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    • Mammogram
    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care

    Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Senior Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

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    • Women's Health
    • Mammogram

    Do Mammograms Hurt? 4 Myths Debunked

    Mammograms are an effective means for early detection of breast cancer. Still, many women shy away from them for fear of pain or discomfort. Let us debunk a few mammogram myths that will remove your worries and encourage proactive breast health. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Myth 1: Mammograms Are Painful Reality: Although some women experience discomfort during a mammogram, most say it is not painful. Breast compression, which is important to get a clear image, can cause a sensation of pressure, but this lasts for a few seconds. Let your technician know how much pressure you can handle so you're not uncomfortable. Myth 2: Discomfort Persists Long After the Procedure Reality: The sensation of pressure developed through the compression process diminishes quickly after the procedure. Most women go about their day afterward without experiencing any residual pain.

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    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram

    7 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Young Women

    Cancer can develop at any age, and that’s why the experts at Renown are ready to help you stay ahead of breast cancer, especially if you're in your 20s or 30s. We're talking about early detection, signs to be aware of, and why being proactive is a big deal. Studies show there has been an increase in breast cancer in younger women. Although breast cancer is rare in women under 40, when it occurs, it tends to be aggressive. The tricky part? Many young women don't think it can happen to them, so they don't check for the signs as often as they should. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Early Signs and Symptoms New or Different Lump in the Breast: A lump is probably the most well-known symptom. Breast cancer is usually painless and firm, but it can also be soft. If you find a new lump, don't panic, but don't ignore it either. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Have you noticed that one breast looks a little different? Whether it's swelling, shrinking, bulging, dimpling, or seems off, it's worth mentioning to your doctor. Skin Changes: If the skin on your breast starts to thicken or turn red, it's time to pay attention. If your skin starts looking like an orange peel (thickened, with prominent pores), that warrants evaluation. Nipple Discharge: Spontaneous drainage coming from your nipple that isn't breast milk—especially if it's clear or bloody—should be checked out. Nipple Changes: If your nipple starts to invert, flatten, or look different, call your doctor. Breast Pain: Continuous pain in your breast or nipple that isn't linked to your menstrual cycle is another symptom to note. However, breast pain is very common and is only rarely a sign of cancer, so don’t panic. Swelling or Lumps in the Armpit: When it spreads, breast cancer usually first goes to the lymph nodes in the armpit, so swelling or lumps under your arm should be on your radar.

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    • Student Programs
    • Nursing
    • University of Nevada, Reno
    • Renown Health
    • Renown Health Foundation

    Meet Future Renown Nurse Jeromy Hughes

    When Jeromy Hughes became one of the 29 nursing students accepted into the first Gerald “Jerry” Smith Academic-Practice Partnership cohort, he almost couldn’t believe it. Life as both an Orvis School of Nursing student and a future nurse in our community was about to change. Not only was he about to receive full tuition support, but he also was set up for a guaranteed start to his career as a nurse at Renown Health.   The Academic-Practice Partnership was named in honor of Jerry Smith of the Nell J. Redfield Foundation. Supported by a generous gift from the Redfield Foundation and Stephanie Kruse, Foundation Board Director, the goal of this partnership is to help foster a lasting nursing workforce in northern Nevada, with nurses like Jeromy leading the charge.  From the Courtside to the Bedside Jeromy grew up playing basketball in his hometown of Las Vegas and was on the team at Bishop Gorman High School. His talent resulted in a scholarship to play basketball for Wenatchee Valley College in Washington, which would put him on a trajectory to play professionally – even though nursing was always in the back of his mind. Jeromy received a unique opportunity to play for De La Salle University in the Philippines, and with much excitement, he set off across the world.  Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit.  When the world shut down, Jeromy had no choice but to stay in the Philippines, waiting to return to the Silver State. Three months later, he flew home to Las Vegas.  In those moments, Jeromy’s entire mindset shifted. A career in nursing was no longer in the back of his mind; it came right to the forefront. With a plan to now stay in-state, he set off to attend the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR).  “My whole family is involved in the healthcare field, and I’ve always been surrounded by healthcare in some way,” said Jeromy. “My parents own an elder care facility, my dad is a respiratory therapist in Las Vegas and my grandparents own a hospice facility down in southern California. My grandma was also a nurse for more than 50 years, and throughout her career, she worked in labor and delivery, psychiatry and medical-surgical units. I’ve always wanted to help people like my family has, and nursing resonated with me the most out of every option.”

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    • Allied Health
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    Department Spotlight: Clinical Decision Unit

    Entering the emergency room (ER) is intimidating for any person, let alone when you’re unsure what condition or illness you might have. Many may also spend their time in the ER wondering if they will need to be admitted to the hospital.  Now, let’s say you don’t need to be admitted. That’s great news! But in order to figure out what’s going on in your body, you may need to stay a little longer – say, under 24 hours – for observation, tests or further treatment. This work is done swiftly by a specific team at the hospital to get you home sooner.  That team at Renown Health is the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU). These nursing and acute care professionals seamlessly fill in the gaps between inpatient and outpatient care, helping patients return home sooner through rapid tests and treatment.  Quick Interventions for Efficient Care The key goal at the forefront of the CDU’s patient care philosophy lies in their name: decisions. The team makes quick decisions in order to deliver timely, accurate assessments so they can treat patients efficiently and get them home. Not only do these efforts help reduce the amount of time patients have to stay in the hospital, but they also achieve cost savings for both the patient and our health system. And in cases where patients do end up needing to be admitted, the CDU walks them through everything they can expect during their stay.  The main duties of our CDU team include:  Observation and monitoring, where patients with conditions that are not immediately life-threatening but need closer monitoring Diagnostic testing, including blood work and imaging, to help providers gather critical information quickly Treatment and stabilization to receive treatments like IV fluids, medications or other therapies to prevent the need for inpatient admission Decision-making to determine whether the patient should be admitted for further care or discharged with follow-up plans  Think of the CDU as the ER and inpatient admission go-between. By diverting patients who don’t necessarily need emergency intervention away from the ER, the CDU helps relieve high patient volumes and reduce wait times.  “The CDU offloads patients from the emergency room who require slightly longer observation status to complete more complex testing or exams,” said Kristine Barnes, RN. “You could consider us a ‘limbo’ unit between the ER and admission to the hospital, if required.”  As with many other teams at Renown, every day is different for this team. They enjoy the variety of cases they see and solving the puzzles that present with patient care.  "The CDU is always fast moving, with discharges and admissions all day,” said Tyler Cathcart, Acute Care Technician-Advanced. “As an observation unit, we function as both an extension of the ED and PACU, with Medical, Telemetry and post-op patients. We have a wide range of patients and responsibilities to keep the unit moving quickly.”  “We see a variety of patients and enjoy the variety each day brings,” added Angie Marrale, Acute Care Technician-Basic. “A day in the life as a tech on CDU is full of surprises because we have such a wide variety of patients. It requires all team members to be attentive, hardworking and communicative in order to provide our patients with the care they need.”  If you’re ever looking for an example of a team that moves and acts quickly, the CDU is a shining example of that. Due to their hyper-focused attention, patients are able to embrace better outcomes and higher satisfaction.  “We move quickly to get today's group of patients comfortable, complete the tests ordered, make the appropriate interventions and get them discharged back home or transferred in less than 24 hours; then, we refill the unit, and each patient receives excellent, expedited care,” said Tyler Cathcart. “Efficient patient care within 24 hours is our goal, and we strive to meet that goal daily.”  A place to get extra care and attention without needing to stay for a long time while also having a team of professionals solely dedicated to figuring out what is going on in your body? Sign us up!

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    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram

    Guide to Cancer Screenings

    One of the most crucial aspects of maintaining health and wellness is staying proactive about regular cancer screenings. Early cancer detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. The multidisciplinary care team at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown Health provides compassionate care and support to the community for early detection and diagnoses. This comprehensive guide outlines the various cancer screenings available for breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, prostate and skin cancer. Breast Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Mammograms are recommended starting age 40 for those considered at average risk for breast cancer. Women with a family history or other risk factors should discuss appropriate screening options with their healthcare provider. Women under 40 with a family history should discuss risk factors with a healthcare provider. Screening Methods Mammogram: This provides an X-ray of the breast and can detect tumors that are not yet palpable. Breast MRI: This type of scan is recommended for women at high risk for breast cancer due to genetic factors or family history. Screening Breast Ultrasound: This scan can help in identifying masses in denser breast tissue that might not be visible on mammogram. It is recommended in addition to a mammogram for patients at a higher risk for breast cancer. What to Expect During a mammogram, the breast is compressed between two plates to capture X-ray images. Some pressure or discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and critical for early detection. Colorectal Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 45 to 75 should undergo regular colorectal screenings. Some adults under 45 may need to be screened earlier depending on family history or other genetic risks. Those over 75 should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if continued screening is necessary. Screening Methods Colonoscopy: This procedure uses a flexible tube with a camera to examine the entire colon. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): A non-invasive test that detects hidden blood in the stool. CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy): Uses Computed tomography (CT) imaging to provide detailed views of the colon. What to Expect A colonoscopy can detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Screening is usually advised every ten years, but if you are at risk, screening may be recommended every 3 to 5 years after your initial colonoscopy. Colonoscopy preparation includes bowel cleansing the day before and sedation during the procedure. FIT is a simple at-home test requiring no special preparation. Lung Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 50 to 80 with a significant smoking history (20 pack years or more) and who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Screening Methods Low-dose Computed Tomography (LDCT): A CT scan with low radiation doses to create detailed images of the lungs. What to Expect LDCT is a non-invasive scan that requires you to hold your breath for a few seconds. Cervical Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Women aged 21 to 65 should undergo regular screenings. Women aged 21 to 29 should have a Pap test every three years. Women aged 30 to 65 should have a Pap test and HPV test every five years, or a Pap test alone every three years. Screening Methods Pap Test (sometimes called a Pap Smear): Collects cells from the cervix to detect precancers. HPV Test: Identifies high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types that can cause cervical cancer. What to Expect The Pap test involves collecting cells from the cervix using a small brush. Some discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and crucial for early detection. Prostate Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Men aged 50 and older should discuss screening options with their healthcare provider. Men at higher risk (African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer or are a BRCA2 gene carrier) should begin discussing screenings  at age 40. Screening Methods Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: Measures PSA levels in the blood. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A physical examination where the provider feels the prostate through the rectum to detect abnormalities. What to Expect The PSA test is a simple blood test. The DRE may cause slight discomfort but is quick and essential for early detection. Skin Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Anyone with a suspicious lesion or abnormal area on their skin. Individuals with more than 50 moles or dysplastic moles. Those with a personal history of melanoma or history of other skin cancers. Those who have more than one member of immediate family with a history of cancers (melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer) or a family member who was diagnosed with melanoma before they were 50 years old. Positive gene testing for BRACA2, Lynch syndrome genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 or EPCAM). Screening Methods Skin Exam: A visual examination by your provider to check for unusual moles, birthmarks, or other skin changes. Biopsy: Removal of a small sample of skin for testing if an abnormal area is identified. What to Expect A skin exam is non-invasive and visual. A biopsy involves minor discomfort and local anesthesia if needed. Expert Advice Although the cadence of these skin screenings may or may not be annual, as one's age increases, the risk of many cancers rises. Everyone benefits from attentive sun protection, including avoiding direct sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. by seeking shade and wearing hats, clothing and sunscreen. When purchasing sunscreen, look for SPF 50, UVA/UVB broad spectrum. Questions to Discuss with Your Healthcare Provider What is my risk level for different types of cancer? Which screening tests do you recommend for me and why? What are the potential risks and benefits of each test? How often should I get screened? What steps to follow if a test result is abnormal? Importance of Cancer Screenings Regular cancer screenings are vital for maintaining your health and catching cancer early, when it is most treatable. Renown Health is dedicated to guiding you through the process and providing the highest quality of care. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate screenings for your specific needs and to take proactive steps toward a healthier future.

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    • HealthyNV Project
    • Research and Studies
    • Mammogram
    • Genetic
    • Cancer Care

    Optimizing Mammogram Screenings: A Genetic Approach to a Personalized Screening Schedule

    © Arthon Meekodong via Breast cancer screening has long been a cornerstone of women's healthcare. With 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime1, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has developed screening recommendations to help detect early-stage cancer. Notably in 2023, the USPSTF revised the recommended age for biennial mammogram screenings for women with average risk to start at age 40 instead of 502, estimated to result in 19% more lives being saved3 by starting screening earlier. While initiating screening at an earlier age offers advantages to a wide demographic, concerns about the potential of over-screening prompted research into the feasibility of identifying women with lower breast cancer risk who could safely delay mammograms. While guidelines address high-risk individuals, a notable gap exists in providing recommendations tailored to those at lower risk. To gain insight into a patient's risk level, physicians are able to utilize genetic testing to understand an individual's genetic makeup, providing precise insights into their predisposition to various health conditions, including breast cancer. Armed with this genetic information, healthcare providers could craft tailored screening strategies that align with an individual’s specific risk profile. This genetic risk-based approach underscores the value of genetics in individualizing the onset of screening to help avoid over-screening and its associated costs. Surprisingly, genetic information is not currently being widely utilized to identify women at risk of breast cancer or other diseases in clinical practice, despite its potential to make a significant positive impact for patients. A recent retrospective analysis of 25,591 women from the Healthy Nevada Project4 sheds light on the potential benefits of this genetic risk-based approach. The study classified 2,338 (9.1%) of these women as having a low genetic risk for breast cancer. What's remarkable is that these women exhibited a significantly lower and later onset of breast cancer compared to their average or high-risk counterparts. This finding suggests that it might be safe for low-risk women to delay mammogram screening by 5 to 10 years without compromising their health.

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    • Nursing
    • Safety

    Department Spotlight: Float Pool

    Ring in the New Year and the rest of the holiday season by celebrating Renown’s Float Pool team!  After coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's no mystery that healthcare across the country has shifted and adapted to the growing needs and new demands of our patient populations. Renown Health is no different. As the largest not-for-profit health system in the region, we are no stranger to change, even when change presents challenges. Who do we call on when a unit needs more team members in the eleventh hour? Who can help when our patient volume spikes up with seconds to spare?  This is where the Float Pool at Renown comes to the rescue. Skilled in a wide variety of healthcare specialties, from acute care nursing and critical care to care aiding and patient safety, this is the team that can seamlessly step in to provide crucial patient care to the units that need it most, whether a team is understaffed for the day or needs extra all-hands-on-deck for a specific patient or procedure. Float Pool team members are equipped to work in virtually any clinical area at Renown, making a genuine difference with every patient they encounter.  A Pool of Relief Teams across Renown can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Float Pool has their back in times of need. As the backbone of our health system, these dedicated team members possess a wealth of clinical knowledge and the ability to navigate diverse medical environments. Their flexibility allows them to fill staffing gaps and provide essential support to many different units.  “We fill in the gaps of staffing to make everyone's day better,” said Patti Crepps, Critical Care Float Pool RN. “A float nurse has to be flexible and able to adapt to different situations and places – basically, ‘go with the flow.’ Patient care is basically the same all over; we make patient care possible by being familiar with all the various specialties and providing the specific care needed depending on the population we are taking care of on that shift.”  “Float Pool staff members are like healthcare chameleons, transitioning between different departments,” added Shelby Riach, Acute Float Pool RN. “We incorporate flexibility, teamwork and a commitment to ensuring patients receive the best care, regardless of the setting or circumstances.”  This team thrives in uncertainty; in fact, no workday is the same in Float Pool – and that’s exactly the way they like it. Working with many different teams across a multitude of specialties, these Care Aides, RNs, Critical Care Techs, Patient Safety Assistants (PSAs), Certified Nurses Assistants (CNAs) and more enjoy facing change, while they all share a goal of providing the best patient care possible.  “No day looks the same; since we are the Float Pool, we are assigned a different assignment on Smart Square every day, whether it be as a care aide, a patient safety assistant, a unit clerk or patient transport,” said Melina Castenada, Care Aide. “If we are assigned as a care aide on the floor, we help assist with call lights and help with whatever nurses and CNAs may need, including feeding, transporting, walking, helping patients use the restroom, etc. When we are assigned as a PSA ‘sitter,’ we sit for the patient to help keep them safe. If we are assigned as unit clerk, we help answer phones and direct patients appropriately, file paperwork, answer call lights if needed and assist with office work.”  “I love that every day is a different floor with different tasks and a different atmosphere,” added Julia Chappell, Critical Care Technician. “I find out which floor that I will be on right before my shift starts and head to the floor to find out my assignment for the day. Depending on the specialty, such as the medical-surgical floor versus an intensive care unit (ICU), my daily job tasks can vary.”  When it comes to high-risk patients, who require special attention, PSAs within Float Pool step in to help.  “The PSA role within Float Pool largely consists of adverse event prevention for our high-risk patients, and being a Float Pool employee allows us to work wherever we are needed,” said Dimitri Macouin, Patient Safety Assistant. “Whether it be in the emergency department, neurology or pediatrics, the PSA will be the eyes and ears for the nurses working with this patient population.”  “Great strides have been made to ensure that PSAs remain vigilant and are recognized as an integral part of the patients' care team rather than 'just a sitter,’” added Karla Phillips, Patient Safety Assistant.  Float Pool also oversees our Discharge Lounge, which offers patients and their families a dedicated space to reconnect and prepare for their discharge from the hospital.  “The increase in utilization of the Discharge Lounge is something we are very proud of,” said Kara Abshier, Care Aide. “We assist in discharging patients from all over the hospital to help the floor and get new patients into rooms.”  Every day brings a new challenge for Float Pool. As these team members wake up with uncertainty, they are ready to embrace the diverse demands of caring for patients of all ages.  “The fact that Float Pool exists is amazing,” said Hannah Luccshesi, Acute Float Pool RN. “We wake up with no clue as to whether we will be working with babies, children or adults and then fill in the needs of the hospital.”

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    • Employee Story
    • Nursing
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    20 Years of Compassion and Dedication

    When you meet Poeth Kilonzo, Director of Oncology Nursing at Renown Health, you are immediately greeted with a warm smile that puts your mind at ease. Within the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute, Poeth enjoys a strong reputation among her employees and patients as someone they can always rely on, no matter how rough the tides may flow.   As an incredibly humble oncology professional, you may not realize that behind that smile is the power of a best-in-class nurse and leader holding a 20+ year career of diverse nursing experience and leadership excellence – dedicating the majority of her service to Renown Health.  Join us as we dive into Poeth’s unique journey through Renown.  Finding Her Passion  Ever since she could remember, Poeth has been a “people person.” Above all else, she cared for people – and she cared a lot. What better place for her to be than healthcare?  After moving to northern Nevada from Kenya, she began working in private patient care working with home health and dementia patients while taking classes at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in 2000. One day, a patient asked her a question that would change the course of her career journey: Did you ever think about becoming a nurse?  Driven by not only the words of encouragement of her patients and supervisors in home health but also the rallying support from her family and friends, including her husband and high school friend, who both have decades of experience interacting with nurses in healthcare (with her husband spending many of those years at Renown), Poeth knew this was the path she was meant to take.  “That was it; it was like a light switch had flipped,” said Poeth. “I switched to nursing overnight.”  According to Poeth, TMCC’s nursing program offered her an incredibly supportive environment, which was especially important as she was a young mom at the time. Working in healthcare, going to nursing school and raising a family all at the same time is no easy task, but to Poeth, this was her calling.  “Regardless of my path, I knew I wanted to be a nurse that was close to patients, sitting with them and holding their hand throughout their treatment,” said Poeth.  During nursing school, Poeth completed clinicals at several hospitals in Reno – three of them were at Renown Health (known as Washoe Medical Center at the time). What immediately stood out to her was the passion of the pediatrics unit, especially in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  “While I knew that pediatrics wasn’t going to be my arena, some of the best times in my life were during my pediatrics clinical,” said Poeth. “It opened me up to how welcoming Renown is.”  While doing her rotations, nursing leaders helped Poeth and her fellow classmates discover Renown’s Nurse Apprentice program, an apprenticeship designed exclusively for local northern Nevada nursing students. One of those leaders asked her, “have you considered doing a rotation in oncology?”  And another light switch flipped.  “Bingo. I am becoming an oncology nurse apprentice,” Poeth recalls. And that’s exactly what she did.   After her four-month apprenticeship ended in February 2002, she walked into her interview with Joanna Gold, who would end up being her supervisor and one of her greatest mentors until she passed away in recent years. With her experience and enthusiastic spirit on her side, Poeth fervently expressed her passion and interest in working in oncology. And Joanna saw all of that and more.  In June 2002, Poeth was presented with a two-year oncology RN contract, which she easily signed – however, she knew right then and there but she was not going anywhere. Renown was her home, and oncology ignited the fire within her.  “The nurses in this unit are part of what kept me here,” Poeth remembers. “These nurses would really do anything for their patients. The commitment and love they all had for one another truly was like family. It inspired me to learn more and give even better care to my patients."  To Poeth, it didn’t feel like she was coming to work just to do a job – she was following her dreams.  “You don’t think about the work you do; you think about the service,” said Poeth.  From there, Poeth spent three years on the floor as an oncology RN and became a night shift supervisor in 2005. She was thriving.  But this part of her journey was only the beginning.  When Opportunity Arises, Take It  In March 2007, Poeth and her husband welcomed their third child – and for her, working a day shift position would serve her the best at her current stage of life. This revelation led her down to Renown South Meadows Medical Center, where she became a staff nurse in Medical Telemetry.  It was in the telemetry unit where Poeth contributed to one of the largest digital transformations Renown would ever go through: transitioning from paper records to electronic records on EPIC.  From there, Poeth was inspired to get back into leadership in 2012 as the Supervisor of Clinical Nursing overseeing nurses, clinical outcomes and payroll in the medical/telemetry unit and intensive care unit (ICU). The timing of her leadership role lined up perfectly with her decision to take her skills to the next level, achieving a bachelor’s degree from Nevada State College in 2016. The timing of her degree lined up perfectly with what was about to come; she embarked on her first leadership role at Renown  This is where she would happily stay for 11 years, eventually becoming the Manager of Nursing in telemetry and the ICU, noting that Renown South Meadows felt like a second home to her.  “I wore many hats at South Meadows,” Poeth recalls. “From piloting back coding and handling compliance work to being on the patient floor and heading up South Meadows’ first high school hospital volunteer program, I got very involved. We had seven years without having a single nurse traveler in our unit."  It wasn’t long before Poeth was inspired to expand her education even further, and she graduated in January 2018 with a master’s degree in nursing clinical leadership from Western Governors University. Thanks to Renown’s educational assistance programs, our health system invested directly in Poeth’s education with tuition reimbursement and a $1,000 nursing scholarship.  Soon after celebrating her achievement, Jennifer Allen Fleiner – who was the Director of Nursing at Renown South Meadows at the time – asked Poeth yet another question that would bring her to the precipice of another career detour: “Have you ever considered transferring from South Meadows to Renown Regional?”   Moments later, Alicia Glassco, Director of Nursing for Renown Regional, asked her the same question, noting that the hospital’s neurosurgery unit needed the leadership of someone just like Poeth.  “It took me a whole week to make a decision, because this was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made in my life,” said Poeth. “I truly loved South Meadows. After that week, my leader told me, ‘you know what, Poeth? You’ve reached your pinnacle. You need and deserve a new challenge. Learn from this new team and teach them something. I think you have a huge opportunity for growth.”  So, Poeth decided to apply for the position and shadow the neurosurgery team, where unlike her unit, the majority of the team at the time were travelers. But this was a challenge Poeth was up to – so she was accepted into the role.  “At the end of the day, these patients deserved consistent care,” Poeth emphasized. “I knew I had to take this position for the patients – they were the ones who sold me on this job. They are the reason why we are all here. It was important for me to be an advocate for them.”  The big hills to climb didn’t slow down Poeth; in fact, the exact opposite happened. Within her first year in the neurosurgery unit, her team onboarded 18 new graduates and replaced travelers.  “We were hiring like crazy,” said Poeth. “My standing agenda at all section meetings focused on hiring and our quality metrics. I started having a relationship with our doctors. Once we created a strong doctor/nurse collaboration, our nurses started staying with us longer.”  Everything on the unit was going great.  Then, COVID-19 hit.   “Since we had private patient rooms, our unit became the first COVID unit at Renown Regional,” Poeth recalls. “My whole staff that I had built up had to be distributed elsewhere. I started caring for COVID patients. We relied on our Infection Prevention team a lot. And at the same time, I was worried about my family in Africa.”  Despite the stressful nature that the pandemic brought upon health systems everywhere, according to Poeth, she knew she had to continue on.  “The neurosurgery team ended up merging with orthopedic trauma, which was very difficult,” said Poeth. “We went from 28 beds to 58 beds. The key to success here was training. Nurses are very resilient, and through training, we were able to stabilize the unit.”  Noticing the opportunity for virtual demonstrations that were previously offered only in-person, Poeth spearheaded online trainings for nursing, physical therapy, mobility, head injuries and more, allowing teams across Renown to upskill in safe spaces.  These programs continued throughout the pandemic, and Poeth was proud to be a figurehead through it all, helping to stabilize the unit while creating strong relationships with the entire team, many of whom followed her from Renown South Meadows to Renown Regional.  Then, she gets another visitor – her Chief Nursing Executive – in her office with yet another opportunity.  Have You Considered...  In September 2022, Chief Nursing Executive Melodie Osborn walked into Poeth’s office with those three words that Poeth has heard for decades: “Have you considered...”  “Before Melodie could even finish, I thought, ‘I have considered A LOT in my career!’” said Poeth.  Melodie told Poeth that the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute was looking for a Director of Oncology Nursing, noting that this could be yet another growth opportunity for her and a chance for her to go back to her roots.  “I had just celebrated my twentieth year at Renown; I knew this was going to be a decision I really had to think about,” said Poeth. “Everyone believed in me. Alicia Glassco told me, ‘Poeth, you are ready for this. Go for it.’ Once I applied for the position and started getting my updated chemotherapy certifications, I thought, ‘they are right; I got this.’”  At this point in her career, Poeth had been hyper-focused on inpatient care, and this role would be her first time caring for patients in the outpatient setting. After going through the interview process, however, Poeth knew that this was where she was meant to be yet again – and colleagues she hadn’t seen in years reaffirmed that commitment.  “I felt the most excited about the job when I toured the facility,” Poeth recalls. “I’ll never forget what one of the infusion nurses told me on my tour. She told me, ‘I don’t know if you remember me, but I remember you; I came from Renown South Meadows, and you were so nice to me as I was precepting as a new nurse. Your kindness was unforgettable to me.’ The fact that people like her wanted me in the unit so badly inspired me to come back.”  Soon enough, Poeth became the Director of Oncology Nursing, a position she still proudly holds to this day. Once she was hired, she immediately went into deep learning mode, mastering skills such as revenue integrity, credentialing and the insurance process. She attributes Supervisor of Infusion Kaitlin Hildebrand and Director of Radiation Oncology Services Susan Cox for helping her succeed.  Shortly after assuming the position, Poeth noticed yet another opportunity for cross-training within the organization to combat short staffing – training nurses from the Float Pool to care for patients in Infusion Services.  “Between May and July of this year, we trained six nurses from Float Pool to do infusion therapy services, which offered so much relief to my team; I am so thankful to Rendee Perry, the Manager of Nursing in our Float Pool unit, and her team for their support,” said Poeth. “My mission in outpatient oncology is to serve the staff and patient population and create those strong relationships."  Poeth's efforts to circumvent nurse burnout go beyond cross-training – as a director, she is always there for her team members no matter what, leading with kindness every step of the way.  “I never miss a 7:45 a.m. huddle unless I am in a ‘cannot miss’ commitment; I want my employees to always know that I am there for them and that they are cared for both on and off the job,” Poeth emphasizes. “I want them to feel like they are valued, their families are valued and their mental health is valued; after all, without my team, we cannot care for patients. It’s important for them to know that I am here to be a security blanket and that there is always something we can do to solve a problem."  Today, Poeth enjoys a full team of core Renown staff members whom patients look forward to seeing – and the high patient satisfaction scores to prove it.  “Our team is so established that patients feel comfort in knowing they are always going to know exactly who they are being treated by,” said Poeth. “We will always work to maintain that consistency.”  Staying True to the Mission  Renown’s mission of making a genuine difference in the health and well-being of our community resonates closely with Poeth. Before she arrives at the infusion unit every day, she asks herself: What can I do to make it easier for my team to deliver care?  “It takes a village to deliver the care we do,” said Poeth. “Our nurses are priceless. You can’t place a monetary value on dealing with life and death every day. This is what inspires me. It’s all about helping each other out and keeping those relationships strong.”  Maintaining those relationships on the floor, according to Poeth, requires one main ingredient: work-life balance.  “I want my nurses to be able to balance sending their kids to kindergarten and giving their patients their first chemotherapy treatments,” Poeth emphasizes. “I genuinely care about their lives. It’s nice when you get to know your team’s children, grandkids, spouse and hobbies. I’m grateful that Renown has given us the autonomy to foster that flexible environment within our teams. It is so rewarding to have such a strong impact on these employees.”  To Poeth, it’s all about doing and then duplicating. Luckily for her team and infusion patients in northern Nevada, a new infusion center at Renown South Meadows is planned to open in the coming years as part of our commitment to expanding care. Her team is excited to grow their expertise down to south Reno – Poeth's original home hospital.  “I strongly believe that as nurses, we are meant to be where we are meant to be at the time,” said Poeth. “Be kind to yourself and remember your ‘why.’ Take advantage of the opportunity you have.”  To all nurses (and future nurses) out there, Poeth wants you to know that you are welcomed and valued. You are saving lives every day, and to her, that is worth everything.  “Always remain focused, even throughout all the challenges. Never forget why you got into nursing. And lastly, always stay true to your own mission,” closes Poeth.

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    Department Spotlight: Infusion Services

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join us in honoring our Chemotherapy & Infusion Services team at Renown Health!  Living life with a chronic condition is never easy – and the road to recovery can take many different turns. When it comes to a daunting diagnosis like cancer or a lifelong illness like multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, chemotherapy, transfusions and IV medications are often significant parts of the puzzle. We’re proud to introduce our experts that provide that crucial puzzle piece.  The Chemotherapy & Infusion Services department at Renown Health is where compassionate care meets cutting-edge expertise. Proudly boasting a 100% patient satisfaction rate for 2023, this team – which encompasses nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dietitians, social workers, scheduling and insurance staff and financial counselors – embodies a profound dedication to healing while simultaneously empowering patients to face their diagnosis with resilience and hope.  Going Above and Beyond  The expertise within the Infusion Services team is unmatched in the region, offering education and treatment for a wide variety of illnesses, including:  Cancer Multiple sclerosis (MS) Anemia Osteoporosis Osteomyelitis Rheumatoid arthritis Genetic disorders Polycythemia vera  According to this team, it truly takes a village to deliver this expert care to all their patients.  “It's really impressive how many key players are involved in caring for our patients!” said Kaitlin Hildebrand, Supervisor of Infusion Services. “The process starts with our amazing Medical Oncology team or community providers referring patients to us. Our nurses are the absolute best advocates for our patients and are amazing at what they do; over half of us are Certified Oncology Nurses. We couldn’t do what we do without our CNAs or our pharmacy team as well; they are such valuable resources for us.”  “It is remarkable to think of the details that take place to ensure care for our patients,” added Amanda Thomas, Chemotherapy RN Specialist. “First, our incredible intake team schedules and obtains authorization, and the patient access representatives check in our patients. From there, our CNAs greet our patients, take their vital signs, ensure they have the proper nutrition and make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable with the process. Then, our chemotherapy specialist RN – which is my role – reviews treatments and coordinates with providers, personalizing care for each patient. In the background, the pharmacy specialists perform safety checks and medication preparation. And of course, our sincerely caring team of nurses assess, care and treat the patient while ensuring they feel educated, led by the charge nurse who supports the team doing safety verifications for all chemotherapies.”  Managing a diagnosis is more than medication – the hope and healing this team provides their patients is a huge aspect of each patient’s journey.  “We work together to take care of this amazing population of patients,” said Stacy Demitropoulos, Infusion Services RN. “We go above and beyond. It is more than just giving patients their medications. It is about human connection, helping them navigate this journey in their health and so much more! We help to troubleshoot problems they may be having and help give them resources.”  “I view going through someone’s cancer journey with them as a privilege,” added Ashley Gravelle, Infusion Services RN. “I try to just meet them where they are. Sometimes we are the only people patients are truly able to express themselves to, whether that be complaining about symptoms, talking about death and dying or being lighthearted about something really serious. I will be whatever the patient needs me to be that day.”  While the work of infusion therapy is fast-paced and requires close attention to time and detail, these teammates are never alone. They work closely together to ensure every patient gets the individualized care they need and deserve.  “Infusion Therapy is busy and extremely time-oriented,” said Audrey Arthur, Infusion Services RN.   “Between handling chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood products, injections, antibiotics and central lines, there is always a task that needs to be handled. There is an expectation to provide detailed care as swiftly as possible so that these patients can go back home to their families. Additionally, you must keep treatment moving forward so the next person waiting in the lobby can receive their treatment in an appropriate and timely manner.”  “Life in the infusion center is fast-paced but rewarding,” added Nick Leid, Infusion Pharmacist. “The protocols that have been put in place by our clinical specialists allow us to provide patient care for dozens of patients every day while remaining safe and accurate. On the pharmacy side of the infusion center, we ensure that protocols are being adhered to: Making sure doses are calculated correctly, labs are appropriate for treatment, pre-medications for nausea and other symptoms are ordered correctly and that the products delivered to the patient are made correctly.”  “A day in the life of an infusion nurse is a busy one,” added Ashley Gravelle. “We care for usually 9-10 patients each on a given day, and the treatment ranges from chemotherapy and antibiotics to various biologics, TP, injections, lab draws and port/central line care. You have to be an excellent multitasker and be able to switch gears very quickly. It is impossible to do this work without our whole team. When one of us needs help, someone is always there to jump in. We work as a well- oiled machine.”  Together, the infusion services team exemplifies the power of compassionate care, dedication and expertise, lighting the way for healthier tomorrows.

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    Department Spotlight: Respiratory Care

    This Department Spotlight is dedicated to Jason Simpson, Manager of Respiratory Services at Renown Children’s Hospital.  Take a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale in, exhale out. We rely on our lungs to provide us with the air we need to live a healthy life – and this essential bodily function is something that many of us don’t think twice about since it comes easily for us. Now, imagine yourself as someone who is living with severe asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or someone who was recently diagnosed with a frightening respiratory condition like COVID-19 or pneumonia. The simple act of breathing can prove to be an intimidating venture requiring the care of a professional. Who are the people that take on the challenge?  Meet Renown Health’s Respiratory Care Services department. Serving patients across 13 service lines, three acute facilities, outpatient locations and telehealth, our respiratory specialists – including respiratory therapists, respiratory care aides, inpatient COPD respiratory therapy navigators and educators and more – use their expertise to help restore the vitality of all their patients with every inhale and exhale, shaping a healthier livelihood one lung at a time.  The Guardians of Respiratory Wellness  Whether they are managing lifelong respiratory conditions or offering crucial support in emergencies, the Respiratory Care team strives to enhance the quality of life for every patient. As an indispensable member of the clinical team at Renown, our respiratory therapists work collaboratively with doctors and nurses to tackle a wide range of tasks, tailoring care for each patient’s unique needs.  “Respiratory care is involved with all stages of life, from beginning to end,” said Sarah Kurtz, Respiratory Therapist. “We work closely with nurses and doctors and perform arterial punctures, breathing treatments, weaning maneuvers for patients on life support, intubations and much more. We assess patients constantly to see if their care needs to be upgraded or if they can be weaned to get them back home with their families.”  “You start your morning researching your assigned patients,” added Tim Start, Respiratory Specialist. “We go over lab values and chest radiographs and decide the best plan of care for each patient. Our objective is to improve their respiratory status by giving them medications and doing breathing exercises. We participate in other forms of care with nurses, such as activities of daily living (ADLs) and mobilization. We work as a team, and that enables us to provide great patient care.”  For patients living with COPD, enjoying all that life has to offer comes with a separate set of obstacles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 200,000 people across the Silver State are living with this chronic condition. Luckily for them, Renown has a specialized team to help these patients optimize their life and manage their condition with individualized treatment and education.  “We run a report every morning to identify all the patients currently admitted who have a history of COPD, take respiratory medications or smoke,” said Amber Beck, Inpatient COPD RT Navigator. “After looking through their charts, we visit with the patient (and possibly their family) at the bedside to help them better understand how to manage their breathing issues.”  As a vital part of the Respiratory Care team, Renown’s respiratory care aides help ensure the seamless operation of our respiratory care services. These dedicated professionals provide essential support to respiratory therapists not only during intricate procedures but also outside of face-to-face patient care by transporting equipment, restocking supplies, assisting in the mobilization of patients and more.  “We are responsible for the maintenance of unit supplies and making decisions regarding levels of stock to be maintained,” said Dia Ramos, Respiratory Care Aide. “We also transport equipment, refill the oxygen tanks on the floors and intensive care units (ICUs), order and stock respiratory care supplies, mobilize patients and assist the respiratory therapists during bronchoscopies in the ICUs. In addition, we clean respiratory equipment like mechanical ventilators, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bilateral positive airway pressure (BiPAP) machines, high flows and aerosol poles.”  Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, a special spotlight shined upon respiratory care teams across the country for the heroic care they provided patients in respiratory distress. While their roles in health systems have gained a better understanding nationwide, this team understands it is vital for them to educate the community about the important jobs they hold for our patients.  “Respiratory care can be under the radar,” said Pam Umek, Respiratory Specialist. “Once, when I told someone that I am a Respiratory Therapist, they said, ‘Oh, like a yoga breathing instructor?’ I then explained all the things we do: intubation, extubation, bronchoscopies, transports, traumas, codes, rapid responses, pediatrics/NICU, breathing medications/therapies, open heart rapid ventilator weaning … needless to say, that individual walked away with a better understanding of not just Respiratory Care Services but also the enormous effort it takes to care for our community.”  The accolades and achievements continue to pour in, from national awards and certifications to implementing different jobs in care units to optimize the patient care experience.  “We have earned and continue to maintain the Joint Commission Disease-Specific Certification for COPD,” said Amber Beck. “We are well below national averages for 30-day readmissions, lengths of stay and mortality due to COPD. Sandy, one of our COPD Coordinators, was a recipient of a patient advocacy award from the American Association of Respiratory Care and FACES Foundation.”  “We have started implementing Respiratory Care Aides in the critical units, starting with the Cardiac ICU,” added Dia Ramos. “We work as one team and are always helping each other with their tasks.”  Education and mentorship are at the core of Renown’s mission to make a genuine difference in the health and well-being of every patient. Nurturing the next generation of medical professionals – including respiratory care professionals – is a task that the Respiratory Care team takes seriously.  “It has been great being able to help educate students in different disciplines,” added Pam Umek. “We have been able to offer shadow shifts to students in emergency medical services (EMS), nursing and medical school. These opportunities help students entering the medical field have a better understanding of the many ways we can help care for our respiratory patients.”  From the moment of birth to the final stages of life, Renown is fortunate to have a Respiratory Care team that tirelessly ensures every breath counts, safeguarding their role as a trusted partner within our health system.  A Tribute to Jason Simpson, Healthcare Hero

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    Living with COPD? How to Maximize Your Summer Experience

    June offers an official welcome to summer and the height of outdoor activities in northern Nevada such as hiking, camping, days spent at the lake and embracing long days and warm evenings with friends and family. Enjoying all that the summer season has to offer may not be as easy for those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, which effects more than 15 million Americans. What is COPD? COPD is a group of lung diseases including emphysema and chronic bronchitis that result in airflow blockages from the lungs. People may experience frequent coughing and shortness of breath among other symptoms. COPD typically impacts adults ages 65 and older and is becoming increasingly more common among women. Although smoking plays a key role in the development of COPD, air pollution and indoor air quality, and respiratory infection also contribute to disease development. While there is no cure for COPD, limiting progression of disease and managing symptoms can be achieved through lifestyle changes, therapy, and medications. Tips for Living with COPD This Summer, and Always Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is extremely important for people with COPD, especially during the summer. Not drinking enough water can make breathing more difficult because it increases respiratory symptoms. Make sure to always keep a water bottle with you and aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Be Mindful of Temperature: COPD symptoms can be exacerbated by hot weather. It is best to participate in outdoor activities during the cooler times of day, like the morning or evening. Check Air Quality Before You Go: Before engaging in outdoor activities, be sure to check the air quality index and plan your activities accordingly. Pace Yourself: Exercising can be difficult for people who have COPD. To make the most of your summer, try not to push yourself too hard and take breaks when you need them. If you start to feel out of breath or tired, take a break in a cool, shaded area until you feel better. Take Matters Into Your Own Hands To address the needs of community members living with COPD, the Renown Health Research Office has teamed up with Pulmonary Medicine to provide patients who are former or current smokers and have a history of frequent exacerbations with an option to participate in the ARNASA study. "COPD exacerbations have a huge negative impact on patient’s lung function” states Dr. Farah Madhani-Lovely, Chief of Pulmonary Medicine at Renown Health and Assistant Dean of Clinical Research at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. “We have had inhalers and prednisone for decades but patients are still having exacerbations. Now we have a new pathway we think will prevent exacerbations which is what this clinical trial is designed to prove.” This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of astegolimab compared with placebo in participants 40-80 years of age with COPD. “This study in particular is so exciting because of the enthusiasm from the sponsor’s end” says Katie Buckley, Lead Clinical Research Coordinator working on pulmonology studies at Renown’s Clinical Research Office. “Often times sites aren’t assigned particularly passionate or engaged personnel who aid in carrying out these studies, but you can tell Roche Genentech’s team truly cares about the success of the study, the safety of their participants, and proving the efficacy of the investigational agent. Working on a study like this takes a village, and when the individuals on all ends share similar mindsets and work towards success as a collective unit instead of as individual moving parts, it’s amazing to see everything we’re able to accomplish.” Renown’s team of expert pulmonologists and researchers are available to join patients with COPD in support of their healthcare journey. If you are interested in learning more about this clinical trial option at Renown Health, talk to your pulmonologist at your next appointment or contact us at 775-982-3646. At Renown Health, our goal is to make it easy for patients to access clinical research as a care opportunity where patients can access a variety of standard care treatment options for their health condition or choose to participate in a clinical trial. For more information about clinical trial opportunities available to you or to ask any questions, contact the Renown Research Office at or 775-982-3646.

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