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University of Nevada, Reno
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Press Releases
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Research Shows Genetic Approaches to Breast Cancer Screenings Yield More Accurate Results
Clinical researchers with the Healthy Nevada Project co-author research paper with findings that emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to breast cancer risk assessment – including a focus on genetic medicine – to help ensure that individuals at high risk are identified and supported proactively rather than reactively. Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer death among women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer and about 1 in 39 women will die from breast cancer. Breast cancer is associated with increased age, hereditary factors, obesity, and alcohol use. Since 1990, breast cancer death rates have declined progressively due to advancements in treatment and detection. In Nevada there are an estimated 2,310 new breast cancer cases a year, and genetic mutations such as in the genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 remain a top risk factor for this prevalent disease. Recognizing the urgency for progress in breast cancer research, a collaborative effort between physicians, advanced practice providers and scientists from the Healthy Nevada Project® (HNP) and Helix have unveiled groundbreaking research. This study explores how genetic screenings are a necessary supplement to traditional testing methods, together offering more accurate insights into a patient's likelihood of developing breast cancer in the future. HNP is operated by Renown Genomic Medicine and the Institute for Health Innovation and is one of the largest community-based population health studies in the country. Their team works in collaboration with Helix, a leader in precision health that delivers comprehensive genomic solutions. Together, this dynamic partnership aims to understand breast cancer risk factors and pave the way for more effective preventative measures. The combined research team studied 25,591 female HNP participants to evaluate the performance of different genetic screening approaches to identify women at high risk of breast cancer. The results of this research suggest that a combined monogenic, or single-gene, and polygenic, or multi-gene, approach to breast cancer screenings helped produce more accurate results and more closely identify study participants who have a high genetic risk of developing the disease. "Based on this research, we are advocating a shift in approach which would improve breast cancer risk assessment through a combination of effective family history ascertainment and genetic screening,” said Joseph Grzymski, PhD, principal investigator of the Healthy Nevada Project, research professor at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine and co-author of the breast cancer research paper. “This tailored approach, founded on the assessment of individual genetic risk, not only intends to elevate patient well-being but also will improve efficiency and equity in healthcare." Complementing the team’s research on leveraging genetics to identify women at low genetic risk of breast cancer that could safely defer mammogram screenings by five to 10 years that was released in late 2023 in JAMA Oncology, the study suggests that incorporating genetic information can assist in personalizing breast cancer screenings and optimizing the use of screening resources. "Existing disparities persist across various facets of breast cancer screening and treatment; however, genetic screening is clearly a powerful tool to help facilitate early intervention for those at higher risk,” said Jamie Schnell Blitstein, APRN, a primary care nurse practitioner at Renown Health and co-author of the breast cancer research paper. “By placing a heightened focus on risk, we underscore the pivotal role of preventative breast cancer screening.” Despite the availability of effective methods for early screening, co-authors of this research found that 78 percent of women with a family history of breast cancer had their risk ascertained only after a breast cancer diagnosis. The findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach to breast cancer risk assessment – including a focus on genetic medicine – to help ensure that individuals at high risk are identified and supported proactively rather than reactively. “These findings that can profoundly impact how healthcare is delivered were only made possible by all the participants who were willing to consent to research,” said Alex Bolze, PhD from Helix and co-author of the publication. “Broad-scale collaboration projects like these between Renown Health and UNR that engage large populations where participants share both their genetic information as well as electronic health records drive advancements in preventative medicine, as well as fundamental biological research.” The research paper was officially accepted on Jan. 29, 2024, and will be published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. The contents of the paper will appear in the international journal Genetics in Medicine Open. Read the full article by visiting sciencedirect.com. The Healthy Nevada Project is currently recruiting new study participants. Free to all Nevadans with a saliva sample or blood draw, participants and their referring providers receive access to whole-exome sequencing and clinical grade results that help provide insight into their unique genetic risks tied to heart disease and certain cancers. If you are interested in enrolling in the study, schedule a Virtual Consent Appointment through MyChart or contact the Renown Institute for Health Innovation at RenownIHI@renown.org or (775) 982-6914 to be connected to a Genomic Representative. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,000 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest, locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown is currently enrolling participants in the largest community-based genetic population health study, the Healthy Nevada Project®. To join the Renown Health team, visit renown.org/careers. About Helix Helix is the leading population genomics and viral surveillance company operating at the intersection of clinical care, research, and data analytics. Helix enables health systems, life sciences companies, payers, and government partners to accelerate the integration of genomic data into patient care and public health decision-making. Learn more at helix.com.
Elementary Schoolers: Take Part in Free Virtual Vision Screening
Renown Children’s Hospital pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. Mitchell Strominger hosts state-wide virtual event to provide routine vison screenings for children and Walk with a Doc. Renown Children’s Hospital pediatric ophthalmologist Dr. Mitchell Strominger is set to host a virtual Walk with a Doc event on Sunday, June 14 at 10 a.m. for elementary school children and their parents. During this free event, Dr. Strominger will give a brief, kid-friendly talk about the importance of routine vision screenings and show parents how to conduct a vision screening with their kids at home. He will close out the morning session with a live Q&A. Following the event, families are encouraged to get outside and enjoy a walk in the great outdoors. The event is sponsored by Renown Children’s Hospital and free to participants, however you must register to receive the link to attend. “Vision is important for learning, experiencing new things and interacting with others, which is why it’s critical for children to get vision screenings early and routinely,” said Dr. Strominger. “The best time to screen a child’s vision is kindergarten through third grade as the cells in the brain responsible for vision are continuously developing up until age eight. If we detect vision problems early, we here at Renown Children’s Hospital have the expertise and technology to correct these vision problems and enable children to live healthy, productive lives.” Individuals who register for this event will be emailed a vision-screening sheet to help facilitate an at-home screening, as well as a form to send back to their child’s pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist upon completion to determine the best course of action. Dr. Strominger added, “Many parents and schools have put off vision screenings due to COVID- 19 school closings, hesitations of safely leaving their homes or potential financial costs. I am pleased to host this virtual event on behalf of Renown Children’s Hospital, to engage kids and parents in a conversation on the importance of vision and to remind the community that we are here to help and provide the care they need, both in-person and virtually—be it over a smart phone, tablet or computer screen.” This virtual event will take place in the newly renovated Fianna’s Healing Garden which re-opens later this month and has been funded 100% by donations through the Renown Health Foundation. Located in the heart of Renown Regional Medical Center, the healing garden serves as place to enjoy the serenity and beauty of the outdoors. Dr. Strominger is one of 26 pediatric subspecialists recruited to Renown Children’s Hospital since 2016, thanks to the Pennington Foundation's $7.5 million donation made to the non-profit Renown Health Foundation to expand children’s health services. June marks the four-year anniversary of the Nevada Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (Nevada APP) participation in the national Walk with A Doc event. Dr. Strominger is the secretary and treasurer for the Nevada AAP. From pediatric specialties, 24/7 ER care and surgery, to imaging, pediatric ICU and child life specialists, Renown Children’s Hospital is dedicated to helping kids feel welcome, safe and well cared for. Through each visit, parents can expect the highest level of care for their child’s health and well-being from birth and beyond. To support Renown Children’s Hospital and help local children in need get access to vital health services like routine vision screenings, please visit the Renown Health Foundation. About Renown Health Renown Health is a locally governed and locally owned, not-for-profit integrated healthcare network serving northern Nevada, Lake Tahoe and northeast California. Renown is one of the region’s largest private employers with a workforce of more than 7,000. It comprises three acute care hospitals, Renown Children’s Hospital, Renown Rehabilitation Hospital, the area’s most comprehensive medical group and urgent care network, and the region’s largest and only locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. Renown has a long tradition and commitment to continually improve the care and the health of our community. For more information, visit renown.org.
Read More About Elementary Schoolers: Take Part in Free Virtual Vision Screening