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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    This Couple Rocks

    Renown’s Sterling Silver Club is honored to feature members of our club each season. We thank Mary and Dave for sharing their fun-loving story and all of our members for leading healthy, happy lives that inspire us all.     Rock On! Rhyolite almost sounds like a rock band, but it’s not (at least not one that we are aware of). It is a ghost town near the eastern boundary of Death Valley National Park, the most silica-rich of volcanic rock – and the magma-based spark for what has become a very special relationship of our featured Sterling Silver Club member couple, Mary and Dave.  “May I carry those for you?” Mary and Dave first met back in January of 2015 when they sat near each other at a financial seminar in Reno. Though friendly banter was exchanged at the time, contact information was not. It wasn’t until later that year in July when “rock karma” intervened. The two reunited unexpectedly when they joined friends on an excursion to Wonder Mountain near Fallon, Nevada to gather… Rhyolite!  “I remember I enjoyed meeting Mary at the seminar and thought she was pretty, but didn’t get her phone number,” recalls Dave.  “But that day in the desert, Dave asked if he could carry my rocks,” Mary smiles, “and we got each other’s numbers and began dating after that.”  Since then, they’ve gone “rockhounding” all over the state. Smokey quartz brought them to Mt. Peterson, north of Reno. Daisy agates were worth a trip to Austin, Nevada. They’ve hunted for Larsonite, a rare, petrified bog wood found only in McDermott, and also venture out with the Comstock Gold Prospectors Club in search of that precious metal.  Hiking, exploring and searching for interesting and colorful “finds” together make rock hunting one of the couple’s favorite hobbies.  “I’m especially fascinated with petrified wood that’s been lying in the desert for millions of years until I dig it up,” says Dave. “Pretty cool!” The Pre-Rock Years Mary and her four siblings are first generation Chinese Americans. Her parents who emigrated from Malaysia to the U.S. by way of Canada after World War II and raised the family in Northern Virginia. After earning a bachelor’s degree from the College of William and Mary, our Mary started a career in software training and project management. Now retired, she occasionally goes to work helping friends and family with travel reservations.  Dave and his three siblings were born and raised in Southern California. He remembers his parents taking the family camping in the Sierra Nevada mountains a couple times a year and trips out to the sand dunes in San Filipe, Mexico where they’d stay for weeks at a time. Dave began his career in the restaurant industry right out of high school and was eventually recruited to run a developer’s hotel restaurant and be his personal chef. Dave wrapped up his career in 2012 when he stepped down as executive chef at Circus Circus Reno Hotel & Casino.  More recently on the non-work front, Dave’s son, Cameron, and his wife, Rebecca, have blessed grandpa Dave with a granddaughter, Madison – and there’s a grandson on the way!  Getting to Know You   Mary and Dave also use their time to collect travel experiences that have allowed their relationship to deepen and their appreciation of each other to grow. They’ve camped at Death Valley and locations throughout the Nevada desert and admit to more civilized stays in hotels and resorts in Ireland, Mexico, Portugal, Spain and the United States. They also spend a week every fall paddling their canoe along the shores of Lake Tahoe, which they call the most beautiful place in the world.  Well, when you travel that much with someone, you really get to know them.  “Mary has the clever wit to keep things interesting,” says Dave. “Plus she has the patience to put up with my little quirks and idiosyncrasies, and the gumption to keep me out of trouble!”    And Dave’s cooking skills have found a fan in Mary, who’s a bit of a cook herself. “My favorite dish of his is roast duck,” says Mary. “I offered a little coaching and showed him the traditional way of serving it with steamed rice pancakes, hoisin sauce and spring onions.”  Mary also enjoys spending time bulldog spotting, restoring her 1992 Mazda Miata, playing the ukulele, crocheting and knitting – and she’s teaching herself Spanish!  Member-to-Member Advice Mary and Dave enjoy socializing with other Sterling Silver Club members and learning how to better care for their health at different club events. As for their advice to other members? That’s simple: “Live the best life you can by taking care of yourself and your family and friends.” The Sterling Silver Club thanks Mary and Dave for giving us a glimpse inside their ROCKIN’ relationship and appreciates all of our members for being passionate about living their best lives.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    Sterling Silver Club Member Masterpiece

    A Gallery-Worthy Member Artistry usually refers to a person’s ability to express their unique creativity in powerful and surprising ways. But there is also an art to living your life in ways that celebrate who you are, your limitless potential, the people you love and the community you care about. So imagine our delight to discover a Sterling Silver Club member and artist whose artistry of life reaches far beyond gallery walls.  An Early Love of Art Born in Chicago, Illinois, Debbie arrived as the last of her parents’ three children and has two older siblings, Cynthia and Henry (a.k.a. Skip). As is usually the case, school played an important role in their shared childhood and Debbie remembers being drawn to art assignments in class from an early age.   “When I was a young girl, I loved working on various art projects at school,” she recalls. “I always found myself learning something new and then teaching it to everyone I knew.”  Later, Debbie would play violin in the school orchestra, join the swim team, and to continue to learn about art and its broader influence.  “I remember taking a class and learning about color theory,” recounts Debbie. “I was so impressed with how colors relate to one another and also discovered how primary and secondary colors can be used together to make everything from products and advertising to what we wear more pleasing to the eye.”  Expression-ism. “Art allows you to express yourself,” says Debbie. “And I’ve always been quite happy being expressive.” Though Debbie’s affinity for art was obvious, it wasn’t destined to be her career… at least initially.  After earning degrees in marketing and public relations at North Central College in Naperville, Illinois and George Williams College of Aurora University in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, respectively, Debbie began what turned out to be a career in technology.  In the Chicago area, she held positions as a systems analyst and computer programmer and a role in marketing and public relations for a computer software company. Then it was off to Los Angeles, California with her new husband, David, where she worked in sales and education for another software company.  The couple returned to Elmhurst, Illinois to start their family but eventually moved to and settled in Minden, Nevada where David had an insurance business for 23 years and their children grew to become the adults their grandparents dreamed of. “My mom and dad would be most proud of our children,” beams Debbie. “They (her parents) always hoped for the best for them and would be over the moon that they are doing what they want to do, two of them in the field of medicine.”  Debbie and David now live in Carson City, Nevada and their three children have established lives of their own. Jeffrey, the oldest, is a pastor and holds two master’s degrees. Rachael is an OB/GYN provider in Southern California and a graduate of University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine (UNR Med). And their youngest, John-Henry, is finishing up his medical training and will soon be a trauma surgeon.  Furry Family Members Debbie’s other “kids” are of the four-legged variety. “Mercedes and Bentley are really our luxury pugs,” she admits. “But are named after famous characters from books, not luxury cars.” She also says they are goofy, much-loved and simply melt the hearts of everyone they meet – “always!”

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    Pandemic Pals and Sterling Silver Club Members

    A Friendship Gone Viral  When a friendship is strong enough, it can survive just about anything – even a pandemic! Sterling Silver Club members and longtime friends, Marlene and Kim, are living and thriving proof of that.  Career & Community Cohorts  With successful careers in the Reno area and a common passion for community involvement, it’s no surprise the women knew of each other even before their friendship developed. The first time they actually worked together was in 2001 at TMWA (Truckee Meadows Water Authority), where Marlene’s company was brought on board to steer communications and Kim was heading up the then-new utility’s customer relations department. TMWA was where these colleagues became cohorts who have since become the best of friends.  Now retired, Kim’s favorite job these days is being a doting “Noni” to her two granddaughters who live nearby and who she keeps up with by staying active. Kim enjoys practicing yoga and loves to spend time walking and hiking in the great outdoors – with two enthusiastic dogs that are always ready to join her.  Marlene is still working and running her nearly 40-year-old public engagement and outreach company, GoodStanding. Her “fun and interesting” projects help to build community engagement for her clients and often focus on water resource management and conservation.  The Rotary Club of Reno, known as the “downtown club,” is also an important part of both women’s lives. Marlene was just the third woman to join the historically male organization in 1991 and made it her mission to recruit and sponsor female members – like Kim. Today, women make up nearly half of the membership and Marlene and Kim are both heavily involved in the club and its initiatives, including its scholarship program and community beautification projects along Riverside Drive.  A Friendly Q & A  To learn more about the friends and maintaining friendships in these socially distanced times, we asked them some questions.   What drew you to each other as friends?  Kim: Marlene’s honesty, integrity and ethics. Marlene always does what is best for her clients, no matter what.  Marlene: Kim and I communicate very well. It’s hard to explain, but sometimes we are both way ahead of our words. How would you describe each other in a single word? Marlene: Focused. Don’t put anything in front of Kim that you don’t want done, and done expertly. Also, helper. She thrives on helping people and working through their problems.  Kim: Creative! Marlene came up with many unique ideas to promote and publicize TMWA. And her house the most cozy spaces to sit and visit.  Do you have a favorite “That’s so her” moment to share? Kim: Burning Man! Marlene had friends with a camp at Burning Man and she invited me to join them for three days a number of years ago. We rode our bikes, admired the art and did our best to sleep through the techno music that played through the night. It was an amazing time.  Marlene: Kim’s involvement in Rotary’s Achievement Beyond Obstacles (a support and scholarship program for deserving local high school students). She has a heart for kids facing challenges, she is a great leader and she loves to help and make a difference.  How has COVID-19 affected your friendship, how have things changed and how have things stayed the same? Kim: We don’t see each other in person quite as much. However, Marlene has made sure that many of our girlfriends are able to stay in touch.  Marlene: I don’t take for granted we are going to see each other, so we plan it. I am the instigator of walks, socially distanced get-togethers in our green space and Zoom meetings. This new normal has also given me permission to stay home and work. Now, it’s OK to do some gardening or take a walk in the middle of the day. I suppose that’s one pleasant side effect of COVID-19.  Why did you become members of the Sterling Silver Club and why would you encourage others to join?  Kim: So many friends and family members had nothing but good things to say about Renown that I decided to switch providers. I also really liked what Renown was doing with the Healthy Nevada Project. So, when I saw the Sterling Silver Club, it seemed to me to be just another extension of all the good things Renown has to offer!  Marlene: This Club sounded interesting because it would allow me to focus more on my health with like-minded people in my age group. And, I’m with Kim, Healthy Nevada Project is very intriguing for how it could potentially improve health care for all of us.  What is the secret to a lasting friendship?  Kim: Have patience. Don’t take things personally. Be flexible. And just enjoy one another’s company. Marlene: Respect and grace, equally. We are not perfect and we are all different. So give your friends respect always, grace when they flub up and support when they need help.  Thanks to Kim and Marlene for being such generous collaborators and ambassadors of the Sterling Silver Club.  Friend Fun Fact:  Kim helped Marlene find her new house a few years ago – and more recently, a new dog! Marlene and “Levi” have been inseparable ever since.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living

    Sterling Silver Shining Brightly Tami

    Shining Brightly We all carry a light inside of us. Some people seem to have a constant glow while others flicker brightly here or there depending on what they’re doing or who they’re with. But for another select group, the light they embody is closer to a sunrise, illuminating and embracing everything and everyone it touches. Do you think that’s a bit heavy-handed or just a writer’s poetic exaggeration? Well, that’s because you haven’t met this issue’s featured Sterling Silver Club member, Tami, yet. But that’s about to change…  This Little Light of Mine  As an infant, Tami’s adoptive parents were drawn to her light, even though the couple had come to an orphanage in Washington state hoping to find an older child to add to their family.  “My parents always said that after seeing and holding me, they had to take me home,” Tami remembers and then smiles. “They also liked to tell the story of how they sold their prize baby bull, Johnny Apollo, to pay my adoption fees!”  Tami has fond memories of making mud pies and climbing trees as a child and feels privileged to have been raised by older parents.  “They both lived through the Great Depression and my dad proudly served in the U.S. Navy in World War ll,” says Tami. “I certainly attribute learning to love and give unconditionally through their humble ways. I had the honor of taking care of them both for about 10 years before their passing. When asked who my heroes are, though I have several, they are at the top of that list for sure.”  Today, Tami is married to her high school sweetheart, Richard. They’ve been together for 43 years and have five children – and 10 grandchildren – of their own.  Helping Others Through Darkness Tami started a highway construction business with her family in 2000, but focused 18 years of her career around her love of teaching, with seven years spent as Vice Principal of Academics at Reno Christian Academy. One of her greatest joys during that time was implementing Prime Time, a program that set aside special time for students who had experienced recent traumatic events. “I used puppets, sewing, crafts – any activity the students would respond to,” explains Tami. “But mostly, I listened.” And when one of her students shared, “I just want someone to listen to me for an hour today” – that’s what she did. “We sat on the sidewalk and ate Fudgsicles and giggled at the silliest things,” Tami recalls with some emotion. “And when we both left smiling, I was reminded that the most beautiful moments are when we are simply present with an open heart.”

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    • Surgical Services
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Weight Management

    A Journey of Transformation Through Robotic Surgery at Renown Health

    Carrie Hintz is constantly on the move. “I don’t sit well,” she said when discussing her career as an Emergency Room nurse at Renown South Meadows Medical Center. She has also earned a PhD in nursing research, a Nurse Executive DNP and an MSN in nursing and healthcare leadership, all while managing the joyful chaos of raising two toddlers under the age of four. She's always been on the move, but her journey to transformation through bariatric surgery with the da Vinci Surgical System is a testament to her determination and the vital need for cutting-edge robotic surgical tools at Renown Health. Carrie's life is non-stop, but her struggle with weight loss was a persistent challenge, compounded by the complexities of medical conditions like PCOS and a pituitary tumor, both of which made losing weight an uphill battle. It was while reading the news one night, witnessing a mother's disappointment at Disney Land due to weight restrictions, that Carrie decided to take charge of her life. She knew she had to make a change. In 2016, Carrie embarked on her bariatric surgery journey, seeking consultation with a Renown surgeon. However, her dreams of starting a family prompted her and her supportive husband to postpone surgery since one cannot have a baby within 18 months of the procedure. After welcoming two beautiful children into their lives, Carrie returned to Renown in 2022 to discuss her surgical options. Finally, in February 2023, and after six months of mandatory weight loss preparation, Carrie was ready to undergo the life-changing surgery. Dr. Alexander Ayzengart, her dedicated surgeon, had a plan that involved utilizing the da Vinci Surgical System for her bariatric procedure, coupled with repairing a hernia that had developed during her weight loss journey. The stage was finally set for Carrie's transformation. To everyone's surprise, the hernia turned out to be larger than anticipated, but miraculously, Carrie experienced no post-operative pain and minimal scarring. She reminisces about her early post-surgery days, confidently attributing her excellent outcomes to the remarkable da Vinci Surgical System. “I was up and walking around the night after the surgery,” she said. The da Vinci is no ordinary surgical tool; it's a state-of-the-art, minimally invasive robotic system skillfully operated by trained surgeons. Renown's commitment to innovation in healthcare paved the way for Carrie's remarkable journey.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Senior Care

    Get to Know Sterling Silver Club Member Hanley Wong

    This summer, we’re excited to introduce our featured Sterling Silver Club member, Hanley Wong. You may recognize him from the newest Senior Care Plus television commercial that has been airing locally since last October. Hanley happens to be a former employee of Renown Health and worked in the information technology (IT) department for 13 years. Today, he’s enjoying his retirement here in northern Nevada, with the occasional traveling to visit his family.    Looking Back  Hanley was born in San Francisco in 1944. He was in the U.S Army Reserve from 1966-1972, having traveled to various places including North Carolina, Salt Lake City, Long Beach, Hong Kong and Taiwan. While he was in the U.S. Army Reserve, he also attended college part-time and graduated from San Francisco State University in 1970 with a degree in business administration, emphasis in accounting. Hanley went into the IT field after he gained computer experience through his accounting background. “I started learning how to program with computers, then became a systems engineer where I did troubleshooting, maintenance and more,” said Hanley. “I’ve always enjoyed the challenging work in the IT field, and I got to meet all kinds of people.”    Hanley started his first IT job at a small insurance company in San Francisco. He went on to work for the GAP headquarters and met his late wife there, who also worked for the company. They were married for 40 years and had two sons together. The family moved to Reno 21 years ago when Hanley was recruited by Washoe Medical Center, before it became Renown Regional Medical Center. “My favorite part about working at Renown was the camaraderie in the IT department; it was like a big family,” said Hanley. “I enjoyed making employees happy by solving their computer problems.” In 2005, Hanley was part of the team that helped install Epic, Renown’s electronic medical record system. Through that project, he traveled to a few different conferences and trainings with his team.

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