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    • Pediatric Care
    • Vaccine

    Why Childhood Immunizations Are So Important

    Immunizations save thousands of lives each year by preventing serious illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths. They also protect those who can't be vaccinated, like young children and the elderly, through herd immunity. Renown Pediatrician Dr. Kristin Wilson highlights the crucial role of vaccines. Immunizations Your Child Needs (and when) Birth to 6 Months Hepatitis B: Shortly after birth, first vaccine dose Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP), Polio, Haemophilus Influenza (HiB), Pneumonia, Hepatitis B and Rotavirus: Ages 2, 4 and 6 months, boosters and vaccines One Year to 18 Months MMR and Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine: Age 1, first vaccine dose Hepatitis A, HiB and Pneumonia: Age 1, booster DTaP: 15 months, fourth vaccine dose Hepatitis, second dose: 18 months Flu Vaccine: 6 months and older, annually* *In the year after receiving their first dose, an infant will need a booster one month later. Four Years Old MMRV, DTaP and Polio, final dose: Four years of age Pre-Teen and Beyond Tdap and Meningitis: Before starting middle school, children receive these vaccines. They are also old enough to start the HPV vaccine, an essential vaccine for all young adults to protect against cancer, genital warts and cervical dysplasia.

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    • Pediatric Care
    • Vaccine

    What You Need to Know About RSV

    Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, is a common respiratory virus that impacts the lungs and breathing pathways. The virus can be dangerous for infants and young children and is also concerning for older adults. While most older kids and adults only experience cold-like systems and recover in a week or two, an estimated 58,000-80,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized due to RSV each year, and in 2022 healthcare organizations across the country are experiencing higher infection rates than in years past.  "We are experiencing a strong RSV season and do not expect it to go away anytime soon," said Dr. Kris Wilson, Division Chief of Renown Children's Primary Care. "Infants who are infected with RSV almost always show symptoms of runny noses and cough. Call your healthcare provider immediately if your child is having difficulty breathing, is not drinking enough fluids, or is experiencing any worsening of these symptoms.” Symptoms of RSV: Runny nose  Decrease in appetite/inability to drink Dry diapers, an indication of dehydration  Cough, which may progress to wheezing or difficulty breathing Irritability (most common in very young infants) Decreased activity (most common in very young infants) Decreased appetite (most common in very young infants) Apnea, pauses in breathing for more than 10 seconds (most common in very young infants) What to do if you think your child has RSV: Call your pediatrician! If you suspect your child might have RSV, consulting their healthcare provider is the best first line of defense. From here they will help you build an appropriate treatment plan for child. Keep in mind that many pediatrician offices offer 24/7 call lines.  If your child is experiencing retracted breathing (when the area between the ribs and in the neck sinks in when a person attempts to inhale), dehydration (not drinking and decrease in wet diapers) or apnea (pauses in breathing for more than 10 seconds) please call 911 or go to the closest emergency room.

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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Primary Care
    • Vaccine
    • Screening
    • Expert Advice
    • University Health

    6 Healthcare Action Items for the LGBTQIA+ Community

    Every patient, regardless of how they may identify, greatly benefits from preventive healthcare and early detection. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community face unique considerations when it comes to their health, and a proactive approach to preventive screenings and vaccines is important in order to address their individual health needs.  Dr. Karen Thiele, Family Medicine Physician with University Health and Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, breaks down key steps that LGBTQIA+ patients should take to safeguard their health.  PrEP and PEP  Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a strategy to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. It is an important measure for those who are HIV-negative but may be at risk of contracting it. The highest risk sexual practice is receptive anal intercourse, due to the relative fragility of rectal tissue. This medication can stop HIV from spreading in the body and help patients maintain their HIV-negative status. PrEP is available in both pill form, which is taken every day, and injection form, of which the first two injections are initiated one month after another while all other injections are initiated every two months.  Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is an antiretroviral drug regimen taken after potential HIV exposure to prevent an HIV-negative individual from converting to HIV-positive status. PEP is only for emergency situations and must be started within 72 hours of exposure – sooner is always better than later – and must be taken for 28 days.  PrEP and PEP are available in many ways, including visiting your primary care provider (PCP) or an urgent care location.   HPV Immunization  All genders and identities can protect themselves against human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can lead to the risk of cervical, mouth, head, neck, throat, anal, vaginal, penile and vulvar cancers. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active people, regardless of sexual orientation and practices, will be exposed at some point in their lifetime.  The HPV vaccine (common brands include Gardasil and Cervarix) is a safe and effective method to prevent HPV, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This vaccine protects against infections that can lead to HPV-related cancers and precancers, as well as genital warts. While patients should start receiving the vaccine at 9 years old years old, unvaccinated adults up to the age of 45 can also receive the vaccine through their PCP – better late than never!

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    • Neurology
    • Research and Studies

    Multiple Sclerosis Research Opportunities in Northern Nevada

    There are nearly 1 million adults living with MS in the United States alone. For comparison, that is roughly the entire population of the Reno/Sparks and Las Vegas areas combined. MS is a neurological autoimmune condition which means that the immune system of patients with MS attacks the body’s myelin, a protective substance that covers your nerves. When this happens, the unprotected nerves can be damaged. Patients with MS may experience many different symptoms ranging from mild to severe, such as mobility and vision problems, fatigue and difficulty thinking. MS is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20-50, but late onset MS can occur in patients over 50 years old. While there is no cure for MS, there are effective treatments that can help reduce the burden of patients’ symptoms and create a positive quality of life. At Renown Health, we have joined the fight against MS through a partnership between advanced neurology programs and providers and our research office. We are proud to offer newly diagnosed MS patients the opportunity to choose between standard care treatment options or participating in an open label clinical trial, the AGNOS study. This study is assessing the impact of a new medication, ofatumumab, as the first disease modifying therapy participants receive for managing relapsing remitting MS, the most common form of MS.

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    • Primary Care
    • Travel

    Lyme Disease: 3 Things You Should Know

    Approximately 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease every year. Lyme disease is an infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged or “deer” tick. It’s the most common and fastest-growing vector-borne disease in the United States. This bacterial infection, if left untreated, can cause serious pain, fatigue and other crippling symptoms. Keeping an eye out for early signs of Lyme disease, implementing prevention techniques and understanding testing and treatment options can go a long way in maintaining your health. We consulted with Peter O’Reilly, PA-C at Renown Medical Group – South Carson to learn more. 1. Recognizing the Signs of Lyme Disease Lyme disease is extremely easy to misdiagnose, given that most of its early signs and symptoms mimic those of other conditions, such as COVID-19. Common Lyme Disease symptoms include: Fever Chills Joint or muscle pain Swollen glands Extreme fatigue Headache  The primary initial symptom that occurs in about 80 percent of Lyme disease cases is a “bulls-eye” rash that spreads around the site of the tick bite – called “erythema migrans.” Tick bites can be hard to find and not everyone gets the classic bullseye rash, making Lyme disease difficult to self-diagnose. O’Reilly suggests talking to either your primary care doctor or infection doctor as soon as possible if you’re concerned about Lyme disease.

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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Screening
    • Vaccine

    Prevention Against STIs Matters

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there are more than 20 million estimated new sexually transmitted infection (STI) cases in the United States each year, with rates continuing to increase.  What you may not know is most STIs are preventable. We talked with Renown Adolescent Medicine Specialist, Caroline Barangan, MD to learn more about STIs.  How Can You Get an STI?  The CDC (Center for Disease Control) says that STIs are acquired through sexual contact. There are bacteria, viruses or parasites that can cause an STI which may pass from person to person in blood, semen, vaginal and other bodily fluids.  How Do You Know if You Have an STI?  STIs can have a range of signs and symptoms such as:  Warts, bumps or sores on or near the penis, vagina, mouth or anus Swelling, redness or severe itching near the penis or vagina Discharge from the penis Vaginal bleeding that’s not your period Painful or uncomfortable sex Vaginal discharge that has an unpleasant odor, causes irritation or is a different color or amount than usual  Weight loss, diarrhea or night sweats Aches, pains, fever and chills Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) Painful or frequent urination  Sore throat if you engage in oral sex It’s important to know that the majority of people who have an STI commonly have no symptoms at all, which is why it’s important to get regularly tested once you have had any sexual activity. Young people less than 25 years of age should be screened on a yearly basis at minimum.

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    • Vaccine
    • Pharmacy

    Dorm Safety and Bacterial Meningitis

    Bacterial meningitis is probably the last thing on your mind as you help your child prepare for college. Buying books and stocking up on necessities may top your list, but it’s a good idea to ensure your student is up-to-date on their meningitis vaccine. How Bacterial Meningitis Spreads According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people living in close quarters are more likely to spread this illness to one another. For example, you may have heard about the higher risk of meningococcal (or bacterial) meningitis for new college students. The risk is so serious that many colleges and universities require proof of a vaccine for new students moving into campus housing. This includes the University of Nevada, Reno. To clarify, all incoming freshmen under 23 years of age must show proof of their up-to-date meningitis shot. “Bacterial meningitis is considered a medical emergency, and anyone with the signs and symptoms should be evaluated in the emergency room immediately,” says Vanessa Slots, MD, Renown pediatrician. Symptoms of Bacterial Meningitis Fever Nausea Vomiting Irritability Headache Confusion Back pain Stiff or painful neck Leg pain Light sensitivity Rash on the torso or lower extremities It’s important to know many of these symptoms for both bacterial and viral meningitis are the same. However, the viral type is more common, often clearing up in seven to 10 days without complications. Nonetheless, you should go to the emergency room to be looked at, as the signs are similar for both illnesses. Why is Bacterial Meningitis Dangerous? This illness moves quickly, and in some cases, it can seem like the flu or severe strep throat and take a few days to develop. Or, it can hit in just hours. “Bacterial meningitis has an overall death rate of 10 to 15 percent despite treatment with antibiotics,” Dr. Slots warns. Another critical point is problems after recovery can also be severe. Frequently these include brain damage, amputations, infections around the heart, seizures and shock.

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    • Heart Care
    • Food and Nutrition
    • Neurology

    The Salty Six: Are High-Sodium Foods Increasing Your Stroke Risk?

    Excess amounts of sodium doesn’t just increase your risk of a heart attack, it can also increase your risk of a stroke. Unfortunately, avoiding that saltshaker may not be enough. Did you know that the average American consumes 3,400 milligrams of sodium each day? That’s a dangerous number considering that the American Heart Association recommends limiting daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams (about half the weight of a penny) to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The problem is not necessarily that you’re putting too much salt on your food, it’s that salt is already in the foods you’re regularly eating. To help keep your sodium intake at a healthy level, make sure you’re aware of “The Salty Six,” six sneaky foods that are surprisingly high in sodium. Breads, Rolls and Tortillas: Although breads and tortillas may not initially appear to be high in sodium, we often consume several servings. Make sure to keep track of your total servings to see how they add up. Deli Meat, Cured Meats and Poultry: It may surprise you that six thin slices of deli meat can add up to more than half of your daily limit, so be mindful when building those sandwiches. Also, do your best to avoid cured meats, which often means the meat has been salted. Substitute uncured, skinless meats instead. Cheese: Salt is an important addition in the cheese-making process, as it prevents bacterial growth. Unfortunately, that added salt can increase your health risks. Limit the amount of cheese you add to meals to keep your sodium content down. Pizza: Take a quick look at the first three items above and it should be no surprise as to why pizza made the list. One slice and you’ve met at least half of your daily limit. Go easy on the cheese and try adding more veggies instead of meat. Canned Soup: One cup of canned soup can be as high as nearly 1,000 milligrams of sodium. When shopping for canned soup it’s important to check the label – not just on sodium content but serving size as well. Always select low-sodium options when possible or cook your own soup at home. Sandwiches and Burgers: A sandwich or burger from your favorite restaurant can contain more than 100 percent of your daily sodium limit. When dining out, it is best to select low-sodium options or eat a half portion to limit the amount of salt. If some of your favorite foods are on this Salty Six list, don’t panic. Although these foods can be high in sodium, it isn’t necessary to cut these foods out of your diet completely. It’s just important to eat them in moderation and be mindful of your daily sodium intake. Look for low-sodium options, use herbs and spices instead of table salt and do your best to stay under the recommended daily limit of 1,500 milligrams.”

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    • TeleHealth
    • COVID-19
    • Annual Report

    Reliable Care From Home

    Renown Health has always been on the frontlines of technological advancement, and that innovation remained unwavering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our telehealth teams heeded the call to provide home monitoring for our patients, transforming how we provide care. The care providers at Renown successfully monitored lower acuity COVID-19 patients from the comfort of their own homes. Bernard Lee was diagnosed with COVID-19 and pneumonia, and was able to return home to continue his recovery with a home monitoring system. While at home, Bernard’s health took a turn for the worse while he was sleeping, but thanks to the continuous monitoring of Health at Home, his worsening vitals did not go unnoticed. “This monitoring system really saved my life,” Bernard said. “It was telling me that my sats were low, but I didn’t even feel the common COVID symptoms; I just felt tired.” Because of his low oxygen saturation (sats) and the continuous monitoring, he woke up to providers calling to check on him in the early morning. He was immediately transferred to the Renown Intensive Care Unit to be cared for and monitored by our expert care teams. Today Bernard is recovering, feeling great and continuously refers to the team and the home monitoring system as his guardian angels.

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    • Cancer Care
    • Renown Health
    • Annual Report

    From Cancer Survivor to Caregiver

    Meet Haley Carroll Being a new nurse comes with many challenges and gaining experience is a journey, but Haley Carroll’s first day on the job was far from her first day in a hospital. Haley was diagnosed with lymphoma right before her senior year of high school, and she was declared cancer-free on December 2, 2015. Inspired by the incredible care she received during her cancer treatments and during her time at Renown Children’s Hospital, Haley enrolled in nursing school at the University of Nevada, Reno. She graduated in December 2020, just five years after beating cancer. “I’ve always been interested in nursing,” Haley says. “But once I was diagnosed and began to see everything that my nurses did for me, I knew that that’s what I wanted to do for patients, too.”

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    • University Health
    • Renown Health
    • Annual Report

    A Family's Legacy

    Dr. Derek Beenfeldt first joined the Renown family in 2014 as a family medicine physician after graduating from University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine (UNR Med) in 2011. His son Davis was only 10 years old when Dr. Beenfeldt decided to change careers and attend medical school. Ten years later, Davis is following in his dad’s footsteps as a third year student at UNR Med. “I am proud of Davis for taking on the challenges and the commitment that I know goes along with attending medical school,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I also feel lucky that we have a medical school with such a great reputation and resources close to home.” The affiliation is a great source of pride for Dr. Beenfeldt. Not just because two important organizations in his life are joining forces, but he also sees it as both entities taking on an immense responsibility – the challenge to be better for incoming students, and subsequently to improve healthcare in Nevada. Davis is currently going through his rotations and spending countless hours a week at Renown Regional. His dad is right there by his side supporting him along the way. “It has been really interesting to have discussions about the UNR medical school with Davis, I recognize the names of many of the professors and courses from when I was a student,” Dr. Beenfeldt said. “I tried to be empathetic, as I can relate to how difficult and stressful this time is for him. Dr. Beenfeldt currently works as chief medical officer for Renown’s insurance arm Hometown Health, and Davis is still browsing specialties. “I don’t know what kind of medicine I want to focus on yet, but I feel lucky that I can attend medical school so close to home and have the option to continue helping my fellow Nevadans after I graduate.” UNR Med at a Glance UNR’s Medical School was established in 1969 Over the last 50 years, UNR Med has educated 3,900+ physicians More than 30% of UNR Med physician graduates continue to practice in Nevada UNR Med is the state’s oldest medical school

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    • Physical Rehabilitation
    • Physical Therapy
    • Renown Health
    • Annual Report

    The Road to Recovery Close to Home

    Meet Connor Smith Life was hectic for Connor Smith. He had just finished at the top of his class at both the fire academy and paramedic school and was looking forward to starting work in northern Nevada. It was winter 2019, and he was ready to have some fun. The plan was to ride ATVs at Sand Mountain with his brother Cody, dad Lance and some friends, but a jump would change everything. Connor’s ATV took off but landed awkwardly, and he remembers immediately knowing he was paralyzed. Connor’s mom, Dana Shugar, was at home when she received the upsetting call from Cody, who told her he had an accident. Connor was flown to Renown Regional Medical Center, the area’s only Level II Trauma Center. After a seven-hour emergency surgery, Dana learned that Connor would live but only had a slight chance of walking again due to a spinal fracture. “The surgeon saved his life. It’s amazing how your life can change in a matter of seconds,” she said. Once his condition stabilized, Connor moved to the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital and began physical rehabilitation. “Thank God for the people at rehab,” Dana said. “Dr. Pence, the therapists, nurses and all the employees were a wonderful support system, explaining everything and answering all our questions. The kindness they showed got me through.” Connor agrees, calling the Renown rehab team nothing short of amazing.

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