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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Women's Health
    • Patient Story

    Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Donation
    • Healing Arts

    Why I Give: Dan’s Story

    In the fall of 2020, Dan's world was suddenly shaken when he received a distressing call: his son, Jeremy, was admitted to Renown with complications from spinal meningitis. Without a second thought, Dan rushed from Southern California to be by Jeremy's side. For an agonizing 10 days, Dan remained in the ICU. He was overwhelmed with worry and helplessness as Jeremy fought for his life on a ventilator. During this time, Dan, an esteemed artist and professor, found comfort in the collection of artworks adorning the walls at Renown. With more than 2,000 pieces of original art, Renown has meticulously curated hospital rooms, hallways and various spaces to support those in need. Dan, who talks about art's magic every day as a professor, experienced its power in a new light.

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    • Renown Health
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Community Partnerships

    Gratitude and Generosity: The Henson's Journey with Renown Health Foundation

    It doesn’t take long to feel at ease when you sit down with Michael and Lorraine Henson. They are the kind of people you immediately know you can count on and want to be friends with. They have had more than their fair share of hard knocks and yet they still maintain an air of warmth and gratitude. That sense of gratitude towards Renown and connection to this community is what led them to make a generous gift in their family trust to Renown Health Foundation. Home Means Nevada Michael and Lorraine met as students at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and they’ve been together ever since. Lorraine moved from Las Vegas to attend UNR and never left. They have deep roots in Reno and deep roots with Renown going back to its Washoe Medical Center (Washoe Med) days. As Michael put it, he is “Reno born and Reno proud.” Michael’s mother was born at Washoe Med in 1937, but it was his personal experiences with Renown that formed his bond with the organization. When Michael was a teenager, his brother was diagnosed with brain cancer. He was treated over the course of the next six years at Renown before passing away at the tragically young age of 24. The impact on his family was life altering. Michael is an Eagle Scout and turned down a spot at the Air Force Academy to stay close and be with his brother. Renown provided support to Michael and his family during this incredibly difficult time as well as other times such as when his father was in hospice and when Lorraine had a health scare. The Ties That Bind A few years after his brother’s death, Michael joined the Renown team and has now been an employee for 31 years! Lorraine too has many connections to Renown. She was an employee for several years, volunteers for Renown Children’s Hospital and is a grateful patient. Making Their Mark Through Renown’s employee giving program Michael and Lorraine have given over $6,500 to support Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. “These two are a wonderful example of how small gifts over time really add up and their decision to include Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans can be an inspiration to us all this month in particular, as August is Make a Will Month,” said Greg Walaitis, Chief Development Officer at Renown Health Foundation. “Michael and Lorraine have supported Renown in every way imaginable over the years, including with their time, their talents and their treasure. It is an honor to have them as part of our Renown family.” We are also incredibly grateful to have Michael and Lorraine as members of the Renown Legacy Society, which recognizes donors who have provided for Renown Health Foundation in their estate plans, and we look forward to celebrating them at the Inaugural Renown Legacy Society Celebration taking place on August 30.

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    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Patient Story

    Why I Give: The Meinzer Family’s Story

    Losing a loved one is a devastating experience that can leave a permanent mark on one's heart. It is a journey that's difficult to navigate, but with the help of family and friends the process can be eased. For the Meinzer family, the healing process was made a little easier because of the exceptional care their loved one, Susie, received at Renown. In the fall of 2022, Susie Meinzer, a breast cancer survivor, suffered a fatal stroke. The care provided by Renown’s team was a reminder of the important role healthcare workers play in the lives of their patients and families. “We just knew, the doctors, the nurses, everyone… we knew that we didn’t have much time left with Susie,” said Ken Meinzer, Susie’s widower. Humanizing Healthcare The compassion provided by the care team at Renown made a significant impact on the Meinzer family. They ensured that Susie's last moments were as comfortable as possible, and their kindness and empathy have stuck with the family since. Dr. William Graham, pulmonologist with Renown Health, was among the many healthcare workers who provided care to Susie. "It was hard enough to lose her, and we ask ourselves, ‘Why?’ a lot, but the compassion we received from Dr. Graham made it a little bit easier,” said Ken. “One night he sat with us for over an hour, just grieving with us." This act of kindness made a profound impact on the family. “As an ICU doctor, I try not only to care for my patients, but also for their families,” said Dr. Graham. “Ken and his family displayed such sincerity, compassion and love for Susie and one another. They are just wonderful people; the kind of people that inspire me to be the best doctor possible.” A Family Legacy In gratitude for the exceptional care Susie received, the Meinzer family, including Ken and his three daughters, Melissa, Nicole and Kyra, decided to donate to Renown Health Foundation. Their gift is a beautiful reflection of their love and devotion to Susie. “The donation was a way to say thank you, and a way to support the healthcare workers who continue to make a difference in the lives of patients and families every day,” said Ken. "The nurses in Renown’s ICU went above and beyond. They were a constant source of comfort and support for our entire family," said Melissa Meinzer-Benson, Ken and Susie’s eldest daughter. This was not the first time the family had experienced exceptional care at Renown. Ken and Susie had both undergone cancer treatment the previous year. Susie was diagnosed with breast cancer and had recently completed her treatment before her stroke, while Ken was treated for neck cancer. Dr. Abhinand Peddada, oncologist with Renown Health, led both their care teams, demonstrating a deep dedication to their well-being throughout their treatments. “I am grateful and humbled by the trust that Mr. and Mrs. Meinzer placed in Renown and me for their care in difficult times,” said Dr. Peddada.” Both Ken and Susie deeply appreciated Dr. Peddada’s care for them throughout their respective battles with cancer. The Meinzer family, who own Pinnacle Heating and Air Conditioning in Reno, are known for their commitment to giving back to the community. Melissa is a Veteran and has spoken about the importance of supporting others in any way possible. Susie instilled in Melissa and her sisters a spirit of compassion from an early age, and they have continued to donate to charitable causes throughout their lives. “She was such a force of inspiration, compassion and love. She was aways caring for others,” said Kyra, Ken and Susie’s youngest daughter. Susie was a beloved member of the Oak Community Church. It was there that she spent many Thanksgivings alongside her daughters, volunteering to serve meals to those in need. Charity work was a passion for Susie, and she always found ways to help those around her. She was a shining example of the importance of supporting your community and making a positive impact on the world.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Kid's Health
    • Patient Story

    Jakob’s Journey at Renown Children’s Hospital

    In August 2016, six-year-old Jakob was admitted to Renown Children's Hospital with what seemed like a common ear infection. Jakob's condition quickly progressed, and he started experiencing neurological symptoms such as difficulty speaking and a full-body shutdown. Doctors, neurologists and specialists from Renown worked with doctors from Stanford, where he was ultimately diagnosed with Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis (BBE). BBE is a rare, autoimmune response that attacks the nerves in the body due to an acute illness such as a cold, flu or, in Jakob's case, an ear infection. Jakob could not breathe or eat and experienced paralysis on the side of his face, throat, stomach, bowels, lungs and legs. In addition, he started to rapidly lose weight as well as body function. Jakob lost half his body weight which resulted in the need for a Gastrostomy tube. This device is placed surgically and gives direct access to the stomach to give the child the nutrition needed. He also needed occupational therapy, and after three and a half months of ICU respiratory therapy, surgeries and treatments, he was released home to regain his strength. Forever Grateful Anica, Jakob's mom, said, "If it were not for the quick response and unconditional support and compassion from the team at Renown, Jakob would not be here today." Jakob's family is forever grateful to the staff, community and expertise at Renown for their unwavering commitment to their son and family during their most trying time in life. "When I met Jakob on the first day of his illness, so much was unknown. My team and I were worried, as his symptoms were very unusual. His rapid deterioration, after being a perfectly healthy child, was clearly terrifying for his parents. Handing over a child's care to a team of strangers is one of the scariest things that can happen to parents,” said Dr. Kris Deeter, Physician in Chief at Renown Children’s Hospital. “However, Anica and Jeremiah were also very clear that they did not want Jakob transferred somewhere else. So, we used all our resources to care for him, arrive at a diagnosis, and start aggressive therapies. They listened to every word we said, educated themselves, and became partners in Jakob's care. We all became part of Team Jakob, and soon, he proved to us just how strong he was." Today, Jakob is 13 years old and thriving in every aspect of his life. He is currently on the honor roll in school and finds joy in his newfound passion for the violin. He loves spending his free time learning about mixing music, making new friends and traveling to different parts of the country. This summer, he will travel to Europe to explore his passion for culture. The family says, "We owe it all to the family and staff at Renown."

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    • Spiritual Care
    • Caregiver
    • Palliative and Supportive Care
    • Patient Story
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Helpful Caregivers Make a Wedding Dream Come True

    A wedding is a big day for the wedding couple, but it’s also special for loved ones. A patient at Renown, Ken, got to take part in his daughter’s special day as her wedding plans changed to accommodate his medical condition. Grab some tissues and read how Renown’s team of compassionate caregivers and chaplains planned a wedding in Fianna’s Healing Garden. Ken was hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center where he was battling a lung problem – which was unrelated to COVID-19 – and his condition worsened rapidly on Wednesday, Aug. 12. His family made the decision to transition him to palliative care, which helps patients near the end of their lives remain comfortable, while supporting their dignity and quality of life.  Ken’s medical condition altered wedding plans for his daughter, Chandra, and her fiancé, Tyler, who were planning to tie the knot later in 2020. Chandra wanted her father there, but knew he could not leave the hospital. That’s why Chandra’s sister, Heather, approached Ken’s care team with a request to have a small wedding ceremony at the hospital.  Planning the Wedding A member of Ken’s care team, Amy Heston, registered nurse (RN), began planning how the wedding could be held outdoors in Fianna's Healing Garden in the E. L. Wiegand Pavilion, which was donated by the E. L. Wiegand Foundation.   In 24 hours, Amy planned a wedding ceremony with the help of her colleague, Breyanna Aufiero, RN; the Renown Spiritual Care team; and nursing leaders on the coronary intensive care unit (ICU). Together, they decorated the aisle in the garden with flowers and battery-operated candles. They also made a sign for Ken’s hospital bed, which read, “Father of the Bride,” and crafted a bow tie for him to wear for the special occasion.  With visitor restrictions in place at the hospital due to coronavirus (COVID-19), having the wedding outside in the Healing Garden allowed for more members of Ken’s family to attend including his wife, Charlotte, and his dog, Bella.   Every step in planning the wedding required thoughtful and thorough care coordination so Ken could participate. His breathing was supported by oxygen and special arrangements were made to transport the oxygen tanks he needed to take part in his daughter’s wedding. Amy worked with respiratory technician, Kasey Benfield, and critical care technician, Ruben Duckworth, to ensure Ken’s oxygen needs were met using portable machines.  Celebrating Love and Life Together Ken’s team of caregivers bathed him and shaved his face so he could look and feel his best for the ceremony. They put on his bow tie, covered his bed in decorations and his favorite blue, flannel blanket, and wheeled his bed outside for the ceremony.  Renown associate chaplains Terri Domitrovich and Susan Palwick coordinated music and performed the ceremony for Chandra and Tyler on Thursday, Aug. 13, 2020. The bride and groom shared their first dance in the garden and Ken’s care team provided water and treats to give the family a full wedding experience.   Shortly after the ceremony, Ken passed away. This wedding provided Ken and his family meaningful memories for their big life-changing moments as they celebrated and said goodbye.  “Seeing Ken surrounded by family he never would have gotten to see again while in the hospital, watching him get to share a father-daughter dance with Chandra on her wedding day, and having him tell me that this day meant more to them than we would ever know were some of the most moving moments I’ve witnessed as a nurse,” Amy said. “I am so thankful for the team we have here. I know that this beautiful day wouldn’t have happened without the help of every single person who gave their time, money, creativity and passion to make it a day to remember.”

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