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    • Mammogram
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    • Cancer Care

    Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Senior Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

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    • Women's Health
    • Mammogram

    Do Mammograms Hurt? 4 Myths Debunked

    Mammograms are an effective means for early detection of breast cancer. Still, many women shy away from them for fear of pain or discomfort. Let us debunk a few mammogram myths that will remove your worries and encourage proactive breast health. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Myth 1: Mammograms Are Painful Reality: Although some women experience discomfort during a mammogram, most say it is not painful. Breast compression, which is important to get a clear image, can cause a sensation of pressure, but this lasts for a few seconds. Let your technician know how much pressure you can handle so you're not uncomfortable. Myth 2: Discomfort Persists Long After the Procedure Reality: The sensation of pressure developed through the compression process diminishes quickly after the procedure. Most women go about their day afterward without experiencing any residual pain.

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    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram

    7 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Young Women

    Cancer can develop at any age, and that’s why the experts at Renown are ready to help you stay ahead of breast cancer, especially if you're in your 20s or 30s. We're talking about early detection, signs to be aware of, and why being proactive is a big deal. Studies show there has been an increase in breast cancer in younger women. Although breast cancer is rare in women under 40, when it occurs, it tends to be aggressive. The tricky part? Many young women don't think it can happen to them, so they don't check for the signs as often as they should. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Early Signs and Symptoms New or Different Lump in the Breast: A lump is probably the most well-known symptom. Breast cancer is usually painless and firm, but it can also be soft. If you find a new lump, don't panic, but don't ignore it either. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Have you noticed that one breast looks a little different? Whether it's swelling, shrinking, bulging, dimpling, or seems off, it's worth mentioning to your doctor. Skin Changes: If the skin on your breast starts to thicken or turn red, it's time to pay attention. If your skin starts looking like an orange peel (thickened, with prominent pores), that warrants evaluation. Nipple Discharge: Spontaneous drainage coming from your nipple that isn't breast milk—especially if it's clear or bloody—should be checked out. Nipple Changes: If your nipple starts to invert, flatten, or look different, call your doctor. Breast Pain: Continuous pain in your breast or nipple that isn't linked to your menstrual cycle is another symptom to note. However, breast pain is very common and is only rarely a sign of cancer, so don’t panic. Swelling or Lumps in the Armpit: When it spreads, breast cancer usually first goes to the lymph nodes in the armpit, so swelling or lumps under your arm should be on your radar.

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    • Women's Health
    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Screening

    The Expanded Role of OBGYNs in Women's Healthcare

    Obstetrician-gynecologists (OBGYNs) see patients from menses (the monthly menstrual cycle that occurs as a part of the female reproductive system), pregnancy and childbirth through menopause and play a pivotal role in managing reproductive health and overall wellness. Dr. James Alexander with Renown Women's Health explains. "As experts in women's health, we are uniquely positioned to recognize subtle changes or symptoms that might indicate broader health issues. This comprehensive approach allows us to serve as a valuable first touchpoint for various health concerns." Preventive Screenings: A Proactive Approach One key aspect is an OBGYN's ability to recommend preventive screenings based on your symptoms, age, lifestyle and medical history. For instance, lipid screenings are critical for monitoring cholesterol levels, which can be a significant factor in women’s heart disease. An OBGYN keeps up with the current guidelines for routine screening as well as in women with risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or a family history of heart disease during your visit. By identifying risks and abnormal screening early, they can collaborate with you to implement lifestyle changes or treatments to reduce your risk of heart conditions. Schedule Your Screening Appointment Make an Appointment by Phone: 775-982-5000

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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health Foundation
    • Women's Health
    • Patient Story

    Celebrating Resilience: Raquel's Remarkable Journey Through Breast Cancer Treatment

    Raquel was 33 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was April 2023, when she found a lump in her breast and was referred to the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. After comprehensive imaging, she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Between June 2023 and January 2024, she received a total mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation at Renown Health. “Breast cancer is uncommon in women under 40, but any woman with a mass or lump in her breast should have an exam by a physician and imaging at any age,” said Dr. Lee Schwartzberg. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), only 9% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45. “It was a pretty scary diagnosis, but I’ve been led by great people through the process,” she said. “They were so helpful and there for me throughout the chemo and radiation.” Raquel's journey through breast cancer treatment at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was marked by the exceptional care provided by the Renown Health team, including nurses, nurse navigators, therapists, support teams and providers. Among the dedicated professionals, Dr. Michelle Chu and Dr. Lee Schwartzberg played pivotal roles in Raquel's diagnosis and subsequent treatment plan. Their expertise, compassion and commitment to patient care left an indelible impact on Raquel's experience. Their thorough examination and comprehensive approach ensured that Racquel received the best possible care for her invasive lobular carcinoma. In addition to the care provided at Renown, Raquel greatly benefitted from being connected with a mentor by Dr. Chu. This mentor, Kayla, had undergone a similar diagnosis and treatment plan, and at the same age Raquel. They texted and called each other throughout Raquel’s treatment, providing additional support through a challenging time. As of January 2024, Raquel is done with her treatment and continues to see her care team for follow-up appointments. “I’m through the worst and ready to rebuild my life,” Raquel said. To help celebrate this milestone, Nevada Athletics invited Raquel to receive the game ball at a Nevada Men’s Basketball game. She was joined on the basketball court for this special recognition by her husband, Raul; mother, Arlene; and two daughters, Ryleigh and Rhiannon. Racquel's journey is not only a testament to her resilience but also a tribute to the invaluable contributions of Dr. Chu and Dr. Schwartzberg in guiding her towards triumph over breast cancer.

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    • Women's Health
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Understanding the Reasons Behind Heavy Menstrual Cycles

    While menstrual cycles can be an annoying inconvenience for many women, heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) is not normal and can disrupt your life. A few days of heavy flow at the start of your period is usually nothing to worry about. However, if you’re frequently experiencing very heavy periods, you should discuss it with your gynecologist or primary care provider.  Dr. Megan Fish, an OB-GYN with Renown Women’s Health, discusses various reasons, evaluation and treatment methods when it comes to heavy menstrual cycles.  What is classified as heavy menstrual bleeding?  The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists considers heavy bleeding to be any of the following signs: Bleeding that lasts more than 7 days. Bleeding that soaks through one or more tampons or pads every hour for several hours in a row. Needing to wear more than one pad at a time to control menstrual flow. Needing to change pads or tampons during the night. Menstrual flow with blood clots that are as big as a quarter or larger. What are the most common reasons for heavier periods?  A variety of reasons why someone might have heavy periods. Fortunately, most of these problems are treatable. Because each woman's period is unique, only a doctor can definitively determine the cause of your heavy periods. Some of the most common issues that cause heavy periods include: Hormone imbalances such as anovulation, thyroid disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Structural abnormalities in your uterus such as polyps or fibroids.  Precancer and cancer such as uterine, cervical, vaginal, ovarian or endometrial hyperplasia.  Infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, endometritis or vaginitis. Other medical conditions such as liver disease, kidney disease or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Medications such as blood thinners and aspirin, hormone replacement therapy, Intrauterine devices (IUDs), birth control pills and injectables. Pregnancy-related problems such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Screening
    • Women's Health

    How Regular Cervical Cancer Screenings Can Save Lives

    According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 13,820 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed, and 4,360 women will die from cervical cancer. However, cervical cancer is preventable with regular screening tests and the HPV vaccine. It’s important to note that medical advances have allowed progress in diagnosing and treating cervical cancer. While it used to be one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women, the incidence of death has significantly declined. What to Know About the HPV Vaccine HPV vaccination is the best way to prevent cervical cancer and is recommended for all youth starting as early as age 9, or for teens and adults up to age 45 who didn’t start or finish the series. In Nevada, only 50.1% of teens ages 13-17 have been vaccinated for HPV.  There are 13 types of HPV, and the vaccine Gardasil 9 protects against 9 of those HPV strains, greatly reducing the incidence of cervical cancer among vaccinated individuals. What to Know About Cervical Cancer Screenings The CDC says the most important thing you can do to help prevent cervical cancer is to have regular screening tests starting at age 21. And there are two common tests that can detect early stages of cervical cancer (or precancer) and improve health outcomes. The pap test (or pap smear). This screening looks for precancers. Women should begin getting pap smears when they’re 21. The human papillomavirus (HPV) test looks for the virus that can cause these cell changes. Cervical Cancer Screening Schedule The American Cancer Society offers the following guidelines for screenings: All women should begin cervical cancer screening at 21. Women between 21 and 29 should have a pap test every three years. Beginning at 30, the preferred way to screen is with a pap test combined with an HPV test every five years. This is called co-testing and should continue until age 65. A pap test (or pap smear) is performed during a regular screening appointment to look for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that might become cervical cancer if they are not evaluated or appropriately treated. Typically outpatient procedures can reduce the risk of long-term health impacts that prevent pre-cancerous cells from becoming cancer cells. Women over 65 who have had regular screenings in the previous ten years should stop cervical cancer screening as long as they haven’t had any severe precancers found in the last 20 years. How to Get Screened Request an appointment with your primary care physician or OBGYN to schedule a screening.

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