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    • Flu Shot
    • Vaccinations

    Slow the Spread of the Flu with Herd Immunity

    As the leaves turn golden and the air gets crisper, it's not just pumpkin spice lattes that should be on your mind – it's also time to think about your health. Fall time also means it’s flu season and with new cases on the rise, we at Renown Health encourage you to do your part in keeping your Fall activities community safe. How can you protect your whole community you ask? Through something called Herd Immunity. We spoke with Renown Health infection prevention expert, Susanne James to talk about how getting your flu shot is vital for staying healthy and protecting your families and community.

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    • Kid's Health
    • Vaccinations
    • Flu Shot

    Protect Yourself and Others with the Flu Shot

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they protect everyone, including your family and the community. As we continue navigating the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, Renown Health infection prevention expert Whitney Robinson explains how getting your flu shot is vital for staying healthy. 5 Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Reasons to get the flu shot Chills, body aches, fever, congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. But in addition to protecting yourself with a flu shot, you’re helping reduce flu cases and hospitalizations, Whitney said. Flu shots are currently available at pharmacies throughout the Reno area. Whitney says the ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October, but remain relevant throughout the winter months as it only takes two weeks for the antibodies to develop in your body. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. Who needs a flu shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the yearly flu shot for everyone six months of age and older. Equally, they consider it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus.

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    • Parenting
    • Pediatric Care
    • Pregnancy and Childbirth

    What Does a Doula Do?

    If you’re expecting a new baby, you may have been given the advice to hire a doula. You may have seen statistics of improved outcomes among those who’ve had a doula attend their birth. Perhaps you’ve heard that the etymology is from the Greek word meaning “to serve.” But how does a doula serve their clients? A doula is a non-medical birth professional who will guide you through labor, birth, postpartum and beyond. Your doula can discuss your options with you so you can make informed decisions, as well as provide emotional and physical support to ease your experience. While each doula offers their own style, there are certain services that most doulas will provide for their clients. Typically, a birth doula will provide at least one prenatal visit, one postpartum visit and continuous support during active labor. A postpartum doula usually provides support during the 12 weeks immediately following birth, sometimes referred to as the “fourth trimester,” but some will continue care after that as well. Simply put, a doula provides informational, physical and emotional support during the childbearing year(s). Let’s take a closer look at these three ways a doula can support you. The Basics If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any. This is a common phrase in the world of birth work. When you’re in labor, you’re exhausted, in pain and there’s often urgency inherent or implied in any choices you make. So, when an intervention is offered, many birthing people accept it without question. One method that can help the decision-making process is to check your BRAIN: Benefits: What are the benefits of the proposed intervention? Risks: What are the risks of the proposed intervention? Alternatives: What are the alternative options? Intuition: What does your intuition tell you? Nothing: What if we do nothing? What if we wait? When you’re in active labor, you might have difficulty remembering this acronym; that’s where your doula comes in. At your prenatal visits, you can ask your doula for guidance in preparing your birth plan, which can include contingencies for certain potential interventions. And as choices arise during labor, your doula can guide you through the benefits and risks and can provide you with alternative options you might not otherwise be aware of that are available to you. Your doula can remind you to check in with your intuition and can help you quiet your mind so you can listen to your instincts. The Body Although we tend to see depictions of people giving birth on their backs with their feet in stirrups, this is only one of many ways to give birth. Walking and dancing can speed up early labor. Side-lying or hands-and-knees can prevent tearing during the pushing stage. Sometimes labor stalls, and a change of position is often helpful to get things moving again. Your doula can suggest positions depending on your stage of labor. Some labor positions might require the support of another person – your doula could fill this role or assist your partner in doing so. Some doulas also provide massage or even acupressure, and most will do the “hip squeeze” that so many laboring people swear by. If your baby is presenting posterior, or “sunny side up,” your doula can apply counter pressure to alleviate back pain during labor. Some postpartum doulas will do light housework while you rest and bond with your newborn. Others might care for your baby through the night so you can catch up on sleep. Many doulas have also gone through additional training to offer breastfeeding support and may be able to assist you with latch issues and nursing positions. The Mind Pregnancy, birth and postpartum periods can be some of the most emotional times in a person’s life. A doula will hold space for you and help you process your emotions before and after birth. It’s normal to feel apprehensive, or even fearful, about labor and birth, and discussing these feelings is the first step. A doula can help you navigate your concerns in a safe space so you can be prepared emotionally for your upcoming labor. Many doulas will also guide you through writing your birth plan, which can lessen anxiety about the unknown. If you have a history of trauma, your doula can assist in communicating this, so you don’t have to relive the experience every time you meet a new medical provider. Most people will experience some form of what’s often called the Baby Blues in the immediate postpartum period. The third day after birth tends to hit hard, as hormones attempt to regulate, but the Baby Blues can continue for weeks for some new parents. A postpartum doula’s support can be incredibly valuable during this time. When the baby blues last longer than a few weeks, it could considered a mood disorder. Most doulas will recognize signs of postpartum mood disorders and will have resources available for additional support. Choosing the Best Doula for You With so many wonderful doulas in northern Nevada, you might wonder how you could ever choose just one to attend your birth. Some expectant parents are unfortunately restricted by cost. With so many expenses related to a new baby, it can be difficult to budget doula services as well. Thankfully, Nevada Medicaid now covers doula care, and some commercial insurances are following suit. Check with your insurance company to find out if they might cover part of the cost for hiring a doula. If your insurance doesn’t cover doula services, some doulas offer a sliding scale based on income. You may want to interview multiple doulas to find the right one for you. If you’re the kind of person who wants all the information you can get, a more detail-oriented doula might be the best choice. But if you tend to feel overwhelmed by too many options, you might prefer a doula who only offers additional information as the situation calls for it. If you want massage or acupressure during labor, you might want to hire a doula with those certifications. Or maybe informational and physical support are not as important to you as emotional support, in which case your best choice could be a doula who has experience with postpartum mood disorders or trauma support. Regardless of who you hire, be sure to clearly communicate your desires and expectations – not just for your birth, but also for your doula. The most important thing when choosing your doula is trusting your gut. You need to feel comfortable with your doula, as they’ll be tending to you at one of the most vulnerable times in your life. When you find a doula that you click with, who listens to you and supports your choices, you have found the best doula for you.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Baby Health
    • Kid's Health
    • Parenting

    What to Expect at a Well Child Checkup

    A well-child checkup is a great opportunity to monitor your child’s growth and development, and it's also a chance to establish a trusting relationship with your child’s pediatrician and have your questions answered. What to Expect at Each Checkup At every checkup, a comprehensive physical examination will be conducted to assess your child's growth parameters, including height, weight and head circumference. A developmental assessment will evaluate the progress of your infant or young child in achieving age-appropriate milestones, encompassing language skills, motor development, problem-solving abilities and psycho-social skills. In addition, your pediatrician will address common concerns such as feeding, sleep patterns, oral health and general infant care. Unless there are specific needs or concerns for your baby, routine laboratory tests are typically unnecessary. Your pediatrician will provide guidance on immunization schedules, post-vaccination expectations and when to seek medical attention. Furthermore, during each visit, you will receive age-specific guidance to help you anticipate your child's expected growth and development, along with essential safety precautions and illness prevention measures. Your pediatrician will discuss various topics, such as placing your baby to sleep on their back, utilizing rear-facing infant car seats until around age two, maintaining home water thermostats below 120 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring dangerous objects and poisonous substances are out of sight and reach, emphasizing dental health and promoting the use of bike helmets, among other things. Preparing for Your Visit It is recommended that, as a parent, you write down any questions beforehand, so you don’t forget them in the moment. Most importantly, feel comfortable asking your pediatrician about anything that might seem unusual, as you are the parent, and you know best! Before leaving the pediatrician’s office, be sure that you fully understand any instructions given to you and ask for clarification if needed. From your child’s birth through young adulthood, you will be visiting your pediatrician regularly. The American Academy of Pediatrics provides what a regular schedule might look like. Well-Child Checkup Schedule Two to three days after birth and at one month Two months Four months Six months Nine months One year 15 months 18 months 24 months 30 months Three years, and yearly after

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Baby Health
    • Kid's Health
    • Parenting

    10 Essential Questions to Ask at Your Child's Pediatrician Visit

    Taking a few minutes to prepare for your child's pediatrician visit helps ensure that all your child's medical needs are met. Knowing the right questions to ask your provider can help you get the most out of your visit and ensure you and your child feel comfortable and informed. It is essential to base your questions on your child's specific health needs, but the ten options below are a great place to start. How is my child's overall health and development progressing? Is my child meeting their developmental milestones, and are there any areas where they may need extra support? What vaccinations does my child need, and are they up to date on all required immunizations? Are there any nutritional recommendations or concerns for my child's age and stage of development? What are some strategies for promoting healthy habits and physical activity for my child? Are there any warning signs I should look out for regarding my child's health or behavior? What can I do to help prevent common childhood illnesses like colds, flu strains or ear infections? What should I do if my child gets sick, and when should I seek medical attention? Are there any changes to my child's medication or dosage that I should be aware of? Is there anything else I should know or be aware of regarding my child's health or development?

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    • Women's Health
    • Baby Health
    • Family
    • Parenting

    Building a Better Birth Team

    Giving birth expends as much energy as running a marathon. And just like you would only run a marathon with training beforehand, there are exercises you can do to prepare for birth. But instead of a coach, you'll have your birth team. Your birth team exists to help you navigate pregnancy and labor and support your choices. Let's say you've never put together a birth team before and are wondering where to start. Today we'll go over the three main positions to fill for your birth team's starting lineup. Birthing Person The birthing person is the leader of the team. After all, you can't have a birth team without someone giving birth. This person could be the baby's mother, gestational surrogate, birth parent before adoption, a transgender father or a non-binary parent. If you are not the birthing person, don't presume to know what the ideal labor and birth circumstances should be. And if you are the birthing person, don't allow anyone else to tell you what you want. This is your body and your birth; you are the boss in the birth room. Doula No birth team is complete without a doula, and although doulas have increased in popularity lately, many people still don't know what a doula is. Simply put, a doula is a birth professional – not a medical provider – who offers emotional, physical and informational support during pregnancy, labor and beyond. Most doulas' services include at least one prenatal visit and one postpartum visit, as well as continuous care throughout active labor. Some doulas provide more than one prenatal/postpartum visit, so be sure to ask what is included in their fee. Even if you have a partner who will support you during labor, studies have shown that a doula can significantly increase your likelihood of a positive birth outcome. Even the most supportive partner needs to rest, and a doula can ensure that you still get the care you need while your partner gets a break. Midwife or Obstetrician Finally, you'll want to choose the medical professional who will attend your birth. Many folks choose to give birth with the OB/GYN who does their annual check-ups, but there are many reasons someone might choose a different provider for their birth. The first step to finding the best attending provider for your birth is to decide which model of care aligns closest to your values and goals: the Midwifery Model of Care or the Medical Model of Care. .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} .tg th{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; font-weight:normal;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} .tg .tg-gqvw{background-color:#ffffff;color:#56266d;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;font-weight:bold; text-align:left;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-8vim{background-color:#ffffff;color:#56266d;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;text-align:left;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-qm8j{background-color:#ffffff;color:#56266d;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;text-align:left; vertical-align:top} .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} .tg th{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; font-weight:normal;overflow:hidden;padding:10px 5px;word-break:normal;} .tg .tg-gqvw{background-color:#ffffff;color:#56266d;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;font-weight:bold; text-align:left;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-8vim{background-color:#ffffff;color:#56266d;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;font-size:18px; font-weight:bold;text-align:left;vertical-align:top} .tg .tg-2rvk{background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;text-align:left; vertical-align:top} Midwifery Model of Care Medical Model of Care Philosophy Birth is physiological. Birth is potentially pathological. Interventions Medical interventions can cause more complications, and therefore are only used as needed. Medical interventions should be used, even in non-emergency situations and sometimes as preventative measures. Decisions Birthing person is the key decision maker. Medical professional is the key decision maker. Provider’s Role Providers monitor labor and will intervene or transfer to hospital if needed. Providers assess and control the birthing process.

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    • Renown Health
    • COVID-19
    • Virus

    Two Years We Won't Forget: COVID-19 at Renown Health

    On March 19, 2020, Renown Regional admitted the first patient in need of care while sick with COVID-19. Our providers navigated two years of a pandemic and overcame many challenges while providing the best care for our patients and the community. Anicia Beckwith’s series “The Art of Healing” captured Renown Health during this time. Let's take a look back on the last two years. February 2020: Standing Up the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) On February 25, 2020, leaders at Renown Health stood up Renown’s Hospital Incident Command System (HICS), a standardized system used to organize response personnel and resources and manage response operations during emergencies and crises. March 2020: Temporary Deployable Medical Structure Placed Outside Renown Regional Emergency Department On March 12, 2020, Renown set up a deployable medical facility to serve as a respiratory illness screening center for emergency room patients at Renown Regional. A similar tent was also set up outside the emergency room at South Meadows Medical Center. This proactive measure helped our teams care for community members with respiratory illness symptoms while protecting patients and staff in the emergency department and other areas of the hospital. Check out photos of the tent here. Read the Reno Gazette Journal Article about the tent here. April 2020: Alternate Care Site at Mill Street Parking Structure at Renown Regional Renown’s HICS team decided to create an Alternate Care Site (ACS) in the Renown Regional Medical Center Mill Street parking structure. The ACS served additional hospitalized patients and allowed caregivers to remain on campus and still have access to existing hospital infrastructure such as lab, pharmacy, imaging, food services and other critical services. After just 10 days of construction, the ACS was completed on April 3, 2020 with space to hold up to 1,400 patients. Check out photos of the ACS under construction here. On Nov. 12, 2020, Renown opened the ACS to serve additional hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who were clinically stable or improving. Healthcare workers at Renown cared for hundreds of patients at this site. In early Jan. 2021, the remaining patients returned home. Check out the video of Connie, a patient who received care in the ACS. April and July 2020: The LOVE Sculpture Placed at Renown Regional On April 16, 2020, during a time of darkness and uncertainty, Artown loaned Renown the LOVE sculpture, a one-ton aluminum piece of art created by artist Laura Kimpton and fabricated by Jeff Schomberg. The structure, which originally debuted at Burning Man, was lit up Renown Regional's main entrance on Mill St. Watch a video about the LOVE sculpture’s debut at Renown Regional. On July 13, 2020, thanks to the support of former board chair and community supporter Blake Smith and the Keyser Foundation, the LOVE sculpture is now a permanent fixture at Renown Health. Throughout the pandemic, it has served as a source of inspiration, hope and positivity for our community and care providers. Check out a video of the LOVE is Here to Stay celebration. June 2020: Renown Offers In-House COVID Testing In June 2020, the Renown laboratory team sprang into action to help meet the growing demand for COVID-19 testing amongst Washoe County residents and businesses. Renown invested in expanded staffing and in-house testing capabilities that ensured our teams could swab and process up to 1,000 COVID-19 tests for patients each day. All with results returning within hours. November 2020: Renown Introduces “Hospital At Home” Remote Monitoring In November 2020, six patients at Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center diagnosed with COVID-19 were outfitted with a remote Hospital at Home monitoring system. Renown clinicians plan to continue using this system to monitor upwards of 1,000 hospitalized patients and lower acuity patients from their homes. December 2020: Renown Administers COVID-19 Vaccines to Health Care Employees On Dec. 17, 2020, Renown began to vaccinate its healthcare workers. Among those receiving the first vaccines was Luis Martinez, a technician on Renown’s Clinical Decision Unit who cared for patients recovering from COVID-19 in the Alternate Care Site field hospital. Read the Reno Gazette Journal article about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout at Renown. January 2021: Renown Administers COVID-19 Vaccines to Community After several weeks of successful employee and volunteer drive-thru vaccination events, Renown supported the Washoe County Health District and the state in vaccinating Washoe County community members. Click here for a playlist of videos featuring Renown Health employees and patients talking about the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine. February 2021: Local Widow Inspires Renown to Change Visitor Supporter Policy Darlene Randolph’s husband Dave spent 17 days hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center before losing his battle with COVID-19 on December 13, 2020. Darlene wrote a passionate letter to Renown Health asking for the visitor policy that allowed patients with COVID-19 to receive visitors. In February 2021, Renown hospitals were among the first in the country to lift visitor restrictions for patients with COVID-19 to encourage families to be at the patient's bedside. Read Darlene’s full story here. May 2021: Renown Celebrates Volunteers, Partners and Community Who Aided in Vaccine Efforts In May 2021, Renown administered the last dose of COVID-19 vaccines to community members in Renown’s drive-thru clinic. Between January and May 2021, over 80,000 doses were administered at the drive-thru. View drone footage of this effort here. Click here to see pictures of vaccine volunteers and employees. November 2021: Renown Offers Vaccine for Children Ages 5+ In November 2021, Renown vaccinated children in the Reno-Sparks community with the 2-dose series in a limited round of weekend clinics. The vaccine clinics featured therapy dogs, local mascots and donuts donated by Doughboy’s Donuts. Click here to see pictures of the children’s vaccine clinics and watch a video about the clinics here.

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    • Flu Shot
    • Kid's Health

    Parents, Your Kids Need Flu Shots. Here's Why.

    Vanessa Slots, MD, of Renown Medical Group – Pediatrics, explains why getting a flu shot each season can save lives—especially true for the very young and elderly. Why Kids Need Flu Shots The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year. And this year, flu activity is increasing late in the season.  And it happens like clockwork — the onset of an influenza epidemic as fall transitions into winter, and lasts into the spring months. This acute respiratory illness is caused by influenza A or B viruses with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and everyone is susceptible to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms: Abrupt onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory-tract symptoms including cough Sore throat and an irritated nose Who’s at Risk? Once again: Everyone is susceptible, but children and the elderly are at greater risk of complication from influenza, specifically toddlers less than 2 years. At this age, immunities are underdeveloped. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depend on age and prior exposure to the virus. And with young children, flu is more problematic, since they cannot verbalize certain symptoms like body aches and headaches. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. Coupled with gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, children are at risk of dehydration and other complications from the virus that can require hospitalization. In fact, an average of 20,000 children are hospitalized from flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Health conditions, including but not limited to asthma, cystic fibrosis, heart conditions, cerebral palsy, epilepsy or diabetes, can intensify flu symptoms. Still, a substantial number of children with none of these risk factors experience severe complications from the flu. How to Protect Your Child from the Flu The best way to guard against influenza is with a flu shot. Children and adults should get the flu vaccine before flu season kicks in — usually by the end of October. Shots are provided as long as flu viruses are circulating and the vaccine is in supply.

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    • COVID-19
    • Virus

    Avoid Counterfeits and Find the Right Protective Mask with This Helpful Guide

    To better protect our patients, visitors and employees, cloth masks are no longer allowed at Renown facilities. Surgical masks, KN95 and N95 masks are allowed at Renown facilities. Appropriate face masks will be provided for visitors and patients who need one. With recent surges in the infectious COVID-19 omicron variant, many have sought to upgrade their face masks. But, let’s face it, shopping for face masks with adequate protection can be a challenge, especially considering the countless variations and the rise of counterfeit masks. Follow our straightforward guide below which includes some common red flags to help you discern between a high-quality face mask that provides proper protection and those that may be counterfeit. Types of Masks Qualities of a Real N95 Respirator Mask According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), N95 approved masks form a tight seal around your face and include a disposable respirator that removes particles including bacteria, viruses and dust as you breathe. N95 masks that are NIOSH approved undergo strict quality assurance and performance requirements to ensure mask respirators filter out up to 95% of hazardous particles. As a rule of thumb, N95 masks will not have ear loops, commonly used in cloth or surgical face masks. N95 respirators will contain two elastic bands or head straps that fasten behind the head, one securing the crown of the head and the other resting at the base of the neck, providing a snug fit and seal. Some other common signs that an N95 might be counterfeit include lack of all proper labeling, misspellings of NIOSH, decorative fabric and claiming to be approved for children. Currently, masks in adult sizes are the only masks to undergo NIOSH’s quality assurance and testing process. Respirators approved by NIOSH will include a testing certification (TC) approval number and will contain specific labeling on the facepiece of your mask. Find a full list of Center for Disease Control (CDC) and NIOSH requirements here. Identifying Real KN95 Respirator Masks Often preferred due to comfortability, the KN95 respirators were initially designed to meet Chinese standards for medical masks. Firstly, if a KN95 mask claims to be approved by the CDC, it is counterfeit as the CDC and NIOSH do not support any respiratory protective devices according to international standards. However, when KN95 masks are fitted and worn appropriately they do provide more protection than disposable masks. Legitimate KN95 masks will display a manufacturer number, GB2626-2019, ensuring accordance with current Chinese respirator standards for all masks made after July 1, 2021. Unlike N95 masks, it is important to note that KN95 masks are available in children's sizes. You might run into KN95 masks claiming to be “FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved” or “FDA-registered,” but be aware that this does not mean much and is a misleading statement. What this indicates is that a mask maker has submitted paperwork to the FDA, but the product has not been thoroughly tested for proper filtration and protection. Surgical Masks Medical procedure masks often referred to as surgical or disposable masks vary in their protection according to a variety of factors including fit and filtration. The CDC defines medical procedure masks as “variably shaped, including flat pleated, cone-shaped, or duck-bill. Medical procedure masks are loose and are not expected to provide a reliable level of protection against airborne or aerosolized particles as N95 respirators regulated by the National Institute of for Occupational Safety and Health.” However, these types of masks provide more protection than cloth masks and are certainly better than wearing no mask at all. Often popular due to their level of comfort and cost-effectiveness, surgical masks can be knotted in the ear loop areas to provide a tighter seal and can be layered for additional filtration. Depending upon your budget and level of comfortability and protection, one variation of mask may suit you over another. Please remember to do your part in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and wear a surgical mask, KN95 or N95 mask when visiting Renown facilities.

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    • COVID-19
    • Vaccinations
    • Virus

    COVID-19 Booster Shots, What You Need to Know

    Getting the COVID-19 booster is the best way to protect yourself from severe illness or death due to COVID-19, and both the CDC and the FDA have approved booster shots for people ages 18 and older. So, with the holidays right around the corner and infection rates on the rise both in Nevada and nationally, the best thing you can do to prevent the continued spread of this deadly virus is to get boosted today. The Basics: Who: It is recommended that everyone 18 years or older get a COVID-19 booster shot. When: At least 6 months after completing your primary COVID-19 vaccination series. What: Any of the COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States. The CDC allows for mix and match dosing for booster shots. How: To make an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine booster, please visit today. Appointment Reminders: Don’t forget to bring your CDC vaccination record card to your appointment. Refresh yourself on the potential side effects and remember that these are normal signs your body is building up protection. Commonly Asked Questions: Q: Does anything change if I received the Johnson & Johnson as my first COVID-19 vaccine? A: If you received the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, you are elidable for a booster two months after completing your primary vaccine. Q: Is the formula the same for the boosters as it was for the primary vaccine? A: COVID-19 booster shots are the same formulation as the current COVID-19 vaccines. However, in the case of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, it is half the dose of the vaccine people get for their primary series. Q: Am I still considered “fully vaccinated” if I don’t receive a COVID-19 booster shot. A: Yes, everyone is still considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-shot series, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as the J&J/Janssen vaccine. All information courtesy of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. All information courtesy of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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    • MyChart
    • Urgent Care
    • Flu Shot

    What You Need To Know About Flu Shots

    Flu shots don’t just protect those who get vaccinated; they guard everyone, including your family and the community. Renown Health experts help us understand why everyone should get a flu shot, including children, pregnant women and older adults. Ways to Schedule Your Flu Shot Call Us! 775-982-5000 Urgent Care Appointments Renown Pharmacy Vaccinations Make an Appointment via MyChart Need a Doctor? Find One Now Flu Shot Information Whitney Robinson, Renown Health Infection Prevention Expert Chills, body aches, fever and congestion; getting the flu isn’t fun. When you get a flu shot, you’re not just protecting yourself, you’re also helping reduce the total flu cases and hospitalizations. The ideal time to get your flu shot is September through October. This timing allows the vaccine to provide the strongest protection during the length of flu season. However, getting the vaccine later is better than not at all as it's still flu season well into spring. Flu Symptoms In general, influenza (flu) is worse than the common cold and shares symptoms with COVID-19, causing mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Symptoms include: Fever or feeling feverish/chills (not everyone will have a fever) Cough and/or sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Headaches, muscle or body aches Fatigue (tiredness) Vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults Who Needs a Flu Shot? Almost everyone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers it the first and most crucial step in protecting against the flu virus. Therefore, they recommend the yearly flu shot for those six months of age and older. Does the Flu Shot Help with COVID-19? The short answer is no. However, flu vaccines can reduce the risks of flu illness and hospitalization. Therefore, it is crucial for you to get your flu shot to not only protect yourself and the community, but also to help conserve vital, local healthcare resources. CDC Resource: Who Needs a Flu Vaccine and When Kids, the Elderly and Flu Shots  Vanessa Slots, M.D., Renown Medical Group The flu is not a passing cold. It is a serious illness that takes lives every year and it happens like clockwork. The onset of flu season is fall and lasts through winter into the spring months. This lung illness is caused by viruses, with yearly outbreaks occurring worldwide. No one is immune, and anyone can catch  to the flu. Flu Signs and Symptoms Quick onset of fever Headache Body aches and fatigue along with respiratory symptoms including cough Sore throat and nose Who's at Risk for the Flu? Children and the elderly are at greater risk of complications from the flu, specifically toddlers less than two years old. At this age, their immunity is still developing. Seniors over 65 are also at increased risk because their immune systems have weakened with age. The severity of a child’s symptoms depends on age and prior exposure to the virus. With young children, for example, the flu is more problematic since they cannot talk and communicate their symptoms. As a result, children often experience higher fevers, which can lead to seizures or convulsions. This can be coupled with issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and poor appetite, all of which put children at risk of dehydration and other complications that can require hospitalization. An average of 20,000 children are hospitalized for flu each year. Pre-Existing Health Issues Ongoing health conditions including asthma, heart conditions, diabetes and more can intensify flu symptoms. Still, many children without risk factors can experience severe flu complications. CDC Resource: Flu Information for Parents Pregnant Moms and Flu Shots Tamsen Carson, PAC, Surgical First Assistant, OB/GYN, Renown Medical Group “During pregnancy, your immune system wards off infection for your baby, leaving you more susceptible to infection and adverse health conditions,” Tamsen explains. She   highly recommends flu shots for ALL women during pregnancy. You must receive the injected vaccine versus the live vaccine, a nasal spray, which can cause the flu to occur. Passing Flu Immunity on to Your Baby Also, remember that you will also be able to pass the immunity onto your baby if you breastfeed, which will protect your baby from the flu. CDC Resource: Flu Safety and Pregnancy

    Read More About What You Need To Know About Flu Shots

    • Vaccinations
    • COVID-19
    • Kid's Health

    How to Ease Your Child's Fear of Vaccines

    Getting a shot can be scary for kids and anxiety-inducing for parents and caregivers. With flu shot season well underway and children's COVID-19 vaccine clinics in full swing, we wanted to share ways to reduce the stress for you and your child. Plan Ahead and Be Honest A few days before the scheduled appointment, casually mention to your child that you’re both going to the doctor’s office (or vaccine clinic, or pharmacy) soon for their vaccine. Explain to them that this will help protect them and will only take a second. Being honest is important, telling your child that it will hurt for a moment. If possible, try and schedule the vaccine at a kid-specific vaccine clinic, your pediatrician's office or a school-based site. Remember that words are powerful. Take notice if you are using a word that might make them more upset, such as prick, jab, needle or shot. You can interchange words such as vaccine, immunization or injection. Bring Toys Don’t be afraid to let your child bring one of their favorite toys or stuffed animals to the appointment. This can make them feel more comfortable and provide distraction. Ask for Pain Reliever/Numbing Agent If you know from past experience (or suspect) that your child has a needle phobia, talk to the vaccination location ahead of time and ask if they can use a pain reliever or numbing agent before administering the vaccine. Distract. Distract. Distract. Sing a song, tell them a joke, make a funny face. If you can pull your child’s attention away from the needle and make them laugh, they won’t focus all their energy on worrying about the shot. Lead By Example If you haven't gotten your flu shot, COVID shot or COVID-19 booster yet, ask the facility ahead of time if you can also get a shot before your child. Show them that the shot is no big deal and that they will have no problem getting it themselves. Celebrate Don’t be afraid to celebrate this victory with your child once it is over – bring them to the park, go out for an ice cream cone, let them pick what’s for dinner. This reward will show that you’re proud of them for being brave and may also make the next time your child is due for a shot easier.

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