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    • Alzheimer's Disease
    • Neurology

    Alzheimer’s Disease – How to Spot the Signs

    Alzheimer’s disease is not normal forgetfulness as we age. Instead, it is a specific form of mental decline. And according to the Alzheimer’s Association it accounts for nearly 80 percent all dementia cases. Natasa Dragicevic, MD, PhD., behavioral neurologist and Alzheimer’s disease specialist with Renown Institute for Neurosciences, weighs in on diagnosing it and the importance of early medical action. How to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease In general, the signs of Alzheimer’s disease occur slowly, getting worse over time. For example, forgetfulness is a daily search – for shoes, keys and other misplaced items. Not only is memory affected, but also speech patterns and behavior. There is no single test for Alzheimer’s disease. “Specifically, a neurologist should be the one to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease given differences in presentation,” clarifies Dr. Dragicevic. “And ideally a behavioral neurologist (Alzheimer’s sub-specialist) will be managing the treatment,” she adds. Brain Imaging Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease involves multiple approaches and medical providers. In short, medical history is reviewed along with a physical exam, lab tests and other diagnostic testing. “A medical workup includes a variety of tests. These include MRI and other brain imaging, as well as neurological and psychological testing. Furthermore, a lumbar puncture is performed to look for markers of the disease,” she states. What Causes Alzheimer’s disease? Although no one knows the cause, researchers think many factors play a role. Uncontrollable risk factors include your genetics and having a family member with the disease. However, the controllable risk factors include: reducing the risk of head injury and keeping your heart healthy. It’s important to realize that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke and diabetes play a role in brain health. Blood loss to the brain causes vascular dementia, leading to long-term blood vessel damage. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease Generally speaking, the signs of this disease differ in each person. Yet noticeable behaviors include: • Losing the way to familiar places • Forgetting to pay bills • Trouble finding the right words when talking • Repeating questions • General confusion • Social withdrawal Alzheimer’s Disease – Benefits of Early Diagnosis Equally important, spotting Alzheimer’s disease early allows more time to benefit from medications and possible clinical trials. Likewise, nutrition and exercise changes can be made, increasing blood flow to the body, and perhaps delaying symptoms. Early diagnosis also allows for personal health decisions and quality-of-life conversations to take place.   According to the Alzheimer’s Association, these benefits include: 1. Medical advantage 2. Emotional and social comfort 3. Time to plan ahead 4. Cost savings A Brain Supporting Lifestyle “At the present time, treatment is limited,” explains Dr. Dragicevic. “Usually Alzheimer’s is a progressive ongoing disease – any management at this time is purely symptomatic.” However, she states the following lifestyle changes can help support brain health: • New hobbies such as painting, pottery, music classes or learning a new language • Crosswords, puzzles and playing games, such as Scrabble • Brain challenging mobile apps, such as Luminosity • 30-45 minutes of mild to moderate physical activity per day, such as walking • Eating a Mediterranean diet (primarily plant based foods)

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    • Renown Health
    • CEO

    Kindly Care for Those Who Care for You

    Over the past year, the safety of healthcare providers has received more public attention than ever before. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – and particularly in the early days – the public learned about the vital role of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other important processes that keep healthcare workers safe and healthy. However, people may be surprised to learn that germs and viruses are just one of the many risks that healthcare professionals face every day. Many people are fortunate enough not to have to worry for their physical and mental well-being when they go to work. Unfortunately, this is not the case for countless healthcare workers across the nation, for whom workplace violence is a daily concern. According to the American Hospital Association, healthcare workers are four times more likely to experience serious workplace violence than people in other industries. This is particularly troubling knowing that healthcare workers have dedicated their careers to serving others, putting their communities first- day in and day out. What is Considered Workplace Violence? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines workplace violence as, “Incidents where staff are abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being, or health.” WHO considers both physical and psychological harm, including attacks, verbal abuse, bullying, and both sexual and racial harassment, to be workplace violence. Responding to the Challenge of Workplace Violence At Renown Health, we have no tolerance for abuse against our employees. As an organization, we have several systems in place to support and protect our staff. During staff orientation, we provide classes to prepare employees to prevent and de-escalate verbal or physical abuse. We also offer ongoing education to train our staff to respond to violent situations. If an incident does occur, our Violence Prevention Task Force reviews incidents and ensures the impacted employees receive resources and counseling to help them process what has occurred. We are among the first in the nation to have instituted a Zero Tolerance policy on workplace violence. This policy is in place to let our employees know that we have their backs in preventing workforce violence and we will address it assertively if the environment becomes unsafe. As a leader, I am continually impressed by our team’s desire and ability to support one another. However, I know that it is my responsibility to protect our team. No one should have to face harassment or abuse – in any form – in his or her workplace. I believe so much in this cause that I volunteer as Chair of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence steering committee, which works to understand the causes behind violence against healthcare workers and develops tools and processes to prevent these incidents from occurring. Violence was already a concern facing health care organization leaders prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, the ongoing health crisis has elevated tensions. Health care is an industry like no other, with our most precious resource being our employees. As a community, as patients and family members, we have an obligation to ensure that all healthcare workers are safe while they go about their work. This starts with understanding, communication and unequivocal support for the profession. This month we launched the Be Kind campaign across Renown, a reminder to all of the importance of values like patience, kindness and gratitude. If you would like to join us in recognizing a healthcare hero, please submit your thoughts here. Thank you for working with us, and all healthcare providers, to create and maintain places of health and healing for all – and for kindly caring for those who care for you.

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    • Prevention and Wellness
    • Surgery

    Sepsis: Causes & Symptoms

    According to the Global Sepsis Alliance, 1 in 5 deaths worldwide are associated with sepsis. If not recognized early and treated promptly, sepsis is the final common pathway to death from most infectious diseases worldwide, including viruses such as COVID-19. We spoke with Jeremy Gonda, MD, a critical care physician from Renown Health’s Sepsis Committee to increase public awareness of this preventable medical emergency. What is sepsis? Sepsis is a response to infection—bacterial, viral or fungal—and can start anywhere in the body and spread into the bloodstream. The body is trying so hard to fight an infection that it begins releasing chemicals into the bloodstream that cause inflammation and the shutdown of multiple organ systems. “It carries a very poor prognosis in general unless you catch and treat it very early,” said Dr. Gonda. “Any infection can lead to sepsis. Typically your immune system takes care of the infection. It doesn’t progress, but in cases where the infection becomes severe, or the immune system doesn’t function properly, people can certainly die. So there’s, unfortunately, a very high mortality rate associated with sepsis.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year at least 1.7 million adults in America develop sepsis. While you can recover from sepsis if caught early, many sepsis survivors suffer from long-term physical and psychological effects. What are the signs of sepsis? One way to spot sepsis is to use the acronym SEPSIS: S – Slurred speech and confusion E – Extreme shivering or muscle pain/fever P – Passing no urine all day S – Severe breathlessness I – “I feel like I might die” S – Skin mottled or discolored Keep in mind that sepsis symptoms can vary depending on where the infection starts. “Patients may experience urinary burning if they have a urinary tract infection or a cough and shortness of breath if they have pneumonia first,” said Dr. Gonda. “However, often symptoms are more generalized or subtle such as fevers, confusion and malaise.” How do you develop sepsis? When germs enter your body, they can cause an infection. If you don’t stop that infection, it can cause sepsis. Areas of infection that more commonly result in sepsis include: Lungs, such as pneumonia Kidney, bladder and other parts of the urinary system Digestive system Bloodstream (bacteremia) Catheter sites Wounds or burns Who is most at risk? People with compromised immune systems are at greater risk for sepsis, such as “The very young, the elderly and any people who may have conditions that suppress your immune system,” said Dr. Gonda. “For instance, if you have diabetes or if you’re an organ transplant patient who is on immunosuppressant therapy, you’re at somewhat higher risk.” Sepsis is often considered a hospital-acquired infection, but a study in The Journal of American Medical Association found that 80% of sepsis cases occur outside of a hospital. That’s why it’s especially important to remember any infection can lead to sepsis, and anyone can develop sepsis from an infection. What do I do? Timing is critical in the case of sepsis and septic shock. According to a study on septic shock patients, there is a 7.6 percent decrease in survival for each hour treatment is delayed. On the other end, if treatment is given within an hour of the first drop in blood pressure, the survival rate is 80 percent. Because sepsis can be so deadly, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. “If you’re not getting any better, if you think symptoms are progressively worsening – you should definitely be evaluated by a doctor,” said Dr. Gonda. You can help #StopSepsis by getting involved at

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    • Tuesday, Feb 02, 2021

    Reno Widow Inspires New Patient Supporter Visitor Policy

    Renown hospitals are among the first in the country to lift visitor restrictions for patients with COVID-19 and encourage family to be at the patient's bedside. True treasure hunters, Dr. Dave and Darlene found joy in exploring antique shops and garage sales to find damaged or discarded vintage pieces. After hauling the item home, Dave would spend many hours scraping it clean, sanding and refinishing it, until it gleamed and became a polished, functional and beautiful piece of furniture. Every piece in their home rekindles a memory and has a story to tell.  On Thanksgiving, when Dave was too ill to gather around their antique dining room table, Darlene called the ambulance. Dave had been ill with COVID-19 for two weeks and had not been improving. When the EMTs reached her home and asked Darlene what underlying conditions he had, she said, “all of them.” David was seriously ill. Hospitalized for COVID-19, their communications options were limited. The only way Darlene could communicate with Dave was on a video call, or by telephone. Dave spent 17 days hospitalized at Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno. Darlene spent 17 days waiting by the phone for more information. Darlene said he had “up days and down days,” but thought he might be home, sitting at their antique dinner table for Christmas.  David Ivan Randolph was born in Boston, MA on August 29, 1936. He grew up in Roxbury and graduated from the prestigious Boston Latin Boys School. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts in General Psychology, an MA in Experimental Psychology from Northeastern University and a PhD in Sensory Psychology & Physiology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. While in university he joined ROTC and upon graduation was commissioned as a First Lieutenant in the Army Medical Specialist Corp. After basic training at the Fort Sam Houston Medical Training School he was assigned as a Captain, Research Psychologist to the US Army at the Pioneering Research Division in Natick, MA. Over the next 30 years, he conducted vision research at Fort Knox, KY; Philadelphia, PA and then with the newly constructed Letterman Army Institute of Research (LAIR), Division of Ocular Hazards at the Presidio of San Francisco, CA. David continued his vision research at LAIR until his retirement in 1992 when the Presidio was decommissioned. Dr. Randolph’s research findings in flash blindness and night vision made him a sought-after presenter at research conferences in the US and abroad. In a PBS documentary he was interviewed as part of the team that developed goggles that protect soldiers from laser eye damage. Dr. David Randolph lost his battle with COVID-19 on December 13, 2020, and died as he slept in a hospital bed. When Darlene wrote his obituary for the newspaper, she gave thanks to the “tremendous nurses and doctors at Renown Regional Medical Center, for providing his care during a time when family could not be with him.” Darlene wished she could have been there. Over their 45-year marriage, she had always been there. Darlene said, “I had always been at his bedside, as his advocate, to help communicate and straighten things out.” As a registered dietician, she worked in hospitals and knew the protocol. She knew, like hospitals across the globe, Renown had restricted family members from visiting in order to stop the spread of the virus- to other patients, staff and their family members. Still, she wished she could have spent more time with him. On Christmas Eve, she sat down and wrote to Dr. Anthony Slonim, president and chief executive officer of Renown Health in Reno, NV. “Dear Doctor Slonim, as the wife of a COVID patient who recently passed away in your hospital, I want to express my thanks to you and your staff for the care he was given in the last days of his life. I am aware that the nurses and staff are working under dangerous conditions and risking their health and lives by caring for multiple COVID patients. The staff was gracious, concerned and did everything they could for my husband and myself.” She continued, “I know procedures are changing every hour to try to stay ahead of this dangerous virus and I am sharing my experiences hoping they will be helpful when establishing policies that impact families.” Darlene explained that despite receiving assurances that Dave’s nurse or even a doctor would call daily, sometimes they would forget. She explained in her letter, “how important it was, in these times when family cannot visit, and has only infrequent communication and is anxiously waiting at home for word of their loved one, how much it means to get a call from someone caring for him at the hospital.” Darlene asked, “If there is any way you can help to assure that nurses have time to make calls or assist patients to make calls, because it is an important part of patient care.”  After receiving her letter, Dr. Slonim called Mrs. David Randolph, to thank her, to offer his sympathies and to ask if Renown could help in any way. Darlene asked if he might reconsider allowing families to visit hospital patients being treated for COVID-19. Dr. Slonim, who had also lost his father to COVID-19 back in April at a hospital in New Jersey, asked his leadership team to review Mrs. Randolph’s request and make a recommendation. The hospital leadership team made a recommendation to Dr. Slonim that was immediately approved. As the COVID-19 situation has evolved, the policy has as well. With a high percentage of Renown hospital staff now vaccinated against COVID-19, declining hospitalizations of patients with COVID-19, and understanding that the best communications are in-person, as of Wednesday morning, Jan. 27, 2021, Renown hospitals and medical practices now encourage limited visitors for all patients, including those diagnosed with COVID-19. Renown continues to have extra safety measures in place to protect the health of patients, visitors and healthcare employees, and as the situation changes with COVID-19, these guidelines are subject to change. “As of today, one healthy adult Patient Supporter may now accompany every patient to their Renown medical visit or hospital stay,” Tony Slonim, MD, DrPH, President & CEO of Renown said, “We live by our values of caring, integrity, collaboration and excellence. We thank Darlene for reminding us that the best care is ‘person-centered care,’ an approach that embraces the perspective of the patient and their loved ones, while promoting a healthy, encouraging environment for caregivers and addressing the health needs of our community.”  “At Renown, the definition of "family" is defined by the patient,” says Debra Adornetto-Garcia, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, AOCN, Chief Nursing Officer, Acute Services. “Our patients may designate anyone they choose as their Patient Supporter. The Patient Supporter is incredibly important and part of the care team. The Patient Supporter will be asked to partner with the patient’s health care team to assist in communicating to other family members and friends, participating in training and education activities and assisting the patient with complying with care and medication instructions.” “When it comes to healing and recovery, everyone's role is important,” emphasizes Paul Sierzenski, MD, MSHQS, CPE, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer, Acute Services. “What we can do together to support patient care and excellent outcomes is greater than what any of us can do alone. This belief shapes our work, our services and the care we provide to patients, their families and friends at Renown.” “I am pleased that Renown Health has modified the visitation policies so that each patient can have a designated visitor. As a former ICU patient and current ICU physician, I know the importance of having a loved one’s support in the hospital and I am thrilled we are able to accommodate this incredibly important aspect of patient care,” says Jacob B Keeperman, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FAEMS, FCCM, Medical Director, Renown Regional Transfer and Operations Center, Intensivist. When Darlene was told that her letter inspired this shift in visitor policies for patients with COVID-19, she was very pleased and said, “I have always tried to think of ways I could help other families, especially those senior couples where one has been hospitalized and the other is home. My wish is to help others.” In alignment with the national guidelines, as of 1/27/2021, one Patient Supporter per patient will be able to access Renown Regional Medical Center and Renown South Meadows Medical Center as noted: Visiting hours for all patients, including those diagnosed with COVID-19 will be extended to 8 am - 8 pm (previously 3-8 pm). All patients are now encouraged to designate up to two Patient Supports. Due to space constraints, we ask that Patient Supports visit one at a time. Patients will provide Names of up to two Patient Supporters during patient admission/registration. Patient Supporter names will be entered into the patient's electronic medical record for patient privacy and security. Renown Children’s Hospital: Open access. (Two parents and/or guardians may be designated as Patient Supporters, however, due to current space constraints, we ask that you visit one at a time). For more detailed information on the Patient Supporter program visit   About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally owned and governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown’s institute model addresses social determinants of health and includes: Child Health, Behavioral Health & Addiction, Healthy Aging and Health Innovation. Clinical institutes include: Cancer, Heart and Vascular Heath and Neurosciences. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project® . For more information, visit

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    • Tuesday, Apr 02, 2024

    Kerry Kelly, MPH Selected as Community Health Program Manager for Renown

    Kerry Kelly, MPH has joined Renown Health as Community Health Program Manager. Ms. Kelly comes to Renown from the Food Bank of Northern Nevada where she served as Director of Programs and Community Engagement. She had previously been employed as a Medical Practice Supervisor with Renown Children’s, responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of three ambulatory pediatrics medical practices. With her extensive background in public health and community engagement, Kerry brings a wealth of experience to the role of Community Health Program Manager. Ms. Kelly will play a pivotal role in fostering Community Benefit health initiatives that address northern Nevada’s most pressing health needs, reduce health disparities, promote community wellness, and improve access to care for vulnerable populations. “We are excited to welcome Kerry as our new Community Health Program Manager,” said Suzanne Bharati Hendery, MA, APR, Chief Communications & Customer Officer. “Community is at the center of our mission, and we embrace our commitment to make a genuine difference in creating a healthier Nevada for all. Kerry has a passion for community health and a proven track record in driving initiatives that promote health equity, increase insurance coverage, and enhance health outcomes. The vital role that Renown Health plays as the only local, not-for-profit, charitable healthcare network in Reno will be strengthened by her commitment. We look forward to the innovative strategies and partnerships she will bring to further enhance the health of the community we serve.” Kerry completed her Master’s of Public Health with an emphasis in Community Health Education at San José State University and her BA in Psychology, Community Health Science at the University of Nevada, Reno. Kerry will report directly to Sierra Kelly Martinez, MPH, Director of the Customer Engagement Center. Renown Health has long-standing commitment to the community than spans more than 160 years. This commitment has grown and evolved through significant thought and care in considering our community’s most pressing health needs. One way this is done is through conducting a periodic, comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Through the CHNA process, Renown Health identifies the greatest health needs, and ensures resources are appropriately directed toward outreach, prevention, education, and wellness opportunities where the greatest impact can be realized. For more information on the most current Community Health Needs Assessment, visit Renown Health also funds and supports, a website that can be accessed free of charge, and provides residents with up-to-date sources of quality-of-life data (such as health and socio-economic information), key reports that describe our community’s current quality of life needs, promising practices to improve people’s overall quality of life, and quality of life improvement efforts in our community. Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,200 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health

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    • Professionals

    Social Worker_Transplant

    Full Time - Eligible for Benefits
    200741 Community Care Management
  • Therapy and Counseling

    At both the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health and Addiction Institute at Renown and UNR Behavioral Health & Psychiatry, our team of psychologists, therapists, and counselors is committed to providing exceptional, evidence-based, and compassionate care. We cater to couples, families, and individuals across all age groups with a diverse range of services: Individual, Couple, Family, and Group Counseling: Our licensed professionals offer tailored support to meet the unique needs of each patient. Comprehensive Support for Emotional Challenges: We provide tools and resources for dealing with: Anxiety, depression, PTSD ADHD and trauma Abuse or violence Family relationship issues Grief and life stressors Sleep disturbances LGBTQ+ related concerns Issues facing the aging population Perinatal and postpartum challenges Integrated Therapeutic Approaches: Our patient-centered care incorporates various methods to ensure holistic healing, including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Psychotherapy Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Inclusive Care: Our clinic practices non-discrimination on the basis of race, culture, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, socioeconomic status, veteran status, or age. We respect and value the diverse identities of our clients and communities, ensuring that our services reflect the highest standards of professional ethics and competence.

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    • Behavioral Health
    • Mental Health

    Social Connections: Why They Benefit Your Health

    Some days a chat with a friend is all you need to feel better. Why? Because humans are social beings. Although we have more technology than ever at our fingertips, sometimes we may still feel left out or disconnected. Dr. Buddy Coard, Ed.D., Psychologist at the Stacie Mathewson Behavioral Health Addiction Institute at Renown, discusses the importance of social connections and tips on how to keep connecting, warning signs of loneliness and how to feel less lonely.  Why are Social Connections Important? Dr. Coard points to significant research on the topic of loneliness and social connections. He uses the findings below to detail how social connections affect our overall health. In a recent survey 40% of participants reported they sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not meaningful and that they feel isolated. Surprisingly, this survey suggests Generation Z (18-22 years old) is the loneliest generation. Another study associates loneliness as a risk factor for early death. It indicates lack of social connection heightens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or having alcohol use disorder. In fact, loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015). A 2018 study investigated several standard measures of social isolation, including marital status, frequency of religious service attendance, club meetings/group activities and number of close friends or relatives. The findings revealed race as a strong predictor of social isolation. In particular, black men and women were more likely to be lonely than were white men and women. Loneliness also switches on your body’s long-term “fight-or-flight” stress signaling system, which negatively affects your immune system. People who feel lonely have lower immunity and more inflammation than people who don’t. Dr. Coard recommends the following tips for those who feel lonely. Tips to Increase Social Connection Get outside. More and more nature prescriptions are common. In fact even a 10 minute walk can elevate your mood and get your blood flowing. Develop a schedule of activities to accomplish in a week, setting realistic goals. Monitor your technology. Of course, watching the 24/7 news cycle can be depressing. Turn off the TV and listen to music or read a book instead. Even better, use technology to connect with family members by having a virtual game night or book club discussion. Write it out. When was the last time you sent a good old-fashioned letter or card? Or even wrote in a journal? Try to brighten someone’s day with snail mail. Writing down your hopes and fears also helps you to get worries off your mind and process your emotions. With this in mind, there are also volunteer opportunities to support others by sending a handwritten letter to others battling depression. De-clutter your surroundings. Go through those old photos and put them in an album. Clean out a drawer, cupboard or closet. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and can donate items you no longer need that others can enjoy. Increase your joy by reducing your clutter. Warning Signs of Chronic Loneliness One size does not fit all when it comes to loneliness. For this reason, loneliness can be different depending on your particular situation and your unique personality. However, if you feel some (or all) of the following symptoms, chronic loneliness may be affecting you: Lack of ‘best’ or close friends. You connect with others on a surface level, but feel no one truly understands you. People are n your life, yet you are not connecting on a deep, intimate level with them. You feel lonely even when people are around. This means feeling disengaged or not part of the group when around others. You feel less than enough. You often doubt yourself or don’t feel good enough when comparing yourself to others. And social situations feel exhausting. What Can Someone Do to Feel Less Lonely? Dr. Coard offers the following suggestion for those with a lack of social connections: Talk with your doctor, psychologist or another healthcare professional. Sometimes chronic loneliness relates to longstanding negative beliefs that an individual has about themselves. Engage in behavioral activation. For example, being more active and involved in life by scheduling activities which can potentially improve your mood and decrease feelings of isolation. Initially behavioral activation can be very challenging due to lack of motivation, but setting a reasonable schedule of activities is a good start. Pay attention to your sleep. Sometimes when people become lonely they experience significant changes in their sleep cycle. Frequently they sleep too much, or too little. Make sure to maintain a normal, healthy sleep/wake cycle, following good sleep hygiene recommendations.

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    • Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021

    Renown Health Leads Nation With Focus on Clinician and Employee Wellness

    New mental health benefits and two leaders Top Women in Wellness and HR by Ragan Communications Concern about clinician well-being has been top of mind for years, but the pandemic has exacerbated stress and trauma and presented a unique opportunity to reframe core approaches to fostering a thriving workforce. More than ever, clinicians require compassionate, holistic support to ensure that they feel safe, valued and engaged,” begins the introduction to the 2022 Health Care Talent Scan from the American Hospital Association. In line with this new report, Renown Health President and CEO Tony Slonim, MD, D.Ph., and a newly appointed member of the American Hospital Association Board of Directors, has announced a number of additional benefits to address some of the physical and psychological impacts of chronic clinician workforce stressors and to promote rest-and-recuperation strategies, essential for sustaining high-performing clinical teams. In an enterprise-wide communication, Dr. Slonim wrote to Renown Health employees, “I often say good health is a positive connection of a person’s body, mind and spirit. To honor you this holiday season, we have added to your comprehensive benefits package to help you achieve well-being, realize greater financial security, advance your education, enjoy enhanced life balance, and when needed, face illnesses and setbacks with the greatest possible peace of mind.” In addition to offering a $100 cash holiday gift for all frontline employees (up to manager level), Renown leaders are working to remove the stigma and barriers to using mental health services when needed, and reinforcing that seeking help indicates strength, not weakness. “By listening, recognizing and honoring our team member’s emotional health, we are looking to help each other process these experiences, grow from them and emerge more resilient and available to our patients and families,” said Michelle Sanchez Bickley, MS, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Chief Human Resources Officer. “This could include taking a day off to refresh and recharge or taking advantage of confidential, mental health counseling visits at no charge. We have updated our policy to include mental and emotional well-being as eligible for use of sick leave.” Sanchez-Bickley is the newest inductee to the HR Hall of Fame this week by Ragan Communications, for leading the charge for health care organizations across the United States in employee health, performance management, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, training and development, and for implementing innovative employee benefits. She is the only health care HR leader named to the Hall of Fame this year. Also named to the national leadership list is Ann Beck, MBA, Chief Financial Officer, who, Ragan Communications noted, “despite being in the middle of a COVID pandemic and economic and financial down turn, was able to drive performance to secure Renown’s workforce and long-term financing to serve this generation and the next.” In addition, hospital staff will be offered free chair massages, courtesy of a local donor organization, MOBE. “Without a doubt, it’s the little things like this, free chair massages, food trucks at lunch time, a hot cup of coffee near the end of your shift, and a sincere “thank you” from a patient or family, that makes all the difference to us as nurses,” said Jana Elliott, DNP, RN, Associate Chief Nursing Officer Acute Services. Clinicians and employees are also encouraged to take vacation time away, and will continue to earn 10 paid holidays plus vacation time, employee recognition and rewards through the Everyday Amazing employee recognition program, enrollment in a free life insurance plan, and offered paid volunteer time and health insurance, 401k retirement planning, and education and tuition reimbursement. Dr. Slonim ended his communication by saying, “This year, as we readjust, realign and restore our way to a new world, I have never been prouder to ‘Be Renown.’ Thank you for standing by us, offering your time and expertise, and helping us emerge stronger people, and a stronger organization through a very challenging time. Please enjoy this holiday season with family and friends, and know you are appreciated.” Renown Health is currently hiring key roles to support the health and well-being of our community. The HR and Recruiting team are providing applicants with support during the application, interview and onboarding processes with a variety of digital and virtual tools. To join the Renown team to help Fight the Good fight, visit   About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. In U.S. News and World Report Best Hospital rankings, Renown Regional Medical Center was listed #1 in the State of Nevada. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to improve the care and the health of our community. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the world’s largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. For more information, visit

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