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    • Mammogram
    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care

    Ladies! Get Screened for Breast Cancer

    Early detection is a significant piece of the breast cancer puzzle. Susan Cox, Renown Health Senior Director of Cancer Operations, discusses what you need to watch for and how the latest technology can help detect potential cancer sooner. When should women start getting breast exams? It depends on risk factors: Average-risk women: Most medical organizations recommend the first mammogram between 40 and 44. Higher-risk women: Dependent on their high risk, which will dictate when they start screening, but generally around the age of 30 and not before 25 years old.

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    • Women's Health
    • Mammogram

    Do Mammograms Hurt? 4 Myths Debunked

    Mammograms are an effective means for early detection of breast cancer. Still, many women shy away from them for fear of pain or discomfort. Let us debunk a few mammogram myths that will remove your worries and encourage proactive breast health. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Myth 1: Mammograms Are Painful Reality: Although some women experience discomfort during a mammogram, most say it is not painful. Breast compression, which is important to get a clear image, can cause a sensation of pressure, but this lasts for a few seconds. Let your technician know how much pressure you can handle so you're not uncomfortable. Myth 2: Discomfort Persists Long After the Procedure Reality: The sensation of pressure developed through the compression process diminishes quickly after the procedure. Most women go about their day afterward without experiencing any residual pain.

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    • Women's Health
    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram

    7 Symptoms of Breast Cancer in Young Women

    Cancer can develop at any age, and that’s why the experts at Renown are ready to help you stay ahead of breast cancer, especially if you're in your 20s or 30s. We're talking about early detection, signs to be aware of, and why being proactive is a big deal. Studies show there has been an increase in breast cancer in younger women. Although breast cancer is rare in women under 40, when it occurs, it tends to be aggressive. The tricky part? Many young women don't think it can happen to them, so they don't check for the signs as often as they should. Reviewed by Dr. Colleen O'Kelly-Priddy, MD, FACS, breast surgical oncologist at Renown Women's Health. Early Signs and Symptoms New or Different Lump in the Breast: A lump is probably the most well-known symptom. Breast cancer is usually painless and firm, but it can also be soft. If you find a new lump, don't panic, but don't ignore it either. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Have you noticed that one breast looks a little different? Whether it's swelling, shrinking, bulging, dimpling, or seems off, it's worth mentioning to your doctor. Skin Changes: If the skin on your breast starts to thicken or turn red, it's time to pay attention. If your skin starts looking like an orange peel (thickened, with prominent pores), that warrants evaluation. Nipple Discharge: Spontaneous drainage coming from your nipple that isn't breast milk—especially if it's clear or bloody—should be checked out. Nipple Changes: If your nipple starts to invert, flatten, or look different, call your doctor. Breast Pain: Continuous pain in your breast or nipple that isn't linked to your menstrual cycle is another symptom to note. However, breast pain is very common and is only rarely a sign of cancer, so don’t panic. Swelling or Lumps in the Armpit: When it spreads, breast cancer usually first goes to the lymph nodes in the armpit, so swelling or lumps under your arm should be on your radar.

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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Stroke
    • Physical Therapy
    • Neurology

    Tariqs Journey of Resilience at Renown Rehab

    Pictured above are members of the interdisciplinary team at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, representing the diverse array of caregivers who supported Tariq's recovery journey. For Tariq Kuraishy and his wife Melissa, the focus is on his journey and getting back to life as he knew it rather than the stroke he experienced in June 2024, which led him to Renown Regional Medical Center and later to Renown Rehabilitation Hospital (otherwise known as “Renown Rehab”).  From the swift assessment by first responders to the immediate treatment at Renown Emergency Room and the critical care received in Renown's Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Tariq’s journey has been marked by resilience and exceptional support beyond the couple’s expectations. Navigating the First Moments After Stroke Melissa shared how Tariq’s care team’s calm demeanor and expertise eased the initial shock of his diagnosis, treatment and plan of care. For Melissa, staying informed during crucial care discussions was vital. She noted that the team's professionalism and reassurance gave her the confidence to let go of some of the mental and emotional burden she felt during the immediate period after the stroke, allowing her to focus on both her and Tariq's physiological and emotional needs. “I felt very safe being at Renown, knowing that we were being cared for to the greatest extent,” said Melissa.  Rising to His Personalized Rehabilitation Plan Tariq began the Renown Rehab program on June 19 with one goal in mind: to regain 70% of his brain function within 30 days. To achieve this, he spends four to five hours per day participating in physical, occupational, speech and recreational therapies as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program tailored to his specific needs. If that sounds like a rigorous schedule, it's because it is, but Tariq prefers it that way because it means he’s actively working towards regaining his sense of normalcy with his care team alongside him every step of the way. “Unlike other places that might take a more lenient approach, the responsibility for progress not only lies with the Renown Rehab team but also the patient. If you are prepared to do the work, Renown Rehab is prepared to get you there,” Tariq said.   Melissa emphasizes that Renown Rehab provides comprehensive, whole-person care with a variety of innovative, individualized therapies. These therapies keep patients engaged and busy throughout the day, addressing not just the affected areas but also the entire body and mind, ensuring holistic recovery and facilitating progress in unique ways. Activities like catching a ball or putting a ball in a hole help restore function, much like restoring power to a building that has lost electricity. It’s All About the Support and the Team’s Know-How From the moment he arrived, the Renown Rehab team has been continuously assessing Tariq’s abilities and tailoring his rehabilitation plan to propel him to the next level. Melissa, who spends up to 12 hours a day at the facility supporting her husband, highlighted the daily therapeutic sessions as an impressive way the care team evaluates Tariq’s readiness for more challenging tasks. Communication between the couple and Tariq’s team of doctors, nurses, therapists, techs and certified nursing assistants is constant as they actively involve them in decisions. As Tariq put it, they don’t cater to his comfort zone but instead push for progress, understanding it may not always be linear. It’s a true collaboration. “It doesn’t feel like it's being done to us but being done with us,” Melissa said. Looking Ahead Tariq and Melissa feel immensely fortunate to be at Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, which offers an exceptional blend of equipment, technology and expert care teams. “The Rehab facility is a treasure,” Tariq said. “Every member of the care team has displayed the utmost level of professionalism and expertise, and there hasn't been a single person who hasn't shown compassion and competence,” Melissa added. “I feel I will get the most out of being at Renown Rehab. I plan to take full advantage of the services and use every bit of the team’s talent, training and expertise. I will not leave anything on the table,” Tariq said. As Tariq continues to progress, he and Melissa are optimistic about the future. Tariq continues to receive physical, occupational and speech therapy at Renown Rehab. Their journey, marked by determination and strong support from Renown, offers hope to others facing similar challenges.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Senior Care

    Get to Know Sterling Silver Club Member Hanley Wong

    This summer, we’re excited to introduce our featured Sterling Silver Club member, Hanley Wong. You may recognize him from the newest Senior Care Plus television commercial that has been airing locally since last October. Hanley happens to be a former employee of Renown Health and worked in the information technology (IT) department for 13 years. Today, he’s enjoying his retirement here in northern Nevada, with the occasional traveling to visit his family.    Looking Back  Hanley was born in San Francisco in 1944. He was in the U.S Army Reserve from 1966-1972, having traveled to various places including North Carolina, Salt Lake City, Long Beach, Hong Kong and Taiwan. While he was in the U.S. Army Reserve, he also attended college part-time and graduated from San Francisco State University in 1970 with a degree in business administration, emphasis in accounting. Hanley went into the IT field after he gained computer experience through his accounting background. “I started learning how to program with computers, then became a systems engineer where I did troubleshooting, maintenance and more,” said Hanley. “I’ve always enjoyed the challenging work in the IT field, and I got to meet all kinds of people.”    Hanley started his first IT job at a small insurance company in San Francisco. He went on to work for the GAP headquarters and met his late wife there, who also worked for the company. They were married for 40 years and had two sons together. The family moved to Reno 21 years ago when Hanley was recruited by Washoe Medical Center, before it became Renown Regional Medical Center. “My favorite part about working at Renown was the camaraderie in the IT department; it was like a big family,” said Hanley. “I enjoyed making employees happy by solving their computer problems.” In 2005, Hanley was part of the team that helped install Epic, Renown’s electronic medical record system. Through that project, he traveled to a few different conferences and trainings with his team.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Mammogram

    Guide to Cancer Screenings

    One of the most crucial aspects of maintaining health and wellness is staying proactive about regular cancer screenings. Early cancer detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. The multidisciplinary care team at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute at Renown Health provides compassionate care and support to the community for early detection and diagnoses. This comprehensive guide outlines the various cancer screenings available for breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, prostate and skin cancer. Breast Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Mammograms are recommended starting age 40 for those considered at average risk for breast cancer. Women with a family history or other risk factors should discuss appropriate screening options with their healthcare provider. Women under 40 with a family history should discuss risk factors with a healthcare provider. Screening Methods Mammogram: This provides an X-ray of the breast and can detect tumors that are not yet palpable. Breast MRI: This type of scan is recommended for women at high risk for breast cancer due to genetic factors or family history. Screening Breast Ultrasound: This scan can help in identifying masses in denser breast tissue that might not be visible on mammogram. It is recommended in addition to a mammogram for patients at a higher risk for breast cancer. What to Expect During a mammogram, the breast is compressed between two plates to capture X-ray images. Some pressure or discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and critical for early detection. Colorectal Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 45 to 75 should undergo regular colorectal screenings. Some adults under 45 may need to be screened earlier depending on family history or other genetic risks. Those over 75 should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if continued screening is necessary. Screening Methods Colonoscopy: This procedure uses a flexible tube with a camera to examine the entire colon. Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): A non-invasive test that detects hidden blood in the stool. CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy): Uses Computed tomography (CT) imaging to provide detailed views of the colon. What to Expect A colonoscopy can detect changes or abnormalities in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. Screening is usually advised every ten years, but if you are at risk, screening may be recommended every 3 to 5 years after your initial colonoscopy. Colonoscopy preparation includes bowel cleansing the day before and sedation during the procedure. FIT is a simple at-home test requiring no special preparation. Lung Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Adults aged 50 to 80 with a significant smoking history (20 pack years or more) and who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Screening Methods Low-dose Computed Tomography (LDCT): A CT scan with low radiation doses to create detailed images of the lungs. What to Expect LDCT is a non-invasive scan that requires you to hold your breath for a few seconds. Cervical Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Women aged 21 to 65 should undergo regular screenings. Women aged 21 to 29 should have a Pap test every three years. Women aged 30 to 65 should have a Pap test and HPV test every five years, or a Pap test alone every three years. Screening Methods Pap Test (sometimes called a Pap Smear): Collects cells from the cervix to detect precancers. HPV Test: Identifies high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types that can cause cervical cancer. What to Expect The Pap test involves collecting cells from the cervix using a small brush. Some discomfort may be felt, but the procedure is brief and crucial for early detection. Prostate Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Men aged 50 and older should discuss screening options with their healthcare provider. Men at higher risk (African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer or are a BRCA2 gene carrier) should begin discussing screenings  at age 40. Screening Methods Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: Measures PSA levels in the blood. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE): A physical examination where the provider feels the prostate through the rectum to detect abnormalities. What to Expect The PSA test is a simple blood test. The DRE may cause slight discomfort but is quick and essential for early detection. Skin Cancer Screening Who Should Get Screened? Anyone with a suspicious lesion or abnormal area on their skin. Individuals with more than 50 moles or dysplastic moles. Those with a personal history of melanoma or history of other skin cancers. Those who have more than one member of immediate family with a history of cancers (melanoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer) or a family member who was diagnosed with melanoma before they were 50 years old. Positive gene testing for BRACA2, Lynch syndrome genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 or EPCAM). Screening Methods Skin Exam: A visual examination by your provider to check for unusual moles, birthmarks, or other skin changes. Biopsy: Removal of a small sample of skin for testing if an abnormal area is identified. What to Expect A skin exam is non-invasive and visual. A biopsy involves minor discomfort and local anesthesia if needed. Expert Advice Although the cadence of these skin screenings may or may not be annual, as one's age increases, the risk of many cancers rises. Everyone benefits from attentive sun protection, including avoiding direct sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. by seeking shade and wearing hats, clothing and sunscreen. When purchasing sunscreen, look for SPF 50, UVA/UVB broad spectrum. Questions to Discuss with Your Healthcare Provider What is my risk level for different types of cancer? Which screening tests do you recommend for me and why? What are the potential risks and benefits of each test? How often should I get screened? What steps to follow if a test result is abnormal? Importance of Cancer Screenings Regular cancer screenings are vital for maintaining your health and catching cancer early, when it is most treatable. Renown Health is dedicated to guiding you through the process and providing the highest quality of care. Consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate screenings for your specific needs and to take proactive steps toward a healthier future.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Men's Health
    • Screening

    8 Important Health Screenings for Men

    Men are generally less likely to visit their doctor for exams, screenings, and consults compared to women. To address this, we've collaborated with Dr. Bonnie Ferrara of Renown Health, to compile a list of eight essential screenings that can help men maintain their health. 1. Blood Pressure Tests Ages 20+ Blood Pressure tests measure the pressure in your arteries as your heart pumps. Biennial (every two years) checks are recommended if you have normal blood pressure or more frequently if you have high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension). The United States Preventative Services Taskforce cites normal blood pressure below 120 systolic (top number) and 80 diastolic (bottom number). 2. Cholesterol Screening Ages 20+ High levels of cholesterol increase your risk of stroke and heart disease. A simple blood test will help your healthcare provider determine your numbers and if you're at risk. If you have a family history of diabetes or heart disease, you may need yearly screenings. But, again, your doctor can provide the best course of action.

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Men's Health
    • Mental Health

    How to Spot Depression in Men

    Is a man in your life struggling with depression? Many men find it difficult to acknowledge when they need help. Recognize their unique warning signs of depression with insights from psychologist Dr. Herbert Coard. Over 6 million men are diagnosed annually, often displaying symptoms like anger and aggression instead of sadness. Learn how to support them and understand these often-misinterpreted indicators. Behavioral Signs of Depression in Men High levels of the hormone cortisol are released during stressful situations affecting the neurotransmitter, serotonin (a feel-good hormone), contributing to depression. You can identify depression or suicidal tendencies by paying close attention to the following behavioral changes: Anger, irritability, or aggression Avoiding family or social situations Losing interest in family responsibilities, passions and hobbies Lack of sex drive Becoming controlling/abusive in relationships Risk-taking behavior such as; unsafe sex, overspending or gambling Not being able to concentrate or remember details Excessive drinking or drug use Having frequent thoughts about death Talking about suicide Attempting suicide Factors That Lead to Depression in Men Life Events Work stress or long-term unemployment can be huge contributing factors relating to depression. This type of life event can be overwhelming, making it impossible for a man to cope. Changes in Relationships The loss of a relationship can be a significant contributing factor to the emergence of depressive symptoms and past experienced physical, sexual, or emotionally abusive relationships. With this in mind, counseling can often help individual to overcome this type of trauma. Grief and Loss Overwhelming sadness due to the loss of a loved one can trigger depression. Although normal, each person goes through their own grieving period. For example, normal responses to death are insomnia, poor appetite and loss of interest in activities. Pay attention if grief seems prolonged or out of the ordinary. Health Problems In particular, depression coexists with medical conditions. As men age, this can be passed off as normal aging, but it could be more serious. In addition, illnesses such as thyroid disorders, Addison’s disease and liver disease can cause depressive symptoms. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or Parkinson’s disease can affect any age, thus triggering or worsening depression. Some older men also feel like they may be suffering from dementia because of difficulties with memory this may be a symptom of depression. A trip to the doctor may be in order to help alleviate concern and worry. Depression in Men and Suicide Frequently the emotional pain occurring with depression can distort a man’s ability to see a solution beyond suicide. Individuals with depression become very rigid and constricted in the way they solve problems. The statistics below speak for themselves, helping us understand the need to reach out to those who need our support. Male suicide rates are on rising – men die by suicide 3.53 times more often than women, accounting for 70% of all suicides. Sadly, every day 129 men commit suicide. White males accounted for 69.67% of suicide deaths in 2017. In 2017, firearms accounted for 50.57% of all suicide deaths. Middle aged Men who are middle aged have the highest suicide rates. 40% of those identifying as transgender have attempted suicide in their lifetime. Males who are guy or transgendered are at an increased risk for suicide attempts, especially before age 25. Veterans often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and are more likely to act on a suicide plan. How You Can Help Now that you can identify some of the warning signs of depression, here’s how you can help: Talk about your concern and communicate that you’re there to help him. Let him know depression is a medical condition and will usually get better with treatment. Suggest professional help from a Primary Care Provider, Psychologist or Therapist. Help set up appointments and offer to accompany him – let him make the decision, but make it clear you’re there for him, no matter what he decides. If you feel he is in a dire or life-threatening situation, contact 911. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) to talk to a trained counselor. Call the Veteran’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) and press “1”

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Meet Janelle Wood: Family, Hobbies & Everything In Between

    Janelle Wood’s life has been filled with moves across several states, travel, different jobs, multiple hobbies and best of all – her big family. She is very close to and proud of her entire family, including her six children, six grandchildren and extended family members. New Chapters Janelle was born in 1950 in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She lived there her entire childhood and attended the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville where she received her Associate degree in Accounting. She then moved a few different times to various states including Louisiana and Arizona. In 1981, she and her family moved to Reno where she worked for a construction and mining supply company. In 1993, they relocated to a small town in southern Georgia called Thomasville, where Janelle worked for another mining and manufacturing company. “I was ready for a change of scenery and wanted to explore living in a new area,” said Janelle. “I was intrigued by moving to a smaller town to raise my children.” She and her family lived there for about 10 years when she eventually got transferred to Chicago for her job, to work at the company’s headquarters. “I was once again excited for another change and was happy to experience living in a big city,” said Janelle. “I loved my job and getting to travel as much as I did.” Janelle worked for the company in Chicago until 2014 when she decided to retire and move back to Reno to be closer to her son, daughter and grandchildren. Living to the Fullest Today, Janelle lives in Damonte Ranch in south Reno. She loves spending time outdoors, especially in the mountains and by the water. Her other hobbies include reading, cooking, doing puzzles, playing computer games antique shopping and something very unique – exploring old graveyards. “I love how they’re full of history and each one is different – I also enjoy reading what the headstones say, and the stories they tell,” said Janelle. “When I travel, I like to explore the old cemeteries that are nearby.” Janelle’s son even bought her a book called 129 Cemeteries to Visit Before You Die. She’s been to a few of them. As for traveling, Janelle’s favorite destination she’s been to is Catalina Island – she loves the history there. She also loves Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Canada and Mexico. “I’m always up for going someplace new,” said Janelle .  Janelle Wood hiking to Rainbow Falls in Mammoth, CA When Christmas rolls around, Janelle loves to decorate. Her family finds it interesting just how crazy about Christmas she is. “I have 31 totes of Christmas décor and a dozen large decorations,” said Janelle. “My entire storage room is full of Christmas decorations. I start decorating the day after Thanksgiving and it takes me about 2 to 3 days to put everything up.” Janelle said Halloween is her second favorite holiday, which she also loves to decorate for. Family Values Above all else, Janelle’s favorite thing about being retired is having so much free time to spend with her children and grandchildren who live here in Reno. “I love helping my grandkids with their schoolwork and attending their sports and activities,” said Janelle. She has been volunteering at her grandchildren’s schools here in Reno ever since her now 14-year-old grandson started kindergarten. “Family is the highlight of my life,” said Janelle. She also makes sure to stay in contact and visit as often as possible with all of her family that lives out of state, including three of her children, one of her grandkids and some of her extended family. “One of my great nieces, Madison Marsh, was recently crowned Miss America, and another one of my great nieces, Madeline Bohlman, will be competing this summer for the title of Miss USA, as the current Miss Arkansas USA,” said Janelle. “I’m very proud of both of them for using their platforms to further such important issues; pancreatic cancer research and mental health, respectively.”

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Healthy Aging
    • Senior Care

    Sterling Silver Club Shining Stars: Mark & Dana Combs

    Dana and Mark Combs met through mutual friends and had a long friendship before they became a couple in 2009. They were married in 2011 in a private ceremony at a small Reno chapel, and a few months later had a big celebration with their family and friends.   Encouraging Others to Succeed  Over the years, the happy couple has spent much of their time volunteering and giving back to others in their community. Twenty-six years ago, Mark became a bilateral lower limb amputee. For the past 10 years, he has been a prosthetic consultant, helping other amputees learn how to cope with various challenges and encouraging them to keep living life to the fullest. “Mark is great with helping people,” said Dana.   Dana also does a lot of rewarding work through a Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O). She is an advocate for raising money to help women ages 18 and up gain an education. Dana also enjoys tutoring English as a second language.   Enjoying Quality Time, Hobbies & Travel When Dana and Mark aren’t helping others, they are spending time with their family and friends, their dog Mia (a 3-year-old Maltipoo) or enjoying one of their many hobbies. Some of Mark’s favorite things to do include playing Solitaire and strumming on his guitar.  “I love to garden and play crossword puzzles and word games,” said Dana. “I’m really looking forward to the springtime to spend more time in the garden.” She loves to work out and has a membership at the UFC gym in Reno through her Senior Care Plus gym benefit. Dana also has her own online Etsy store, where she sells homemade jam jars, candle holders and vintage dolls. “Last summer I sold my first edition Barbie that I got when I was 9 years old,” said Dana. “I made quite a profit on it.”

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    • HealthyNV Project
    • Research and Studies
    • Mammogram
    • Genetic
    • Cancer Care

    Optimizing Mammogram Screenings: A Genetic Approach to a Personalized Screening Schedule

    © Arthon Meekodong via Breast cancer screening has long been a cornerstone of women's healthcare. With 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime1, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has developed screening recommendations to help detect early-stage cancer. Notably in 2023, the USPSTF revised the recommended age for biennial mammogram screenings for women with average risk to start at age 40 instead of 502, estimated to result in 19% more lives being saved3 by starting screening earlier. While initiating screening at an earlier age offers advantages to a wide demographic, concerns about the potential of over-screening prompted research into the feasibility of identifying women with lower breast cancer risk who could safely delay mammograms. While guidelines address high-risk individuals, a notable gap exists in providing recommendations tailored to those at lower risk. To gain insight into a patient's risk level, physicians are able to utilize genetic testing to understand an individual's genetic makeup, providing precise insights into their predisposition to various health conditions, including breast cancer. Armed with this genetic information, healthcare providers could craft tailored screening strategies that align with an individual’s specific risk profile. This genetic risk-based approach underscores the value of genetics in individualizing the onset of screening to help avoid over-screening and its associated costs. Surprisingly, genetic information is not currently being widely utilized to identify women at risk of breast cancer or other diseases in clinical practice, despite its potential to make a significant positive impact for patients. A recent retrospective analysis of 25,591 women from the Healthy Nevada Project4 sheds light on the potential benefits of this genetic risk-based approach. The study classified 2,338 (9.1%) of these women as having a low genetic risk for breast cancer. What's remarkable is that these women exhibited a significantly lower and later onset of breast cancer compared to their average or high-risk counterparts. This finding suggests that it might be safe for low-risk women to delay mammogram screening by 5 to 10 years without compromising their health.

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    • Sterling Silver Club
    • Active Living
    • Senior Care

    Patty Warren A Woman of Strength and Resilience

    Meet and get to know Patty Warren, our featured Sterling Silver Club member this fall. You may recognize her from the latest Senior Care Plus commercial on television, where she joins a coffee chat discussing the many benefits of being a Senior Care Plus member. She’s one of the kindest souls you’ll ever meet – and has a positive outlook on life that we should all strive for. Patty's Story Patty was born and raised in a small Kansas town called Baxter Springs, where she grew up with an older brother, an older sister and two younger sisters. She and her siblings all enjoyed playing sports like softball and basketball, in addition to playing instruments. Patty developed a love and passion for music at a young age that carried into her adulthood. “I wanted to be an opera singer,” said Patty. “I decided to go to college at Pittsburg State University in Kansas where I majored in vocal performance.” After college, Patty moved to Manhattan in New York City to audition to be an opera singer, but she soon realized it wasn’t what she wanted to do after all. She eventually decided to work in the brokerage industry.   After living and working in New York for three years, Patty moved back to Kansas where she later met the love of her life, Michael. “In 1992, I had put a dating ad in the local newspaper,” said Patty. “I received over 30 responses, and I went out on quite a few dates.” Then she had her first date with Michael, and the two of them quickly realized how much they liked each other. He asked her to marry him on Valentine’s Day in 1993, and they went on to get married in front of the Justice of the Peace on May 3, just a few months later. “We had a small wedding so that we could move into our first home together,” said Patty. A few years later in 1999, Patty and Michael moved to Arizona, where they lived for 22 years. Patty worked at Edward Jones Investments for 18 of those 22 years and loved her job and the people that she worked with. She retired in January 2021 during the pandemic, and three days later she and Michael moved to Sparks, Nevada.

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