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  • Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    Renown Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation - E 2nd.
    901 E 2nd St Ste 101
    Reno, NV 89502
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    7:15 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    • Smoking
    • Kid's Health

    The Risks of Vaping and E cigarettes

    In this article reprinted with permission from the Galena Times,  Dr. Max J Coppes, Physician-in-Chief, Renown Children’s Hospital, and Nell J. Redfield, Chair of Pediatrics, UNR Med, talk about adolescents vaping, and how an estimated additional 10 million teens are at risk to start using e-cigarettes. What are E-cigarettes? E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices heating a liquid (e-juice) into an aerosol to be inhaled. Breathing in this flavor vapor, which usually contains nicotine, anti-freeze or other cancer-causing chemicals is called ‘vaping.’  There are many forms of these electronic nicotine delivery devices - and they're not always obvious. They not only appear to be cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, but also pass for everyday items, such as flashlights, flash drives or pens.   The Effects of Vaping and E-cigarettes Regardless of the nicotine delivery, vaping is addictive and is quickly becoming a public health concern. Nicotine levels in e-cigarettes vary greatly, and they may also contain toxic chemicals. Currently there is a wide range of variability among vaping products. In other words - they deliver different ingredients, hardware, levels of nicotine, and possible toxic chemicals to the user. This makes it challenging to create an overall public health recommendation on their use. Nevertheless, there is no confusion about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in e-cigarettes to the young brain, which develops until age 25. Studies show e-cigarette use serves as an introductory product for teens to go on using ‘regular’ tobacco products. The American Academy of Pediatrics has several recommendations on their use. Such as increasing the minimum age to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to age 21 nationwide. (Update: nationwide the age as of January 2, 2020 is now 21.) A common misunderstanding with teenagers is the belief e-cigarettes are less harmful than other tobacco products. Moreover, there is a wide range of flavor choices, from mint, mango, crème brûlée to cucumber to attract users. As of September 6, 2019, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is reporting over 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with the use of e-cigarette products in 33 states.    What Should Parents Know about Vaping? Parents and teachers should know JUUL is a very popular e-cigarette among teenagers, capturing about 68% of the market. JUUL is sleek, small, hides easily, and resembles a flash drive. Surprisingly it charges in an USB port, and can also instantly be mistaken for a real flash drive. One JUUL cartridge contains twice the nicotine found in other e-cigarette cartridges. This roughly equals the amount of nicotine in an entire pack of cigarettes. To repeat, the use of JUUL in young people continues to grow, and this is why parents and teachers need to be aware. Be alert, teach, communicate, and talk to your child about the serious risks of smoking in all forms, whether at home or parties. Tell them how difficult it is to quit and why they should not start. Loving your children is caring; caring for their current and future health and well-being.

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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Healthy Aging
    • Patient Story

    Fall Recovery Gets Patient Back to Life and Movement

    Standing at the top of the stairs to the basement Sharon Sturtevant was chatting with her grandson in the kitchen. Suddenly, Sharon stumbled and fell down the stairs. “The last thing I remember was my head hitting the floor before everything went black,” she recalls. Her grandson, Oliver, quickly called 911 and paramedics arrived on the scene, taking her by ambulance to Renown Regional Medical Center where she was diagnosed with a broken collarbone and a neck fracture that would require complex surgery involving fusion of her neck. Fall Recovery Begins After her surgery, Sharon was transported to the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital and her recovery process began. Sharon smiles as she describes the rehab hospital team “They are fabulous here, I learned so much about how my body moves, and the proper way to move it. At home I wouldn’t have known what to do,” she confesses. “They set me up for success to return home and not get injured again.” At Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, different therapists coordinated a custom plan to help Sharon recover from her injuries. Ultimately, the goal of her physical therapy was to help restore and improve her strength, reduce pain and increase her mobility for stamina and balance. Physical Therapy Key to Successful Treatment of Falls “My recovery after the operation was an eye-opener,” Sharon declares. “I had no idea how much went into regaining everyday moment.” During her rehabilitation hospital stay, she had to re-learn how to swallow, go up and down stairs, as well as successfully get in and out of a wheelchair, which involved transferring her body weight safely. Due to hormonal changes after menopause women are 50% more at risk for falls than men, according to research. Sharon now has a greater awareness of how to move her body and is significantly stronger than before entering her physical rehabilitation sessions. Not everyone knows that everyday mobility is impacted by four basic skills: stepping, trunk flexibility, upright posture and weight shifting. “I don’t know how I could have gotten this far without the wonderful therapists here,” she shares. “They are so thorough. Proper alignment was encouraged helping me to walk and stand correctly. They were all so nice and patient with me,” she states. “I actually had less pain because I didn’t hurt myself moving the wrong way.” Falls Are Common Among Aging Adults As we age balance becomes more important. Unfortunately falls are common among older adults with negative quality of life effects, even fatalities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in four seniors fall each year in the U.S. A comprehensive physical therapy plan for sudden falls or chronic conditions is a safe, effective alternative treatment to medication such as opioids. Today Sharon is back at home with a new banister installed on the basement stairs. As a music lover she is enjoying her musical grandchildren Oliver and Eliana who play instruments. She looks forward to attending their upcoming school concerts. Sharon remembers the staff at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital fondly, “They were unfailingly patient, supportive, informative and understanding.” Her advice to those unexpectedly finding themselves in the rehabilitation hospital is, “Listen to your therapists carefully and follow their instructions.”

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    • Diabetes

    5 Ways to Prevent Diabetes

    November is National Diabetes Month, and with cases of the disease at an all-time high in the U.S., individuals must do everything they can to stay healthy. Learn more about diabetes prevention and also how to stop prediabetes in its tracks with these five helpful tips. Diabetes is a disease that is increasingly making its way into the public consciousness, and not in a good way. In fact, according to USA Today, diabetes has a greater health impact on Americans than heart disease, substance use disorder or COPD, with 30.3 million Americans diagnosed with the illness — and many more who are at risk for developing it. And those with prediabetes are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes in 10 years or less, according to the Mayo Clinic. The American Medical Association notes that 4 million U.S. adults have prediabetes. Check out the American Diabetes Association’s prediabetes risk test. The good news: There are ways to manage — and even reverse — prediabetes. Renown’s Certified Diabetes Educator Stephen Compston, RD, LD, CDE, shares five steps for managing blood sugar and also avoiding an eventual diagnosis. How to Prevent Diabetes Eat healthy foods. Plan meals that limit (not eliminate) foods that contain carbohydrates, which raise your blood sugar. Carbohydrates include starches, fruits, milk, yogurt, starchy vegetables (corn, peas, potatoes) and sweets. “Substitute more non-starchy vegetables into your meals to stay satisfied for fewer carbohydrates and calories,” Compston says. Exercise. Blood sugar is the body’s basic energy source. When you exercise, you are lowering your blood sugar. “People with prediabetes usually want to stay off of medication, so they must add something to their normal regimen that lowers blood sugar,” Compston says. “In this case, exercise is medicine.” Lose weight. A small decrease in your weight can drastically decrease your risk of developing diabetes in the future. The Diabetes Prevention Program study showed that a 7 percent decrease in body weight (14 pounds for a 200 pound person) can reduce a person’s risk of developing the disease by 58 percent. Get more rest. Studies link sleep issues to an increased risk of insulin resistance. It can also make it harder to lose weight. Thus, people that don’t get adequate sleep are at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. See your doctor regularly. Schedule an appointment with your primary care provider at least once a year so you can track your health together. “A regular check-up and lab work can help identify what your blood sugars are doing so you and your doctor can develop a good plan for delaying the onset of diabetes,” Compston says.

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Don’t Put Your Bladder Health on Hold

    Millions suffer from urinary incontinence (urine leakage). Often people feel as if their bladders control their lives. But this doesn't have to be your story. Bladder control issues are treatable and you can take steps to help control your bladder. What is urinary incontinence? Men and women of all ages can have difficulty controlling their bladders. Urinary incontinence occurs when the muscles in the bladder that control the flow of urine contract or relax involuntarily. Is there more than one type of urinary incontinence? Yes, there are three main types: Stress incontinence is when the bladder leaks small amounts of urine as a result of physical stress or pressure on the muscles supporting the bladder caused by coughing, sneezing, laughing, lifting or any sudden physical exercise such as running or jumping. Urge incontinence is the inability to control a strong urge to go without advance warning, limiting the time needed to get to the bathroom. Overflow incontinence occurs when the bladder does not empty properly. As a result, over time, large quantities of urine are stored, causing the bladder to overflow (this is more common in men and is often the result of an enlarged prostate blocking the bladder opening). Are there any tests that can determine the cause and type of incontinence? Your doctor may have you track your fluid intake and output in a Bladder Diary. A urinalysis can be checked for infection, traces of blood, or other abnormalities. Blood tests can look for chemicals or substances that may relate to contributing causes. Other testing may be an ultrasound, cystogram or post voiding residual measurement. How is urinary incontinence treated? Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles or restrain the bladder to hold on for longer. Medication can relieve and control the troublesome symptoms. If there is an infection an antibiotic is used. Surgery can repair weakened muscles or remove blockage. Special products such as pants, pads, collection devices, and chair and bed protection may be needed if the problem cannot be controlled. How do you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles? To make your pelvic floor muscles stronger, alternate between squeezing and relaxing them. Following the steps below may help: Squeeze your muscles for one second and hold. Relax your muscles for two seconds. Each time you squeeze and relax, it counts as one set. Complete five sets. When you can do the exercises easily, increase to doing them 10 times per day. When that gets easy, try to squeeze and hold the muscles for three seconds and then relax the muscles for three seconds. As your pelvic muscles get stronger, you can progress to longer squeezes for about 10 seconds. Be sure to relax between squeezes so that your muscles can rest before squeezing again. You should do these exercises in three different positions. Do 10 sets lying down, 10 sitting and 10 standing. It is important that you develop the habit of doing the exercises every day. You may want to exercise just after you get up in the morning and right before you go to bed at night. What can I do to help control incontinence? Watch your weight, practice pelvic floor muscle exercises, eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and fiber to prevent constipation. Most importantly, talk to your doctor regarding incontinence issues, don’t be embarrassed!

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Your 9-Step Guide to Prevent Falls

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one out of four adults aged 65 or older, fall each year. But less than half of those who fall talk to their healthcare provider about it. What’s more, among older adults, falls are the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries. Senior Care Plus, a Medicare Advantage Plan by Hometown Health, and Renown Health Nurse Educator, Nicholas Mannering, worked together to provide a list with simple tips to help you prevent falls.  1. Exercise Exercise strengthens both your muscles and bones and improves balance which is a key factor to preventing falls. The stronger you are, the less likely you are to fall. And, if you do fall, you are less likely to be injured.   2. Vision Check Vision is an import part of fall prevention, have your eyes check by an eye doctor at least once a year. Update your vision prescription and replace your eyeglasses as needed.   3. Install Safety Equipment in Your Bathroom Installing grab bars in your home bathroom provides a way for you to help yourself in and out of challenging situations. It also provides support if you suddenly feel week or unstable. Having a grab bar to lean on or hold onto when you feel yourself falling or slipping can help prevent falls. Rubber mats eliminate slick surfaces that increase your risk of falling.   4. Helpful Items in Your Bedroom A light within reaching distance is an important item to have in your bedroom. One reason adults fall is because they wander through a dark room, often to get to the bathroom at night, and can’t see where they are walking. Having a light within reach that is quick and easy to turn on before walking around a room can make it safer and decrease your risk of falling. Having a bedroom that is organized and furnished in a way that is easy to navigate is also important. If your bedroom is cluttered and hard to walk around without tripping or running into things, it might be worth reorganizing the area to define a clear walking path.   5. Helpful Items in Your Living Room Similar to your bedroom, your living room should have a light that is easily accessible. Sofas with armrests are helpful for support when getting up and sitting down. Avoiding clutter in your walkways, rugs that are not secured down and unstable furniture are important to consider when preventing falls.   6. Actions to Avoid in Your Home There are other ways to fall besides slipping or tripping while walking. Never stand on chairs, boxes or other unstable items in your home. Walkways should be tidy and free of objects that you could trip on. Spills should be cleaned up right away to prevent slipping.   7. Wear Appropriate Footwear Wearing shoes with non-slip soles and closed toes can help prevent you from falling.  Having shoes that fit properly, are made from hard rubber (like tennis shoes) and provide good support help prevent tripping and falling. Shoes with a collar that support the ankle and a well-padded tongue for the top of your foot can also help prevent injury to your feet.   8. Review Your Health & Medications at your Annual Health Check-Up It is important to review your health and medications with your healthcare provider so they can assess if you are at risk for falls. You should discuss your vision, heart health and blood pressure at your annual health check-up. These things can play a role in the risk of falling. Reviewing your current medications is also important. If medications are making you dizzy, talk to your provider about adjusting the dosage so you can feel more stable and balanced. When talking to your doctor about medications be sure to include your vitamins and supplements. Finally, Have your healthcare provider check your feet and discuss proper footwear yearly.   9. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Balance is important in preventing falls. Alcohol consumption negatively affects balance and increases your risk for falls and fractures. It also increases your risk for cancer, liver damage, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and strokes. Smoking is connected to frailty in older adults. It prevents the development of muscle tissue and breaks down healthy muscle tissue due to the lack of oxygen in your body.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Diabetes
    • Prevention and Wellness

    Type 2 Diabetes: What You Should Know

    Type 2 diabetes, formerly known as adult-onset diabetes, is on the rise for adults and children in the United States. Although genetics play a role, you can take steps today to lower your risk of developing this life-altering condition. Michael Raymund Gonzales, MD with Renown Endocrinology answered our questions about Type 2 diabetes and gave us some useful tips for prevention. What effect does diabetes have on the body? And who’s most at risk? First, it’s important to know the difference between the two most common types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is the result of the body’s inability to make insulin, which is a hormone your body needs to be able to use sugar, or glucose, for energy. Type 1 is not preventable, and people who have it were either born with it or they developed it later in life due to an autoimmune process that attacked the pancreas that went unrecognized. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body makes the insulin hormone, but it might not make enough or work well enough for the body to use sugar for energy. This is called insulin resistance. This condition usually develops later in life but is preventable with proper diet, exercise and weight loss. However, due to the obesity epidemic, type 2 diabetes is occurring more often in younger individuals.  Diabetes hurts the body’s ability to break down glucose, so rather than it being used for energy, glucose stays in the bloodstream, which can cause problems. But with early detection and the help of your doctor, diabetes can be managed so that complications are avoided. Left unmanaged, however, diabetes can affect major organs and lead to heart and blood vessel disease, nerve damage, kidney damage, eye damage, skin conditions and more. Type 2 diabetes also results from risk factors that you can’t control, including your family history, race and age. However, there are a few risk factors that you can watch out for, such as being overweight, inactivity, diet choices, having high blood pressure and high cholesterol and triglycerides.

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    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    5 Tips for Healthy Aging

    September is National Healthy Aging Month, which is described by Healthy Aging Magazine as a “month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.”   What does healthy aging mean to you? If you're like most people, you're looking forward to removing the negative from your life – negative energy, thoughts, people and activities that don't contribute to your best life.   While we remain focused on ridding ourselves of the negatives, we can forget about ways to strengthen the positive parts of our lives. Dr. Shruti Basho, a family medicine physician at Renown Health’s senior-focused medical group, provides us with five positive behaviors to focus on to improve happiness and life satisfaction.  Healthy Aging in 5 Easy Steps  Connect – Humans are naturally social creatures! Build connections with friends, family, colleagues and neighbors. Strong interpersonal connections help enrich your life with new experiences and opportunities. Having a support system to call upon in both times of need and times of celebration is priceless, especially as you age. Forming these bonds helps you stay healthier and happier well into your aging journey. Joining the Sterling Silver Club is a great place to meet more people in the community who want to live a healthy, fulfilled life just like you. Be Active – Regular exercise, particularly as you grow older, is vital to increase and maintain your endurance, strength and balance. But exercise doesn’t have to be a chore! Pick a physical activity that you enjoy – whether it be enjoying a nature walk, taking a power weightlifting class or anything in between. Being active will also help you build strong connections with others. If you need a workout buddy in your neighborhood, Nextdoor is a great resource to find people who live right around the block from you and may be looking for their next exercise partner.   Take Notice – Curiosity and mindfulness can be an impactful motivator in positive cognition and behavior as you age. Like a child, see the wonder and beauty of the world. Notice the things around you – the weather, the landscape, the mood and the feelings of people. According to Harvard Medical School, changes in the aging brain "enable us to become better at detecting relationships between diverse sources of information, capturing the big picture, and understanding the global implications of specific issues.” By taking notice, it’s easier to learn to appreciate the things that matter.  Keep Learning – Engaging with lifelong learning is one of the best ways to keep your mind active. Keep trying something new! Challenges keep you on your toes and increase your confidence and excitement in your day. Don’t know where to start? EPIC (Educational Programs Inspiring the Community) offers a diverse personal enrichment and professional development curriculum at Truckee Meadows Community College ranging from art classes to accelerated training certificate courses.  Give – Be generous with your time, your knowledge and your talents by giving to friends, family and the community when you have the capacity. Lending yourself to others doesn’t have to be taxing – saying thank you and even just giving someone a smile can change the course of someone’s day. If you’re looking for a hands-on way to give back, Nevada Volunteers is a great place to find volunteer opportunities near you. Renown Health is also always looking for volunteers who are passionate about making an unforgettable difference to the people and communities we serve.   Practice these five tips to improve happiness and quality of life at any age.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Kid's Health
    • Safe Kids
    • Smoking

    How to Talk to Your Children About Vaping

    According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), e-cigarette use isn’t just up among adults, but it has also tripled in usage for teens. Dr. Jose Cucalon Calderon, a Pediatrics Physician at Renown Health and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, provides helpful insight into e-cigarettes and the dangers it poses to kids and teens.   What Are E-Cigarettes? E-cigarettes are electronic nicotine delivery devices. e-cigarettes use liquid nicotine as an alternative to traditional smoked cigarettes. e-cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance with known toxic side effects that, when released in very high doses, that can have health consequences and causes addiction. Nicotine is described as “toxic,” but the most "toxic" part of e-cigarettes' is everything else within the E-juice. Nicotine mainly keeps people coming back for more. According to the CDC, e-cigarettes are also advertised using the same themes and tactics that have been shown to increase youth use of other tobacco products, including cigarettes. In 2021, approximately 76% of students reported exposure to tobacco product marketing through traditional sources, and approximately 74% of students who used social media had seen e-cigarette–related content. What Does This Mean for the Health My Teen? We know that nicotine can affect brain development in kids and teens, so it is important to educate your teen on the risks of exposure. If you have young children in the home, it is important to be vigilant as well. One teaspoonful of liquid nicotine can be fatal for a young child. How Do I Monitor My Teen for E-Cigarette Use? Monitoring your children can be tricky for parents. E-cigarettes can be harder to detect, unlike traditional cigarettes that were easy to detect by smell and residual odor. E-cigarette use, or “vaping,” is often associated with a dry cough or chronic throat/mouth irritation. Overall, increasing research shows strong links between mental health conditions and posterior combustible tobacco use along with increased risk of marijuana use. Nicotine is addictive, but it does not cause altered mental status like the other drugs of abuse can. All parents are strongly encouraged to talk to their children about the potential dangers of e-cigarettes.   What are the health risks of vaping? Vaping devices have been on the market for a relatively short period of time, with evidence-based health effects and complications still being discovered. Vaping effects poses many harmful risks to children and teens. The risks of vaping include: Chest pain Difficulty breathing Dizziness Headaches Impaired response to infection in the airway Inflammatory problems of the airway Nausea Nicotine addiction Seizures Vomiting   For more information for both parents and teens about quitting smoking or vaping, you can click here. Parents can also use this tip sheet from the U.S. Surgeon General to talk to their child about vaping. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration free national helpline number is 1-800-662-4357 (HELP). It is available 24/7, 365 days a year offering confidential treatment referral and information (in English and Spanish). If you or someone you know is facing a substance (or mental health) problem, please reach out to them.

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    • Employees
    • Physical Therapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Therapy

    Department Spotlight: Acute Care Rehab Therapy

    Being admitted to the hospital is never easy. Being admitted for a traumatic injury can be even harder. Whether it's learning how to walk again or powering through a new speech therapy routine, recovering from an injury that may affect the course of your life can be daunting.  But it doesn’t have to be, thanks to the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team at Renown Health.  The smiling faces of the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team at both Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center will make you see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your dedicated physical therapists, occupational therapists and speech language pathologists are here to serve you and place you back on the right path to recovery and function.  The Role of Acute Inpatient Therapy  The Acute Care Rehab Therapy team comes in at a critical juncture in a patient’s care process after hospital admission. As one of the primary rehabilitation partners on a care team, these dedicated therapists are here to maximize every patient’s safe and independent living before they set off back home – all while reducing the risk of hospital readmission.  “As physical therapists, we address musculoskeletal deficits and assess a patient’s current function after acute injury or illness from their baseline and develop a plan for functional recovery,” said Kristie Eide-Hughes, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional. “We also use our clinical expertise to assist with the discharge process and make sure each patient has the best durable medical equipment the first time around, removing the guesswork.”   “On the occupational therapy side, we work with patients to facilitate their independence with basic life skills, such as dressing, bathing and using the restroom,” added Jeanne Clinesmith, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional.  “In the pediatric setting, we help babies and kids get back to what they were doing before they came into the hospital,” continued Rhonda Yeager, Pediatric Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional. “In the NICU specifically, we support the development of babies, trying to prevent problems from worsening. It’s nice to be a source of positivity in an otherwise intimidating situation.”  The role of therapy in this setting reaches all ages, from babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to adults approaching end-of-life care. Every therapeutic approach is tailored specifically to each patient.  “Therapy is more of a habilitative approach for infants in the NICU, while it is more of a rehabilitative approach for kids and adults following injury or illness,” said Sara Carolla, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.   Each team member in the Acute Care Rehab Therapy department is dedicated to each patient, helping them make progress from start to finish and giving them the tools to succeed along the way.  “I enjoy the variety of the patients we get to see and the ability to see them make gains from the wonderful treatment they get in the hospital from my team,” said Kelly Schwarz, Occupational Therapist at Renown South Meadows.  “We provide education as each patient’s acute issues evolve,” added Nicole Leeton, Speech Language Pathologist at Renown Regional. “One of my favorite parts of my work is the patient and family education aspect, and that includes other healthcare provider education as well. It’s a moving picture.”  Moreover, every team member gives each patient tools to learn how to be themselves again and empowers them to continue striving for the best possible result of their therapy  “We get the opportunity to make a person’s bad experience in life better even by spending one session with them, giving them the keys to unlock something that they didn’t think they had the ability to do,” said Dana Robinson, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional.  On the Road to Independence  Our dedicated therapists in the Acute Care Rehab Therapy team set the stage for a patient’s recovery process after trauma, showing them their potential for independence. With a multitude of patients coming into the hospital with many degrees of medical complexity, each day is different while the end goal is always the same: to optimize function as early as possible while overcoming any barriers and paving the way for a comfortable and effective quality of life.  “Early intervention is a big piece,” said Nicole Leeton. “Us seeing patients early can get them recovered and independent more quickly and help prevent future illness and injuries. For example, in speech therapy, getting in early and facilitating communication skills for patients with impaired speech can make a huge difference.”  Acute Care Rehab therapists dig deeply to see the whole picture of each patient’s situation to foster their independence – their history, social skills, support system and more.  “Sometimes, we are the difference between independence and dependence,” said Dana Robinson. “We are the eyes and ears because we have so much time with the patients. Our team is extremely collaborative and develops a great rapport with patients, so they feel comfortable telling us everything going on with them.”  “For kids, we teach parents ways they can help their kids by setting up their homes and the equipment they need to succeed,” added Rhonda Yeager.  According to the team, one of the biggest keys to independence is repetition. A continual flow of getting up and trying again is crucial for recovery.  “Repetition helps people regain their quality of life back sooner and control their recovery process,” said Megan Hough, Physical Therapist at Renown Health.  “Helping people continue to get stronger and more independent makes my job so rewarding,” added Sam Brown, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.  Knowing that they have made a difference and help shape a patient’s overall development inspires each therapist to never give up, regardless of how difficult an injury presents. There is no set schedule for recovery, and the therapists are always in the patient’s corner.  “This team has the most passionate, caring and dedicated individuals that I know,” said Kendra Webber, Manager of Acute Inpatient Rehab Therapy Services at Renown Regional. They give 110 percent to every patient every time to ensure they have what they need to regain function and independence.”  “By tailoring therapy to the individual, the bounds are virtually limitless for what we can accomplish,” added Dana Robinson.  It Takes a Village  Since acute inpatient therapy is never a one-size-fits-all approach, it truly takes a village for this team to move the mountains they do for patients every day. These teams are fact-finding masters, gathering all the necessary information from the patient, their family and their care team to figure out their precise needs.  “We are a consistent presence for our patients, identifying a lot of different needs and meeting those needs to help patients grow in their treatment process,” said Kelly Schwarz. “By collaborating with each patient’s diverse care team, we are able to employ the clinical judgment to help patients overcome physical, emotional and environmental struggles and set them up with the proper resources once they leave our setting.”  “Our team has steady communication with physicians, nurses, acute care technicians, respiratory staff, physician assistants, case managers and more to ensure the best possible care,” added Jet Manzi, Physical Therapist at Renown Regional.  Constant communication and collaboration are also necessary beyond the acute treatment process. These skills are vital in order to facilitate discharge planning, and the Acute Care Rehab therapists are an essential resource in the discharge process alongside our Hospital Care Management team.  “Often times, a patient’s family needs a lot of guidance in helping their loved ones determine the next level, and we help them navigate those steps and the resources available to them,” said Mark Stumpf, Occupational Therapist at Renown Regional. “And it’s all a team effort.”  “Our therapists are the most committed, generous, hardworking people,” added Courtney Phillips-Shoda, Supervisor of Rehab Therapy Services at Renown Regional. “Despite being short-staffed, we come to work every single day and give everything to our patients. They are the priority.”  If you take away one thing, know this for certain: Renown’s Acute Care Rehab occupational, speech and physical therapists will always be there to help patients continue on a positive trajectory to physical, mental and emotional recovery.  “Whether you are a patient or a provider, if there is a problem, never hesitate to reach out to us,” said Nicole Leeton. “We are always receptive to anyone seeking our help.”  With the Acute Care Inpatient Therapy team on their side, a patient’s journey to recovery is only just beginning.

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    • Diabetes
    • Food and Nutrition
    • Research and Studies
    • Clinical Trial

    Celebrating Blood Sugar Balance This Holiday Season

    As the holiday season draws near, we find more reasons to celebrate with loved ones. At Renown Health, we are kicking off the celebrations early this November with American Diabetes Month. Approximately 37 million Americans, including 270,000 Nevadans, have been diagnosed with diabetes with as many as 95% of those diagnosed living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). What is Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs because your body is not using insulin (a hormone made by the pancreas to help cells use the food we eat for energy) as well as it should, resulting in high blood sugar levels. It is important to obtain a diagnosis for T2DM and ensure it is well-controlled to prevent serious health complications. Those with diabetes are at higher risk for blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and amputation. Tips for Supporting Your Health with Type 2 Diabetes Know Your Blood Sugar Levels: Work with your healthcare provider to establish target blood sugar levels, and make sure to monitor your levels regularly as advised by your healthcare provider to prevent or delay health complications associated with T2DM. Focus on Your Plate: Eating foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats or plant-based proteins, healthy fats and whole grains supports diabetes management. If choosing healthy foods is difficult due to your busy schedule, cost or simply because you aren’t sure where to start, talk with your healthcare provider who may refer you to a registered dietitian. Registered dietitian nutritionists are certified nutrition specialists who can provide education and practical tips for eating to support your T2DM diagnosis with visits covered by many insurance plans. Prioritize Staying Active: Engaging in regular exercise is good for everyone, especially those living with T2DM. Exercise helps your cells become more sensitive to insulin and therefore supports healthy blood sugar levels. Always check with your healthcare provider prior to beginning a new exercise plan. Support Stress Reduction: Stress is unavoidable but can be managed through regular exercise, getting enough quality sleep (7-8 uninterrupted hours per night) and practicing meditation and other mindfulness techniques. Plan Ahead for Holiday Gatherings: There’s still room for celebration while focusing on blood sugar management. Consider bringing a healthy dish to your gathering, focus on filling your plate with vegetable sides and eating those first and incorporate a family walk after dinner. If traveling, pack nutritious snacks that support your health and keep you full. Lastly, enjoy the special dishes and desserts this season has to offer in single-serving portions.

    Read More About Celebrating Blood Sugar Balance This Holiday Season

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