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PR staff will gladly make parking arrangements, notify the appropriate hospital staff and help you find your destination.
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Patient Condition Inquiry
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Definitions of "Condition" used by Renown Health
When describing a patient's condition, we can only release the following patient statuses:
Good - Vital signs such as pulse, temperature and blood pressure are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, comfortable and there are no complications.
Fair - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and alert although may be uncomfortable or in pain and may have minor complications.
Serious - Vital signs may be unstable or outside normal limits. The patient is acutely ill or injured and may have major complications.
Critical - Vital signs are unstable or outside normal limits. There are major complications.
Note: "Stable" is not a condition.
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Serious Illness Care – Delivered Directly to Your Home by Renown Health
Nurse practitioners will come to your home to discuss your needs, develop a personalized plan, and align with your team to ensure excellent health care through at-home Renown Palliative Care. Nos complace anunciar que ahora ofrecemos servicios de interpretación en español para nuestro cuidado paliativo a domicilio. Renown Health, the only Level II Trauma Center in northern Nevada, and the leader in offering the most innovative services for critically ill adults and children is also home to a Palliative Care team dedicated to providing compassionate, specialized care for individuals and families facing the challenges of serious illness. “As Reno’s only not-for-profit health care organization we are constantly investing in better care and essential services for our community. Our goal is to keep care local, and to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families,” said Brian Erling, MD, MBA, President & CEO for Renown Health. “Empowering people with serious illnesses to receive advanced care planning in the comfort of their homes helps fuel a spirit of independence and eliminates visits to the hospital or the emergency room. This in-home Palliative Care program reflects Renown’s commitment to serving the needs of our community and ensuring patients with serious illnesses have convenient access to the clinical expertise they need, day and night.” “At Renown Health, our multidisciplinary Palliative Care team, led by physicians and nurse practitioners, work collaboratively to provide clinical support and compassionate guidance for patients with chronic and life-limiting illnesses,” says Dr. Jonathan Theriot, a specialist in Palliative Care with Renown Medical Group and a faculty member of University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. “We offer a consultative service that can be used at any time during a person’s illness. People can continue to see their physicians and receive treatment (such as chemotherapy or dialysis) while on service. Our nurse practitioners will come to the home to discuss the person’s individual needs and concerns and develop a personalized health care plan. We work closely with other physicians and care teams such as primary care, oncology, and home health to align and ensure the best care possible. We are available 24/7 to answer questions. Our only goal is to support the patient and their family.” Key features of the Renown Palliative Care program include: Comprehensive Symptom Management: Focused on alleviating pain, nausea, fatigue, and other side effects and symptoms to ensure patient comfort. Emotional and Psychological Support: Provide counseling and support services to help patients and their families cope with the emotional challenges of serious illness. Spiritual Care: Offer resources and support for patients to explore spiritual concerns and a sense of well-being. Coordination of Care: Ensure seamless communications, alignment, and collaboration between healthcare clinicians on a unified care plan tailored to each patient’s needs. Support for Families: Provide education, respire care, and support services to help families navigate the complexities of caregiving for a person with a serious and life-limiting illness. When is the time right for Palliative Care? New diagnosis of chronic or life-limiting serious illness; Need for patient and caregiver support regarding medical decision-making; Difficult physical or emotional symptoms that impact daily life and routines; Frequent hospitalizations or Emergency Room visits; Uncertainty regarding health care options and available resources; Questions about end-of-life care; Increased difficulty completing activities of daily living. What services can Palliative Care provide? Advance care planning; Serious illness conversations; Symptom management through collaboration with your primary physician or medical provider; Reducing stress and anxiety; POLST and DNR completion; Durable medical equipment including assessment for walkers, wheelchairs, and greater mobility. Does Insurance or Medicare/Medicaid pay for Palliative Care at home? Financial coverage for at-home palliative care services varies by provider and insurance plan. Medicare and Medicaid cover palliative care patient visits by a physician or advanced practice nurse. Some Medicare Advantage and health insurance plans offer coverage for palliative care visits and services, but specifics vary by plan. For specific guidance, contact your employer or health plan to determine coverage details and length of coverage including copays, out-of-pocket costs, and other charges for palliative care. Does Renown offer at-home Palliative Care for people who speak Spanish? "Nos complace anunciar que ahora ofrecemos servicios de interpretación en español para nuestro cuidado paliativo a domicilio," dice Monica Gonzalez-Ruesga, Community Liaison, Renown Home Health. "Estamos dedicados a brindar cuidado de alta calidad y satisfacer las necesidades lingüísticas y culturales de nuestra comunidad." Renown utiliza un servicio de interpretación telefónica en vivo para los pacientes que hablan español. Can I self-refer to the Renown Palliative Care team? Yes. Self- and physician referrals are both accepted Mon-Fri 8AM-4:30PM at 775-982-2828. More information on the Renown at-home Palliative Care program is available at renown.org/Health-Services/Palliative-and-Supportive-Care. For media interviews with Dr. Jonathan Theriot, Monica Gonzalez-Ruesga or a member of the Palliative Care team, contact news@renown.org. About Renown Health Renown Health is the region’s largest, locally governed, not-for-profit integrated health care network serving Nevada, Lake Tahoe, and northeast California. With a diverse workforce of more than 7,500 employees, Renown has fostered a longstanding culture of excellence, determination, and innovation. The organization comprises a trauma center for adults and children, two acute care hospitals, a children’s hospital, a rehabilitation hospital, a medical group and urgent care network, and the locally owned not-for-profit insurance company, Hometown Health. For more information, visit renown.org.
Read More About Serious Illness Care – Delivered Directly to Your Home by Renown Health