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    • Pediatric Care
    • Emergency Care

    Child Fever: When To Seek Medical Care

    When your child has a fever, worrying about their discomfort and illness is natural. However, fevers are part of the body's defense against infections, aiding your child's recovery. While rest and home remedies often help, it's important to know when to seek medical attention to keep your little ones safe and healthy. Symptoms of a Fever Fevers can be caused by infections, teething, vaccinations, hot environments, and autoimmune diseases. During a fever, your child may experience visible symptoms such as: Chills Disinterest in food Fussiness Headache Sore throat Cough/Congestion Feeling warm to touch Vomiting/Diarrhea Providing Comfort to Your Child Use these recommendations to make your child feel more comfortable as they recover. Use lightweight clothing and blankets to help regulate their body temperature. Encourage hydration by providing clear fluids and offer soft, easy-to-digest foods. Sponge bath with lukewarm water (do not use cold water as it can worsen symptoms.) Offer restful and quiet activities. Check with your child’s pediatrician to see if you can give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Continue to monitor symptoms and temperature. When to Seek Medical Attention Trust your instincts and always lean on the side of caution. In certain situations, a fever may need medical attention and treatment.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Women's Health
    • Patient Story

    Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

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    • Emergency Care
    • Pediatric Care
    • Spine, Sports, and Pain Medicine

    Head Injuries, Sprains and Broken Bones

    Participating in sports and physical activities is enjoyable and beneficial for our health. However, the risk of injuries comes with the fun and excitement of sports. Sports-related injuries, including sprains, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones, are more common than we realize and can land you in the emergency room. Dr. Scott Shepherd, Emergency Medicine Physician, provides a wealth of information. Traumatic Brain Injuries: The Invisible Threat Traumatic brain injuries come in many forms. From “mild” brain injuries, concussions, to major brain injuries and bleeds. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell the difference between a major injury and a minor injury because many of the symptoms are the same. Concussions Concussions are a type of “mild” traumatic brain injury resulting from a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the body that causes a transient alteration in mental function. They are particularly prevalent in contact sports such as football, soccer and boxing. A concussion can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance and muscle coordination. Typically, concussions are not life threatening and usually short lived. However, multiple concussions can lead to permanent disabilities. So, remember there is nothing “mild” about injuring your brain. Contusions The more serious brain injuries from brain contusions (actual bleeding in the brain material) and bleeding that presses on the brain are life threatening. These injuries are caused by the same blow to the head as a concussion and the symptoms are the same from memory deficits, loss of coordination to coma. Because of this, anyone who has a blow to the head and is not acting normal should be evaluated by a medical professional. Anyone suspected of having a severe head injury should seek immediate medical attention and follow a strict protocol for rest and a gradual return to play. It is important to note a person may not lose consciousness if they suffer a concussion; however, major consequences can occur if not properly managed. If you suspect you have an emergency that needs immediate medical attention, please call 911 or visit an emergency room near you. While it is impossible to prevent traumatic brain injuries altogether, the severity of the injury can be mitigated through proper helmet usage and knowing your skill level when participating in high-risk activities. The guidelines for picking a helmet for summer activities such as mountain biking, dirt biking and riding off highway vehicles are similar to those of picking a helmet for winter sports. Learn more about choosing the right helmet. Any blow to your head, neck or upper body can result in a major head injury Signs to watch for include the following: Headache Dizziness Blurred vision Difficulty with thinking, attention or memory Sensitivity to noise or light Ringing in the ears Changes in hearing Double vision Changes in behavior Balance issues Nausea/vomiting   Sprains: The Annoying Twist One of the most common sports injuries is a sprain, which occurs when ligaments that connect bones are stretched or torn. Sprains typically occur in joints, such as the ankle, knee or wrist, and are often caused by sudden twists or impacts. Symptoms may include: Pain Swelling Bruising Limited range of motion Rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) are the initial recommended treatment, followed by physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Patient Story

    Why I Give: The Meinzer Family’s Story

    Losing a loved one is a devastating experience that can leave a permanent mark on one's heart. It is a journey that's difficult to navigate, but with the help of family and friends the process can be eased. For the Meinzer family, the healing process was made a little easier because of the exceptional care their loved one, Susie, received at Renown. In the fall of 2022, Susie Meinzer, a breast cancer survivor, suffered a fatal stroke. The care provided by Renown’s team was a reminder of the important role healthcare workers play in the lives of their patients and families. “We just knew, the doctors, the nurses, everyone… we knew that we didn’t have much time left with Susie,” said Ken Meinzer, Susie’s widower. Humanizing Healthcare The compassion provided by the care team at Renown made a significant impact on the Meinzer family. They ensured that Susie's last moments were as comfortable as possible, and their kindness and empathy have stuck with the family since. Dr. William Graham, pulmonologist with Renown Health, was among the many healthcare workers who provided care to Susie. "It was hard enough to lose her, and we ask ourselves, ‘Why?’ a lot, but the compassion we received from Dr. Graham made it a little bit easier,” said Ken. “One night he sat with us for over an hour, just grieving with us." This act of kindness made a profound impact on the family. “As an ICU doctor, I try not only to care for my patients, but also for their families,” said Dr. Graham. “Ken and his family displayed such sincerity, compassion and love for Susie and one another. They are just wonderful people; the kind of people that inspire me to be the best doctor possible.” A Family Legacy In gratitude for the exceptional care Susie received, the Meinzer family, including Ken and his three daughters, Melissa, Nicole and Kyra, decided to donate to Renown Health Foundation. Their gift is a beautiful reflection of their love and devotion to Susie. “The donation was a way to say thank you, and a way to support the healthcare workers who continue to make a difference in the lives of patients and families every day,” said Ken. "The nurses in Renown’s ICU went above and beyond. They were a constant source of comfort and support for our entire family," said Melissa Meinzer-Benson, Ken and Susie’s eldest daughter. This was not the first time the family had experienced exceptional care at Renown. Ken and Susie had both undergone cancer treatment the previous year. Susie was diagnosed with breast cancer and had recently completed her treatment before her stroke, while Ken was treated for neck cancer. Dr. Abhinand Peddada, oncologist with Renown Health, led both their care teams, demonstrating a deep dedication to their well-being throughout their treatments. “I am grateful and humbled by the trust that Mr. and Mrs. Meinzer placed in Renown and me for their care in difficult times,” said Dr. Peddada.” Both Ken and Susie deeply appreciated Dr. Peddada’s care for them throughout their respective battles with cancer. The Meinzer family, who own Pinnacle Heating and Air Conditioning in Reno, are known for their commitment to giving back to the community. Melissa is a Veteran and has spoken about the importance of supporting others in any way possible. Susie instilled in Melissa and her sisters a spirit of compassion from an early age, and they have continued to donate to charitable causes throughout their lives. “She was such a force of inspiration, compassion and love. She was aways caring for others,” said Kyra, Ken and Susie’s youngest daughter. Susie was a beloved member of the Oak Community Church. It was there that she spent many Thanksgivings alongside her daughters, volunteering to serve meals to those in need. Charity work was a passion for Susie, and she always found ways to help those around her. She was a shining example of the importance of supporting your community and making a positive impact on the world.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Patient Story
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth

    A Fighting Chance at 24 Weeks Sloans Story

    Most babies weigh just one pound and are roughly the size of an eggplant when they reach 24 weeks of development inside the womb. It is a crucial stage when internal organs begin functioning, and the babies' respiratory and central nervous systems are still developing.     So, in November 2021 when Kallie Johnson experienced a premature rupture of amniotic fluid around this point in her pregnancy, her care team in Winnemucca decided to transport her via Care Flight to Renown Regional Medical Center. The team at Renown Children’s Hospital immediately began discussing the risks of delivering at 24 weeks with the Johnson family.  Moving Forward with Hope Knowing the stakes, Kallie remembers never feeling rushed to decide about delivering her baby preterm. “I felt educated and supported by my care team at Renown throughout our entire stay, starting with the education they provided about what it meant to deliver my baby early,” Kallie said. “The team really helped me make the best decision for myself and my family.”    Together, Renown employees and the Johnson family moved forward with a healthy set of nerves and a powerful feeling of hope.  Weighing in at one pound 11 ounces, Sloan entered the world on Nov. 19, 2021, via emergency Cesarean section. Her birth was classified as a micro preemie because she was born before week 26 of pregnancy and so small that she fit inside the palm of her father Sterling’s hand. A full-term pregnancy is classified as reaching 39 weeks.   A Fighting Chance  Called a fighter by many Renown Children’s Hospital care team members, Sloan spent over five months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). She was placed on a ventilator, fed through a feeding tube and monitored 24/7, overcoming daily challenges with the Renown team and her family.  As a result of being born prematurely, Sloan developed a grade one brain bleed and a congenital heart defect called patent ductus arteriosus, a persistent opening between two major blood vessels, causing too much blood to flow to the lungs and heart.   To meet the oxygen needs of her tiny lungs, Sloan was intubated and developed a severe oral aversion and high-arched palate as a result. The effects would lead to difficult developmental and physical challenges that she still conquers today. Yet, with the help of her care team – including physical, occupational and speech therapists, dieticians and doctors – Sloan continues to make progress every day.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Kid's Health
    • Patient Story

    Jakob’s Journey at Renown Children’s Hospital

    In August 2016, six-year-old Jakob was admitted to Renown Children's Hospital with what seemed like a common ear infection. Jakob's condition quickly progressed, and he started experiencing neurological symptoms such as difficulty speaking and a full-body shutdown. Doctors, neurologists and specialists from Renown worked with doctors from Stanford, where he was ultimately diagnosed with Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE). BBE is a rare, autoimmune response that attacks the nerves in the body due to an acute illness such as a cold, flu or, in Jakob's case, an ear infection. Jakob could not breathe or eat and experienced paralysis on the side of his face, throat, stomach, bowels, lungs and legs. In addition, he started to rapidly lose weight as well as body function. Jakob lost half his body weight which resulted in the need for a Gastrostomy tube. This device is placed surgically and gives direct access to the stomach to give the child the nutrition needed. He also needed occupational therapy, and after three and a half months of ICU respiratory therapy, surgeries and treatments, he was released home to regain his strength. Forever Grateful Anica, Jakob's mom, said, "If it were not for the quick response and unconditional support and compassion from the team at Renown, Jakob would not be here today." Jakob's family is forever grateful to the staff, community and expertise at Renown for their unwavering commitment to their son and family during their most trying time in life. "When I met Jakob on the first day of his illness, so much was unknown. My team and I were worried, as his symptoms were very unusual. His rapid deterioration, after being a perfectly healthy child, was clearly terrifying for his parents. Handing over a child's care to a team of strangers is one of the scariest things that can happen to parents,” said Dr. Kris Deeter, Physician in Chief at Renown Children’s Hospital. “However, Anica and Jeremiah were also very clear that they did not want Jakob transferred somewhere else. So, we used all our resources to care for him, arrive at a diagnosis, and start aggressive therapies. They listened to every word we said, educated themselves, and became partners in Jakob's care. We all became part of Team Jakob, and soon, he proved to us just how strong he was." Today, Jakob is 13 years old and thriving in every aspect of his life. He is currently on the honor roll in school and finds joy in his newfound passion for the violin. He loves spending his free time learning about mixing music, making new friends and traveling to different parts of the country. This summer, he will travel to Europe to explore his passion for culture. The family says, "We owe it all to the family and staff at Renown."

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    • Patient Story
    • Heart Care
    • Surgery

    Excellence in Heart Care Changes a Patient's Life

    Being diagnosed with a chronic heart condition like atrial fibrillation (A-fib) can shift the course of your entire life. Embracing heart medications and lifestyle changes become your norm, and thanks to advancements in medicine and medical technology, managing the condition can bring you to a new sense of normalcy.  But what if a different option was possible – one that would make medications and activity limits a thing of the past?  This became the reality for Renown Health patient Richard Preyer after receiving a hybrid catheter ablation. Thanks to the vigilant surgical care of Shining Sun, MD, a cardiologist at the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health, and his compassionate team, Richard has a new lease on life.  Minimally Invasive with Maximal Results  An A-fib patient since 2010 who had been living with an unfinished ablation, the 59-year-old Carson City resident turned to the internet to look for alternate solutions. He had heard that the Renown Institute for Heart & Vascular Health was a top-tier location for cardiovascular care. “I changed health insurance plans through Nevada Health Link to ensure I could see a Renown cardiologist,” said Richard.   Choosing a cardiologist was an even easier decision for Richard. Dr. Sun’s introductory Find a Doctor video on Renown’s YouTube channel, where he displayed his expertise and determination, was more than enough for Richard to choose him as his cardiac care leader.  At his first visit, Dr. Sun reviewed Richard’s records, and noted his prior unfinished ablation. The nine-hour procedure had been performed several years ago. With the enhanced technologies at Dr. Sun's disposal, Richard was excited at the thought of his life potentially being changed for good – with a minimally-invasive solution.  Dr. Sun collaborated closely with Richard’s previous and current care teams – including a surgeon who performed a maze operation on him right before his surgery at Renown, to ensure his hybrid ablation was tailored uniquely to him. “Dr. Sun is clearly a very powerful cardiologist with many connections, and the coordination between his team and my other doctors was great,” said Richard.   After working on the exterior of the heart in the first phase of the surgery and the interior of the heart during the second phase, Richard’s hybrid ablation was successful, completing the unfinished portion of his previous ablation.   “Fixing A-fib can take one to three ablations, and sometimes it never holds,” said Richard. “That is one of the largest reasons why I am so thankful for this procedure and how it ended up.”  Life After A-fib  Now comes the long, arduous healing process, right? Not for Richard. With only eight incisions (four on each side of his chest), he was able to remove his bandages after two days, and he healed completely in one week.  “I was even back to taking three-mile walks within a week of my operation,” said Richard.  No more blood thinners.  No more activity limits. And most importantly for Richard, no more heart-stabilizing medications that came with side effects he didn’t enjoy. He attributes his enhanced life to Dr. Sun and his team.   “I highly recommend Dr. Sun and everyone that works with him,” he said. “Everyone in the group, from the nurses and anesthesiologists going above-and-beyond to the schedulers who helped me navigate the appointment process, made me have a lot of confidence. Their calm demeanors made so much difference.”  Today, Richard now enjoys elongated walks in the northern Nevada outdoors, exotic vacations with his wife and, as he describes, “feeling like I’m in my 40’s again.” Learn more about the region's leader in cardiac health, heart and vascular care here.

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    • Heart Care
    • Patient Story

    Smart Watch Notification Saves a Life

    In sailing, when you encounter rough seas, you can’t change the wind pattern, but you can adjust your sails. The same rings true for life. We confront unpredictable circumstances daily, but how we react to them can make all the difference. For Renown patient and avid sailor Robert (Dan) Seifers, recent events make this mantra reign true. A Concerning Alert Monday, Aug. 22, started out just like any other day for Dan. He was on a walk with his dog, enjoying the sunshine, when suddenly he felt a wave of dizziness and a buzz on his wrist. His Apple Watch alerted him that his heart rate had dropped to dangerous levels. Returning home immediately, he notified his wife, Carol. Doing their best not to panic, the couple confirmed the reading with their at-home blood pressure machine. The watch was right – Dan’s heart rate was in the low 30s. After taking some time to see if Dan’s heart rate would return to normal, the couple decided it was time he sought medical help. Conveniently, Carol had a lab appointment scheduled next door to Dan’s primary care physician, Dr. Bonnie Ferrara. The couple headed out the door, not realizing what the rest of the day would bring. The Next 48 Hours Upon arrival at the office, Dan calmly approached the front desk to explain his situation. With no delay, staff members sprang into action, quickly showing Dan to a patient room and notifying Dr. Ferrara. Before he knew it, Dan was receiving an electrocardiogram (EKG). Following a review of the results, Dr. Ferrara returned to let Dan know he needed to get to the hospital immediately. The rest of the afternoon moved quickly for the couple. Dr. Ferrara had already notified the Renown Regional Medical Center Emergency Room staff, who were on standby for the couple’s arrival. “Gee, this must be serious,” thought Dan, who at the time was experiencing no other alarming symptoms other than the low heart rate indicated on his watch. Several doctors and nurses began their analysis, including a chest x-ray, blood test and additional EKG. Confirming Dr. Ferrara’s results, a Renown cardiologists, Dr. Christopher Rowan and Dr. Shining Sun, joined Dan’s care team. Within two hours of checking into the hospital, Dan was admitted, monitored overnight and prepped for surgery to receive a pacemaker the next day. Tracking Your Heart Health Following the purchase of their Apple Watch devices, Dan and Carol were unaware of these heart health features. Like many others, they were looking forward to the next best tech gadget that would help them stay connected with their friends and family. Now, the couple says they will use their experience to spread the word about the importance of ensuring these settings are enabled. According to Apple, you can turn on these notifications from the Heart Rate app on your Apple Watch (Series 1 or later) to alert you to high or low heart rates and irregular heart rhythms. If you receive a notification, an irregular rhythm suggestive of atrial fibrillation (A-Fib) or a low or high heart rate has been identified and confirmed with multiple readings. In Dan’s case, the signal from his watch was the result of a heart block, a condition where the electrical signal that controls your heartbeat is partially or completely blocked. Dizziness and low heart rate are common symptoms of a heart block. But this was not the first time the couple had experienced this type of alert from their watch. More than a year and half ago, Carol’s watch notified her of an irregular heart rhythm that was suggestive of A-Fib. She immediately made an appointment with Dr. Danish Atwal, the lead cardiologist at Renown’s Helaine Greenberg Women's Heart Center. Thanks to medication prescribed by Dr. Atwal, Carol now lives a healthy, active life while managing her A-Fib, continuing to wear her Apple Watch, which can also help track her A-Fib History. “I’ll share our story with anyone who will listen and encourage them to get a smart watch. I consider myself an unofficial spokesperson,” said Carol with a chuckle. A Thankful Heart The Senior Care Plus members could not be more amazed at the way Dan was treated by the staff at Renown. “I wish I could personally thank them all. I will highly recommend Renown to all I come in contact with,” said Dan with his Apple Watch still proudly strapped to his wrist. “I was closely monitored and treated like royalty.” Quick action to medical emergencies like Dan’s is just one of the many reasons why collaboration is part of our four key values at Renown. The open line of communication between our primary care facilities and hospitals helped Dan get the prompt care he needed, right when he needed it. A month post-op, Dan is doing well and back to enjoying the things he loves during his retirement, including playing the harmonica in the Grumpy Old Man Band, exploring the northern Nevada backroads in his jeep and working on his swing at the golf course. Dan can rest assured that while enjoying the winds of life, if his heart begins to beat too slowly again, the pacemaker will send a signal to correct the beat. “The prompt attention to my heart block undoubtedly saved my life,” said Dan in what he calls his 6-star review of Renown Health. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, which is happily beating at 60 beats per minute.” This article is not sponsored by or affiliated with Apple, Inc. For more information on the Apple Watch and it's features, visit

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    • Spiritual Care
    • Caregiver
    • Palliative and Supportive Care
    • Patient Story
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Helpful Caregivers Make a Wedding Dream Come True

    A wedding is a big day for the wedding couple, but it’s also special for loved ones. A patient at Renown, Ken, got to take part in his daughter’s special day as her wedding plans changed to accommodate his medical condition. Grab some tissues and read how Renown’s team of compassionate caregivers and chaplains planned a wedding in Fianna’s Healing Garden. Ken was hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center where he was battling a lung problem – which was unrelated to COVID-19 – and his condition worsened rapidly on Wednesday, Aug. 12. His family made the decision to transition him to palliative care, which helps patients near the end of their lives remain comfortable, while supporting their dignity and quality of life.  Ken’s medical condition altered wedding plans for his daughter, Chandra, and her fiancé, Tyler, who were planning to tie the knot later in 2020. Chandra wanted her father there, but knew he could not leave the hospital. That’s why Chandra’s sister, Heather, approached Ken’s care team with a request to have a small wedding ceremony at the hospital.  Planning the Wedding A member of Ken’s care team, Amy Heston, registered nurse (RN), began planning how the wedding could be held outdoors in Fianna's Healing Garden in the E. L. Wiegand Pavilion, which was donated by the E. L. Wiegand Foundation.   In 24 hours, Amy planned a wedding ceremony with the help of her colleague, Breyanna Aufiero, RN; the Renown Spiritual Care team; and nursing leaders on the coronary intensive care unit (ICU). Together, they decorated the aisle in the garden with flowers and battery-operated candles. They also made a sign for Ken’s hospital bed, which read, “Father of the Bride,” and crafted a bow tie for him to wear for the special occasion.  With visitor restrictions in place at the hospital due to coronavirus (COVID-19), having the wedding outside in the Healing Garden allowed for more members of Ken’s family to attend including his wife, Charlotte, and his dog, Bella.   Every step in planning the wedding required thoughtful and thorough care coordination so Ken could participate. His breathing was supported by oxygen and special arrangements were made to transport the oxygen tanks he needed to take part in his daughter’s wedding. Amy worked with respiratory technician, Kasey Benfield, and critical care technician, Ruben Duckworth, to ensure Ken’s oxygen needs were met using portable machines.  Celebrating Love and Life Together Ken’s team of caregivers bathed him and shaved his face so he could look and feel his best for the ceremony. They put on his bow tie, covered his bed in decorations and his favorite blue, flannel blanket, and wheeled his bed outside for the ceremony.  Renown associate chaplains Terri Domitrovich and Susan Palwick coordinated music and performed the ceremony for Chandra and Tyler on Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. The bride and groom shared their first dance in the garden and Ken’s care team provided water and treats to give the family a full wedding experience.   Shortly after the ceremony, Ken passed away. This wedding provided Ken and his family meaningful memories for their big life-changing moments as they celebrated and said goodbye.  “Seeing Ken surrounded by family he never would have gotten to see again while in the hospital, watching him get to share a father-daughter dance with Chandra on her wedding day, and having him tell me that this day meant more to them than we would ever know were some of the most moving moments I’ve witnessed as a nurse,” Amy said. “I am so thankful for the team we have here. I know that this beautiful day wouldn’t have happened without the help of every single person who gave their time, money, creativity and passion to make it a day to remember.”

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    • Heart Care
    • Patient Story
    • Annual Report

    Heart Attack Survivor Fights the Good Fight

    Something wasn’t right. Even though it was the holiday season, on December 23, 2018, Mondo Corona didn’t feel good…not to mention his sudden earache. Although Christmas was a happy celebration with his family. He still felt tired. Was it the flu? And that darn earache wouldn’t go away. On that cool winter day, Mondo could not imagine he was near death. Or that he would become a heart attack survivor. Know Your Heart A few days later, on December 27, he wasn’t feeling any better. He decided to go to the emergency room at Renown Regional Medical Center. That’s when a simple blood test revealed shocking results. “I thought about death a lot. I was calling people to ask them to help take care of my family if I wasn’t going to be here anymore,” he emotionally confesses. Although Mondo loves his job as a railroad engineer, it involves on-call shifts and an erratic sleep schedule. At that time his exercise and eating habits weren’t the best either. Yet he never imagined he would have a massive, often lethal, type of heart attack called ‘the widowmaker.’ In fact, his family had been concerned about his health for awhile. “He worked so much and he didn’t take care of himself and he didn’t exercise – he was burning the candle at both ends,” shares his wife, Alison. His daughter Justice, an avid exerciser, was always encouraging him to join her at the gym, but could never quite convince him. Mondo remembers the time before he became a heart attack survivor. “I didn’t have any exercise whatsoever in my life. At that point my eating habits were just terrible,” he shares. He went to the emergency room due to his earache, but nothing was found until one of the doctors ordered some tests. Specifically blood work showed high troponin levels. Troponin is a blood protein often released in large amounts when the heart muscle has damage, sometimes by a heart attack. Heart Attack Survivor “My surgeon came in and told us that it was going to be a triple bypass – that three of the four…major arteries were clogged 100 percent,” Mondo explains. Amazingly his heart was pumping on only 10 percent blood flow. Heart surgeon, Joseph Brandl, MD, told him he survived a widowmaker heart attack. This type of heart attack happens when there is a 100 percent blockage in the critical left anterior descending artery (LAD) of the heart. Frequently the symptoms can often be mistaken for the flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every 40 seconds a person in the U.S. has a heart attack. And 1 in 5 heart attacks are “silent” – meaning you can be a heart attack survivor, but not know it. For Mondo’s children, seeing their strong father struggle after heart surgery was difficult. Justice tearfully shares, “It was really hard seeing him so vulnerable. He really needed anybody’s and everybody’s help at that point.” A Heart Attack Survivor Program After leaving the hospital on January 5, 2019, he was extremely weak. On February 12, Mondo began Renown Health’s Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation (ICR) Program called the Healthy Heart Program. This program, requiring a doctor referral, includes 12 weeks of supervised exercise along with nutrition education and stress management skills. In spite of heart disease being the leading cause of death in the U.S. – more than all cancers combined, the risk can be lessened with daily lifestyle habits. Mondo credits the ICR program with motivating him and getting his focus back on his health. He saw the team members setting an example and also caring about his health. He describes one of his favorite recipes, “In ICR Sara showed us how to make this incredible fruit salad, with jicama, watermelon, grapes, oranges, red onion, and ginger!” Of course, the recovery process was not overnight. “It did take a long time to really realize that he was going to be back to normal, that he was going to be okay and that he was going to be that strong provider for me and my children,” Alison reflects. “Mondo’s had an amazing outcome and he’s not limited in his activities at all and should hopefully have a life that’s not limited at all from heart disease as we’re monitoring everything and everything’s looking good,” reports his heart doctor Jayson Morgan, MD. Mondo describes his care experience being a heart attack survivor as life-changing. “The care teams at both Renown and ICR were incredible. There wasn’t a single person we came across who didn’t immediately become a part of the family. They truly cared for us, all of us, including the extended family that came to visit. They were informative and supportive. I felt like I created lasting bonds with so many of them, especially the gang in ICR. What amazing people.” Lynice Anderson, Director of Intensive Cardiac Rehab, Healthy Heart Program, shares,” Mondo is one of the most genuine, thoughtful and humble people I have ever met. His love for his family is palpable. His impact on me personally and our team is forever.” She acknowledges family support is key to his success, “Mondo’s family is his rock and they are his. I have never met a family that was so ‘all in’ in the support of their loved one. His new heart healthy lifestyle is modeled through his family every day.” Fighting The Good Fight Of course, Mondo may look familiar to you. That’s because he is featured in Renown Health’s “Fight The Good Fight” brand campaign. For this reason, you may have seen him in advertising working out on a treadmill, shirtless, with his open heart surgery scar in full view. When asked how he feels about showing his scar he confidently says, “I don’t mind showing it to people. I don’t. I earned that scar.” He is a proud heart attack survivor. Today, he’s grateful to be alive and takes his health commitment seriously. “Things have a different feel now. The skies and lakes are bluer and the trees greener. My family is so much more a part of my day. We go on so many more outdoor adventures, trying to incorporate a little exercise into our fun. We watch what we eat more and are trying to teach our children and loved ones about healthy choices. And I think with a few we’ve even been successful!” he observes. “Don’t take life for granted.” “Unconditional love. I get nothing but support from my family without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at. What happened to me definitely makes me a fighter for sure. I’m fighting for my life – the good fight – I think life is good,” he adds.

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