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    • Diabetes
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    Celebrating Blood Sugar Balance This Holiday Season

    As the holiday season draws near, we find more reasons to celebrate with loved ones. At Renown Health, we are kicking off the celebrations early this November with American Diabetes Month. Approximately 37 million Americans, including 270,000 Nevadans, have been diagnosed with diabetes with as many as 95% of those diagnosed living with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). What is Type 2 Diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition that occurs because your body is not using insulin (a hormone made by the pancreas to help cells use the food we eat for energy) as well as it should, resulting in high blood sugar levels. It is important to obtain a diagnosis for T2DM and ensure it is well-controlled to prevent serious health complications. Those with diabetes are at higher risk for blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and amputation. Tips for Supporting Your Health with Type 2 Diabetes Know Your Blood Sugar Levels: Work with your healthcare provider to establish target blood sugar levels, and make sure to monitor your levels regularly as advised by your healthcare provider to prevent or delay health complications associated with T2DM. Focus on Your Plate: Eating foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean meats or plant-based proteins, healthy fats and whole grains supports diabetes management. If choosing healthy foods is difficult due to your busy schedule, cost or simply because you aren’t sure where to start, talk with your healthcare provider who may refer you to a registered dietitian. Registered dietitian nutritionists are certified nutrition specialists who can provide education and practical tips for eating to support your T2DM diagnosis with visits covered by many insurance plans. Prioritize Staying Active: Engaging in regular exercise is good for everyone, especially those living with T2DM. Exercise helps your cells become more sensitive to insulin and therefore supports healthy blood sugar levels. Always check with your healthcare provider prior to beginning a new exercise plan. Support Stress Reduction: Stress is unavoidable but can be managed through regular exercise, getting enough quality sleep (7-8 uninterrupted hours per night) and practicing meditation and other mindfulness techniques. Plan Ahead for Holiday Gatherings: There’s still room for celebration while focusing on blood sugar management. Consider bringing a healthy dish to your gathering, focus on filling your plate with vegetable sides and eating those first and incorporate a family walk after dinner. If traveling, pack nutritious snacks that support your health and keep you full. Lastly, enjoy the special dishes and desserts this season has to offer in single-serving portions.

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    • Food and Nutrition

    Nourishing Your Loved One Through Cancer Treatment

    Eating healthy is a daily challenge for many, but for those with cancer, it is an even harder struggle. A cancer diagnosis affects not only those diagnosed but family members and friends, too. One key area of concern is making sure your loved one stays well by eating healthy food every day. Here are some vital cancer nutrition tips from Jessica Blauenstein, a Board Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition and Registered Dietitian at Renown Health. Help to Prepare Meals and Snacks for Daily Cancer Nutrition Make it grab and go. Easy-to-make meals help reduce the burden of having to cook and prepare food. Having easy to grab snacks on the counter or in the fridge can help ensure your loved one has access to those nutrients when needed. Sit outside of the kitchen. This allows your loved one to avoid cooking smells which can make them feel sick as a side effect of cancer treatments. Also try serving them cold foods such as sandwiches, cheese and crackers, or shakes which have a mild scent. Try drinkable meals. Some people with cancer find it easier to sip their calories over the course of 30 minutes to an hour. Consider smoothies or supplemental shakes such as Ensure Complete, Fairlife shakes, Orgain shakes, or Boost Plus to name a few. A great foundation for a smoothie is a protein source (Greek yogurt, protein powder, nut butters or milk) with a carbohydrate (fruits, juice or berries). Add other ingredients as desired, such as spinach, kale, and ground flaxseed or chia seeds to give it more vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Snack Ideas for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment The following ideas are both quick and easy to make for your loved one. Chicken or tuna salad with whole grain crackers or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Greek yogurt mixed with cereal, fruit and/or nuts Cottage cheese with banana, cinnamon and/or peanut butter Favorite fruit with 100% natural peanut or almond butter spread - Try peanut butter with bananas, apples, or even celery Their favorite veggies dipped in a salad dressing of your choice - For example, carrots with hummus, tahini, or ranch dressing Cheese and whole grain crackers - Add tomato slices with a small amount of avocado, and a dash of oregano on top for more flavor Eggs scrambled with cheese, vegetables and/or salsa Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain bread A baked sweet potato with some favorite toppings Hard boiled eggs and/or egg salad with whole grain crackers, or as a sandwich on whole grain bread Oatmeal or cream of wheat prepared with milk, fruit and/or nuts Sometimes your loved one may not feel like eating or refuse to eat. If treatment side effects are impacting your loved one’s ability to eat, please visit the websites below containing recipes tailored to treat side effects. Cook for Your Life ELLICSR Of course, you may also consult a registered dietitian and/or the patients care team, if you have more cancer nutrition concerns.

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    • Food and Nutrition

    Department Spotlight: Food & Nutrition Services

    Nutrition is a vital aspect of patient care. At Renown Health, the Food & Nutrition Services (FNS) teams take their mission of delivering patients high-quality, cost-effective, nutritious and attractive foods to the next level. From a thrice-daily trayline service with a wide variety of delicious food to the personalized dietitian services that ensure every patient gets the nutrients they need for optimal healing and recovery, Renown’s FNS teams at Regional, South Meadows and Rehab are unmatched.  Food for the Good Fight  The hustle and bustle of early morning food preparations gears the FNS team up to, as Renown Regional Food Service Worker Molly Kalsman puts it, “provide patients with adequate nutrition to heal.” From morning until nighttime, the team prepares three meals a day along with late trays and snacks.  This isn’t your run-of-the-mill hospital food, either. Think anywhere from cheeseburgers and salads to pork roasts and baked potatoes. As you can imagine, food of this caliber requires all hands on deck in the kitchen, especially during trayline times, to ensure all patients receive quality meals that meet their individual nutrition needs. “We make an impact with good service and great food,” said Mario Nunez, a Food Service Worker at Renown South Meadows.  As the food service workers are hard at work cooking and assembling, the nutrition representatives visit each patient to learn their individual dietary restrictions, allergies and food preferences. For Julie Macaluso, Nutrition Representative at Renown South Meadows, “letting the patients choose their meals” is one of the highlights of her job. “We go over meal choices for their stay, so the patient can pick out something they would like to eat and find enjoyable,” added Tara Sprehe, Nutrition Representative at Renown Regional.  The immense care and attention our nutrition representatives give to every patient paves the way for our clinical dietitians to build a nutrient-dense diet plan based on the individual patient’s preferences. Dietitians are the only licensed providers that can leverage nutrition to treat, manage and prevent illness and disease to improve patient outcomes. Every day, our experienced dietitians “make recommendations in the adjustment of macro and micronutrients in order to best manage a person’s health status in the setting of trauma, diabetes, heart disease and other morbidities,” said Jessica Blauenstein, a Registered Dietitian and Board-Certified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition at the William N. Pennington Cancer Institute. Overall, for this department, the phrase “that’s not my job” will never be heard, according to Lupe Ayala, a Cook at the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital. Day-in and day-out, it’s a massive group effort – and that’s the way they like it.  Setting the Service Bar High  Hitting milestones and accomplishments comes naturally to this crew. The FNS team sets the bar incredibly high for food and service standards across the Renown Regional, South Meadows and Rehabilitation hospitals.   The key ingredient? Synchronized teams that operate like a well-oiled machine. The meticulous trayline schedules and assembly lines, the cooks that put their heart into patient meals, the nutrition representatives and dietitians who ensure patient food wants and dietary needs are being met... the list goes on. And to top it all off, these teams certainly know the meaning of “service with a smile.”  Their efforts do not go unnoticed. “I am very proud of the team I have,” said Monica Lara-Yanez, Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services at Renown South Meadows. “They have improved their knowledge and participated in cross-training, and they are very efficient doing their jobs and helping each other. Moreover, they care about the service we provide.”  One major accomplishment the FNS department achieved in recent years was implementing Room Service Connect, which aids in direct communication with patients, letting them know what foods are available to them during their stay at Renown based on their dietary needs. Locating trays of food has also never been easier. According to Tara Sprehe, “This system is also beneficial for letting food service workers know when a diet has been upgraded, discontinued, changed to NPO status or downgraded. This reduces the risk of giving the patient a diet that is not appropriate for them,” which saves both time and money for the department.  At the end of the day, the FNS department has one mission, and it’s the same mission we all employ as Renown team members: do it for the patient.  “It’s all about patient care,” said Jesse Holman, Cook Lead at Renown Regional. “That is the best accomplishment!”  A Dedication to Renown   The patients, the providers, and the passion: these are the most common themes that keep the FNS department passionate about Renown and their team. Whether they are just starting out in a career in food service or have established themselves in the clinical field, the FNS department proudly upholds the greatest standards of nutritional care that enhance Renown’s status as a top healthcare leader in northern Nevada.  “I choose Renown because it is a very distinguished institution with an amazing reputation, offering a lot of benefits and growth opportunities to employees,” said Monica Lara. “It makes me feel proud to say, ‘I work at Renown.’” Renown Rehab Food Service Worker Margretta Corbet echoes this sentiment, adding, “There are good people here with happy dispositions.”  Many FNS team members are especially enthusiastic about Renown’s robust benefits and career growth opportunities. For Molly Kalsman, working at Renown gives her the experience necessary to enter a career in dietetics. “Food service and hospital experience is encouraged to be accepted into a dietetics internship program, and Renown was the perfect opportunity for me to gain that experience,” said Molly. Carleigh Bates, Nutrition Representative at Renown South Meadows, is on a similar path: “Renown is a vehicle for so many things I am aspiring towards, such as getting my foot in the door for working in healthcare, improving the experiences of patients and gaining experience that will aid in my future goals.”  Carleigh emphasizes that the team’s commitment to Renown’s mission is at the core of what they do every day. “We impact patient care by providing nutrition to fuel their wellness and improve their stay.”  Lupe Ayala wraps up this strong conviction from the team very well: “I didn’t choose Renown; Renown chose me.”  Fight the Good Fight With Us This future-minded, patient-centric department is growing! The Food & Nutrition Services teams at Regional, South Meadows and Rehab are actively hiring eager, collaborative new team members. Natasha Frisbie, FNS Lead at Renown Regional, reports that the team has “successfully hired and trained 24 new employees in the past three months” and is still expanding. “Teamwork, communication, and enthusiasm are very valuable skills to have in this department,” said Molly Kalsman.   If you or anyone you know is looking for their next growing career opportunity, apply today!

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    • Friday, Mar 25, 2022

    Food is Love! Nine Career Options at Renown to Satisfy Coffee Enthusiasts & Foodies

    Passionate about food and coffee? Interested in serving patients and health care heroes? Courteous and diplomatic? Have a high school diploma? Read on to discover the career for you. When you think about the word LOVE, do you think about delicious FOOD or a mug of hot COFFEE? When you talk with friends, do your conversations start and end discussing a new recipe, a new restaurant or TV food show?  Do you get great satisfaction from preparing a great meal? Do you dream about being able to make a steaming hot latte with almond milk in minutes? Are you a nurturer who envisions creating and delivering a hot, delicious, nutritious meal to someone recovering from a surgical procedure or recovering from an illness? Would you enjoy making a special celebration meal for a family who has just delivered a baby, a cake for a wedding at a patient’s bedside, or for a family reunited with papa after receiving good news about his cancer recovery?  Are you looking for some career options to keep you connected to great food and coffee? Renown Health is now offering a number of career options that encourage you to satisfy your love for food; earn money, paid vacation/sick time, great health benefits; have a regular schedule; advance your career and earn a college or university degree at the same time.  There are some outstanding benefits to working in food-related careers at the region’s top employer and the region’s largest non-for-profit, charitable organization. Renown employees work every day to make a genuine difference in the lives of others, and we are looking for you to join us.  Many food services professionals started their careers in entry-level positions and worked their way up. Other benefits to working at Renown include transferable career skills, free or discounted food and the opportunity to give back and serve your community.  Whether you are just starting your career or looking for a new challenge, you are sure to find something that is perfect for you. Many positions require only a high school diploma or a GED. Start exploring today with our list of nine terrific food and beverage-related careers available today at Renown Health and apply online at  1) Be a Barista at Starbucks; Renown Regional Medical Center, full/part time, all shifts If you love talking to people, have a good sense of humor and like to move fast, then this job is a great fit for you. You will meet people from every field and make friends with many of them. You will learn to be an expert in handcrafting delicious, perfect beverages—while proudly wearing the green Starbuck’s apron. You will be a part of the first Starbuck’s in the area to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Average Starbucks barista hourly pay is at the national average of approximately $12.32. In addition, you will receive paid training, tips, a full Renown Health medical, retirement, paid vacation/sick time benefit package and access to internally posted positions. You will need a high school diploma or GED; however, experience is not necessary for this entry-level position. Starbuck’s employees can drink as many lattes as they want—as most beverages are free for employees during work breaks! 2) Chef It Up as a Hospital Cook & Cook Lead; Renown Regional Medical Center, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, full/part time, all shifts.  If you love preparing nutritious, appetizing food for others, understand the importance of individual requirements for medical and cultural diets, this may be the perfect job for you. Most people landing a job as a Cook in a hospital have five or more years of experience working in a restaurant but do not have a college degree, yet they are able to earn an average salary range: $26,860 – $61,870. Benefits include a predictable schedule, which may mean more time with your family and at home. You will also receive vacation and sick days, and health, vision and dental benefits. In addition, you would be fueling physicians, nurses and others to get through a long workday, making a genuine difference in the lives of others and having a positive impact on society.  3) Special Delivery! Food Servers; Renown Regional Medical Center, full/part time, all shifts. If you love assembling and serving meals to patients, this is the job for you. You will setup, prepare and clean up for patient meal service and may serve as the link between Nutrition Services and patients. You may also transport food carts to the patient room floors and help with kitchen general cleaning and sanitation. 4) Show Your Creative Side as a Food Prep Artist; Lead Sandwich Artist; Renown Regional Medical Center, full/part-time, all shifts In this role, you will make and serve salads, desserts, and sandwiches with fresh ingredients and promptly serve them to hungry and happy customers. Lead Sandwich artists are in demand at the Subway restaurant located within Renown Regional Medical Center.  5) Making it Just for You! Nutrition Representative; Renown Regional Medical Center; per diem, all shifts In this role, you will meet with patients, help them review their meal options, and ensure their special and customized meal is delivered to their room. As a customer service agent, you will answer the phone for food orders, enters the meal choices into the computer system and understand menus, diet restrictions, recipes and food inventory.  6) Cashing In as a Food Services Cashier; Renown Regional Medical Center; full/part-time, all shifts 7) Food as Medicine as a Clinical Dietitian; Renown Regional Medical Center; part time, days Patients recovering from illness need to fuel their bodies with the most nutritious foods. In this role, you will provide nutrition education and counseling, clinical nutrition assessments, planning and evaluation of infants, children, adolescents, adults and geriatric patients, and work to meet the patient's physical, cognitive and psychosocial needs through proper nutrition and education.  8) The Answer is YES! Manager of Hospitality; Renown South Meadows Medical Center; full time As our manager, you would deliver exceptional customer service in all aspects of food and environmental services. You would get to build, hire, train and lead an engaged team and provide the highest quality service to meet the needs of patients, employees, visitors, and physicians. 9) Customer Service Fanatic? Retail Food and Beverage Supervisor; Starbucks You would be very popular-leading the operations of Starbucks and Subway franchises at Renown Regional Medical Center. You would ensure lead and empower and train your team to be the best- and be sure you budget is balanced and the customer service is exceptional.  At Renown Health, we share a boundless vision that inspires us to learn, grow and exceed expectations for patients, their families and one another. A career with us offers you: • An uplifting and progressive environment focused on community health and wellness initiatives. • A culture that values your contributions and supports your personal and professional development. • Affiliations with the University of Nevada, Reno, Desert Research Institute and other organizations that help spur innovation and opportunity. To apply for these career opportunities and others, please visit us online at  About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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    • Thursday, May 14, 2020

    Renown Health Food Pantry Is Nourishing Patients at No Cost

    Patients who qualify for a “Food is Medicine Prescription” can receive a bag of food for themselves and each member of their family every week through this free assistance program. Renown Health is proud to offer supplementary food to patients in need through its food pantry. Established nearly a year ago, patients who identify as food- insecure are working with Renown’s community health workers to receive fresh produce, canned goods, non-perishable items and other pantry staples to help nourish themselves and their family at no cost. Thanks to the support of the Northern Nevada Food Bank and other local community partners, Renown’s food pantry is helping meet the food needs of homeless and low-income individuals in our community. “Patients’ responses to our food pantry has been amazing,” said Renown community health worker Seth Rubin. “They are extremely grateful when we give them a bag of food. Their eyes light up knowing that they will have enough food to eat for the week without having to worry about finding a source of food for their family.” To make this assistance program possible, Renown’s food pantry receives food deliveries every Wednesday from the Northern Nevada Food Bank. The Food Bank meets Renown’s team of community health workers, along with churches and other medical organizations, with a semi- truck loaded with a variety of foods. After receiving a pallet with their food order, Renown’s community health team collects an assortment of fresh produce, donated from local grocery stores and other community organizations. After that, the food is unloaded into Renown’s food pantry located inside The Healthcare Center. Renown’s community health workers serve patients in the hospital and emergency rooms, as well as individuals who receive care in The Healthcare Center, which provides affordable access to care for anyone in our community. After expressing a need for food assistance, patients are offered a Food is Medicine Prescription. Through this prescription, they can go to a participating food pantry once a week to receive one bag of food per person in their household. Pantry Continues Amidst Pandemic Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Renown’s community health workers have worked remotely, but that hasn’t stopped them from reaching out to patients who benefit from this program. “We’re currently coordinating outpatient deliveries to our patients,” said Rubin. “Every Tuesday and Thursday, we deliver a bag of food to the patient’s house. It has been a great way to continue providing healthy food to our patients while continuing to provide safe care to the patients we see in person at our clinic. Despite our operations being a little different, our patients’ feelings of gratitude and relief remains the same. This is extremely rewarding work and we are proud to continue serving our community throughout these challenging times.” Renown’s food pantry is currently available to patients of The Healthcare Center. Renown is working to get more refrigeration, shelving and staffing to expand the service to more Renown Medical Group patients. Renown patients who qualify for a Food is Medicine Prescription, yet aren’t patients of The Healthcare Center, are encouraged to visit these participating food pantries once a week. The Healthcare Center accepts all Medicaid plans in addition to other healthcare plans. To learn more, visit Renown’s website. For b-roll on this story, please click here.     About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, a rehabilitation hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit

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