Results for 'doctors'
Class fee includes partner. Many things have changed since the participants in Grandparents: Getting Started raised their own children. It is important for grandparents to learn the new recommendations for care, based on research from doctors and scientists studying the physical and emotional development of infants and children. Taught by certified Safe Sitter® Instructors, participants will learn how to provide the best and safest care for their grandchildren. They will also learn the latest information on how to safely care for infants and children, how to manage the behavior of children of all ages, and essential life-saving skills such as choking rescue, first aid, CPR, and injury management. Additionally, learning tips on creating a good relationship from the start and how to respond to frequent babysitting requests will help grandparents enhance their relationship with their children and create lasting memories with their grandchildren. Please note: There is a waiting list for this class. As a courtesy to those waiting, kindly let us know if you’re unable to attend. If the class is sold out and you wish to be placed on the waiting list, please contact us. Phone: 775-982-4352 Email: Meeting Rooms Directions from Mill St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Directions from 2nd St. Parking: Classrooms 101-105, Mack Auditorium and Artisans Classrooms 107 and 108 Children’s Hospital Baby & Family Suites(Postpartum) Children’s Emergency Department Children’s Specialty Care Labor & Delivery ( 2nd floor Sierra Tower- for tours)
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Are you or someone you know living with COPD? Join our friendly and supportive community to share experiences, learn valuable tips, and connect with others who understand what it’s like to live with COPD. Our support group offers: A safe space to share stories and experiences Coping strategies and resources for managing COPD Guest speakers and educational sessions A community of understanding and encouragement We meet on the last Wednesday of the month at the Renown Pulmonary Rehab from 3pm to 4pm. Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been managing COPD for years, you don’t have to go through it alone, Together, we can make this journey a little easier to breathe through.
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Join us for our free virtual Smoking Cessation 4-week program courtesy of Renown Health. This class is available to all who want to learn the risks of smoking and the benefits of quitting. In addition, participants will learn about their triggers to smoking, ways to cope while quitting, and available products to assist with becoming tobacco-free. This program begins on the 1st Wednesday of each month and will meet every Wednesday for four weeks from 4 to 5 p.m. Instructions on virtually connecting will be sent 1 day before the first class.
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Breastfeeding Circle Gatherings are a great place for breastfeeding moms to find support, exchange experiences, and discuss any concerns. Popular topics include: Milk supply Pumping Returning to work Sleeping, or lack of sleep Weight checks Weighted feedings And more! If you need direct support, please call Breastfeeding Medicine to schedule a 1:1, in person appointment at 775-982-6365. This gathering is FREE to join.
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Please join us for Renown Health’s free one-hour class for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) education! Our goal is to give you the knowledge to better manage your COPD by increasing your understanding of the disease process, medications and how to use them and creating an action plan you can use every day. This program is offered every: Second Tuesday of the month from 4pm – 5pm in Renown Health Pulmonary Rehabilitation classroom The last Thursday of the month from 4pm – 5pm in the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital classroom A link to the virtual meeting will be sent 1 day before the class via email.
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Ticket includes partner. The American Heart Association Family & Friends course is for those who want to learn infant & child CPR but do NOT need a course completion card in CPR for their job. This course is ideal for schools and students, new parents, grandparents, babysitters and others interested in learning how to save a life. Skills are taught in a dynamic group environment using the AHA’s research-proven “practice-while-watching” technique, which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible.
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Please join us for Renown Health’s free one-hour class for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) education! Our goal is to give you the knowledge to better manage your COPD by increasing your understanding of the disease process, medications and how to use them and creating an action plan you can use every day. This program is offered every: Second Tuesday of the month from 4pm – 5pm in Renown Health Pulmonary Rehabilitation classroom The last Thursday of the month from 4pm – 5pm in the Renown Rehabilitation Hospital classroom A link to the virtual meeting will be sent 1 day before the class via email.
Read More About COPD Education & Support
Breastfeeding Circle Gatherings are a great place for breastfeeding moms to find support, exchange experiences, and discuss any concerns. Popular topics include: Milk supply Pumping Returning to work Sleeping, or lack of sleep Weight checks Weighted feedings And more! If you need direct support, please call Breastfeeding Medicine to schedule a 1:1, in person appointment at 775-982-6365. This gathering is FREE to join.
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Breastfeeding Circle Gatherings are a great place for breastfeeding moms to find support, exchange experiences, and discuss any concerns. Popular topics include: Milk supply Pumping Returning to work Sleeping, or lack of sleep Weight checks Weighted feedings And more! If you need direct support, please call Breastfeeding Medicine to schedule a 1:1, in person appointment at 775-982-6365. This gathering is FREE to join.
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Ticket includes partner. The American Heart Association Family & Friends course is for those who want to learn infant & child CPR but do NOT need a course completion card in CPR for their job. This course is ideal for schools and students, new parents, grandparents, babysitters and others interested in learning how to save a life. Skills are taught in a dynamic group environment using the AHA’s research-proven “practice-while-watching” technique, which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible.
Read More About Infant & Child CPR Class
Breastfeeding Circle Gatherings are a great place for breastfeeding moms to find support, exchange experiences, and discuss any concerns. Popular topics include: Milk supply Pumping Returning to work Sleeping, or lack of sleep Weight checks Weighted feedings And more! If you need direct support, please call Breastfeeding Medicine to schedule a 1:1, in person appointment at 775-982-6365. This gathering is FREE to join.
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This class is for anyone who has undergone or is undergoing breast cancer treatment and will focus on lymphedema education and reducing the risk of its occurrence. During the class, we will review the basic anatomy of the lymphatic system and define common procedures performed during the treatment course for breast cancer that affects lymphatics. Risk reduction strategies, including compression sleeves, will be reviewed in addition to the typical presentation of early lymphedema. Finally, a brief description of Axillary Web Syndrome will also be reviewed, and basic stretches/exercises to implement if cording is present.
Read More About Lymphedema Education and Risk Reduction Class