Results for 'benefits'
Join us for our free virtual Smoking Cessation 4-week program courtesy of Renown Health. This class is available to all who want to learn the risks of smoking and the benefits of quitting. In addition, participants will learn about their triggers to smoking, ways to cope while quitting, and available products to assist with becoming tobacco-free. This program begins on the 1st Wednesday of each month and will meet every Wednesday for four weeks from 4 to 5 p.m. Instructions on virtually connecting will be sent 1 day before the first class.
Read More About Smoking Cessation: 4-Week Virtual Program
Ticket includes partner. In this class you will learn about breastfeeding your baby using recommendations from health organizations across the globe. We recommend that all first-time parents take this in-depth class to help mothers get off to a better start with breastfeeding. Topics include the benefits of breastfeeding, breast anatomy, feeding cues, establishing a good latch, nursing positions, ways for partners to support and be involved in breastfeeding, breast pumping and breast milk storage, breastfeeding tips and available breastfeeding supplies and resources. It also touches on how to know if your baby is getting enough milk and when and where to get help if needed.
Read More About Virtual Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond Class
Ticket includes partner. In this class you will learn about breastfeeding your baby using recommendations from health organizations across the globe. We recommend that all first-time parents take this in-depth class to help mothers get off to a better start with breastfeeding. Topics include the benefits of breastfeeding, breast anatomy, feeding cues, establishing a good latch, nursing positions, ways for partners to support and be involved in breastfeeding, breast pumping and breast milk storage, breastfeeding tips and available breastfeeding supplies and resources. It also touches on how to know if your baby is getting enough milk and when and where to get help if needed. Class instructor is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Meeting Rooms Directions from Mill St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Directions from 2nd St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Children’s Hospital Baby & Family Suites(Postpartum) Children’s Emergency Department Children’s Specialty Care Labor & Delivery ( 2nd floor Sierra Tower- for tours)
Read More About Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond Class
Ticket includes partner. In this class you will learn about breastfeeding your baby using recommendations from health organizations across the globe. We recommend that all first-time parents take this in-depth class to help mothers get off to a better start with breastfeeding. Topics include the benefits of breastfeeding, breast anatomy, feeding cues, establishing a good latch, nursing positions, ways for partners to support and be involved in breastfeeding, breast pumping and breast milk storage, breastfeeding tips and available breastfeeding supplies and resources. It also touches on how to know if your baby is getting enough milk and when and where to get help if needed. Class instructor is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Meeting Rooms Directions from Mill St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Directions from 2nd St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Children’s Hospital Baby & Family Suites(Postpartum) Children’s Emergency Department Children’s Specialty Care Labor & Delivery ( 2nd floor Sierra Tower- for tours)
Read More About Breastfeeding Basics and Beyond Class
Ticket includes partner. This class is designed for expectant parents to gain knowledge on current research and recommendations, which promote necessary infant health, wellness and safety. Parents-to-be will learn how to care for their newborn, including bathing, diapering, cord care, signs of illness, nutrition, feeding, infant safety, understanding newborn behavior along with growth and development. To attend, please register using the expecting mother’s name and information. If this class is sold out and you need to take a class please email or leave a message at 775-982-4352. Directions from Mill St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Directions from 2nd St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Children’s Hospital Baby & Family Suites(Postpartum) Children’s Emergency Department Children’s Specialty Care Labor & Delivery ( 2nd floor Sierra Tower- for tours)
Read More About Newborn Care Class