sweet cravings and veggies and hummus to satisfy the savory.  2. Lunch meat Processed meats, including bacon, smoked meats and hot dogs, are all on the DNE (Do Not Eat) list, unless you want to play with fire. Processed meats are a no-go if you want to keep your arteries clear of plaque buildup. So what is the alternative to your salami sandwich?  Try a healthy alternative like a tuna sandwich with avocado (a great alternative to mayo) or a veggie sandwich. 3. Diet soft drinks First of all, when a drink is sweeter than a candy bar but it contains zero sugar and zero calories, buyer beware. Many consumers think because a soda is labeled “diet” it’s a better choice, but studies have linked diet soft drink consumption with an increased risk of stroke and vascular disease. In a nine-year study of more than 2,500 people, those who drank diet soda daily were 48 percent more likely to have a heart attack or stroke or die from those events, compared with those who rarely or never drank soda. What else are you supposed to drink? If you must drink soda, break the everyday habit and drink it on special occasions; otherwise water rules. And if you don’t like water, try flavoring your water with fruit slices. 4. Good-old red meat So is there ANY good meat out there you ask? The answer is yes, but it’s not red. In the journal Stroke, an article showed women who consumed large servings of red meat regularly had a 42 percent higher incidence of stroke. Red meat is high in saturated fat, which clogs arteries with plaque. The alternative to red meat is a heart-healthy protein like poultry or fish, or even non-animal products like beans, nuts and tofu.  5. Canned foods Steer clear of factory processed soups, beans and sauces. Canned items all have incredible amounts of sodium or MSG or baking soda/powder to maintain their freshness and shelf life. One study showed if you consume more than 4,000 mg of salt per day, you more than double the risk of stroke compared to diets with less than 2,000 mg. Another tip: When possible, plan and make meals from scratch. Making the wrong meal or snack choices is one of the biggest contributing risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Most people know what good food choices are, but they don’t realize the serious impact the bad choices have on overall health. Learn what is most beneficial to your body to consume. It will be a life changer – literally.

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    Carl and Janis Team Approach to Renowns Healthy Heart Program

    Meet a couple that's all heart. After each had a heart attack one year apart, they committed to Renown's new Healthy Heart Program and support each other along the road to heart health. Almost a year to the day that Janis VanHorn had a heart attack, her partner, Carl Edson, had one too.  "That kind of doubled the dose of making sure that we were doing everything that we could to continue with our life," VanHorn says. "It's a very life-altering thing.” And after Edson's quadruple bypass open heart surgery, he was grateful for the simple act of getting into the car with the woman he loves. "I was so relieved," he says. "I didn't realize how precious life was until that moment." The couple see the same cardiologist, Richard Seher, M.D., FACC, FSCAI, who recommended they participate in Renown's new Healthy Heart Program, a 12-week, 36-visit intensive cardiac rehabilitation curriculum that includes monitored exercising and cooking classes. Now they're both familiar faces at the program, which is located at the Renown South Meadows Medical Center. After several weeks, Edson says he has lost 10 pounds and VanHorton has lost inches and feels more toned. Tackling the program together has brought the couple closer and given them the opportunity to fuel one another's health goals and longevity. "I would be lost without this man," VanHorn says," and anything I can do to help him live longer, I'm going to do that." Edson adds, "She is to me my whole life, and I mean that sincerely. There's no one else I can turn to that has helped me in my life as she has, and I'm just trying to return the favor in a big-time way. She is my everything."

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